The Holiday Special is Ready for You

Feel the positive energy transmitted by this article sharing our Holiday Special moments with You

Ana Bianca (click and you can meditate with her) is one of our volunteers – She gifted all of us hand-painted (by her!) pairs of candles during our first get-together to celebrate the Winter Holidays 2024 (see it in this photo)

Note: we will share the Christmas Eve’s Heart by the very End of this Article!

We have a White Christmas and a true Canadian Winter this year. Get ready to enjoy it too, as we are about to bring you “here” as well to our events and even in our homes. Let’s hope you’ll have a good time with us! Enjoy this article until it’s very end; it is meant to be our Christmas Basket, anywhere you “click” you might find another door (article or video-clip) towards another world of appreciation and wonder. Let us know if you’ve enjoyed it!

It’s Time for our SYMN Volunteers to come together and Enjoy Each other as Family!

Special Holiday Seminar Photo in Burlington on a sunny Dec 22nd, 2024 (some of the participants that stayed until the very end).
We also learned more about the Agnya chakra from Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation and felt that we celebrated the Christmas with her; a surprise video was played with Christmas Carols sung with heavenly voices by English sahaja yogis in London in the presence of Shri Mataji

Why Jesus Christ came on Earth? The real reason that remains unknown and a mystery for most

“He (Jesus Christ)  did come to create the passage between as you see here, the Vishuddhi (known as throat chakra) and the Sahasrara (known as crown chakra), this Agnya chakra in the Primordial Being – known as the Virata.

He was born there, to open that door.

In evolution, every incarnation has come on this earth to open a particular Door within us and to Create that Opening or that Enlightenment in our Awareness.

So Christ came precisely for opening this small little door, which is constricted by our ego and superego.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation (December 10, 1979, public program lecture at Caxton Hall, London, UK)

“Ego and superego are the two byproducts of our thought process. One (byproduct represents) the thoughts that are of the past and the other, thoughts of the future.

He (Jesus) came to make that gap, to cross that gap, and that’s how He has sacrificed Himself, His body.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation (December 10, 1979, public program lecture at Caxton Hall, London, UK)

We celebrate Christmas that Gives Hope to Humanity and an appreciation to Peace starting from achieving our own Inner Peace and Joy

Take One Minute to enjoy this video-clip meant to be our gift for you all. Then continue!

A Celestial Christmas Minute with Shri Mataji talking about the Christmas Carols’ Mantra Power

We are only days before the Christmas and New Year; therefore some of us spend time away in family vacations, while others make time to meet and greet, laugh and enjoy to catch up with each other as family. We have volunteers with 100 Seeds of Joy (community initiative created by Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network of volunteers here in the Halton region) – that are visiting from afar and for a short time. We had to get together as many times as possible, anytime and anywhere we can!

We invite you to enjoy a few glimpses from our first “Sahaj Winter Holidays” occasions

Good People enjoyed a Good Time and cozy festive Dinners together

Mama Carmela, Paula, Kathleen and Ana-Bianca is behind them

We had many impromptu Get-Togethers filled with Love, Light and Laughter

We feel like children filled with Joy and Hope sending their Best Wishes for the World

Image captured by Ioana P. in Toronto Union Station just before going to a special get-together with fellow yogis and meditators.

These days we held special online meditations with the attention on Mother Earth and her Oceans

The Lunch Recharge sessions in the last days before Christmas were also powerful, bringing peace of mind and emotional release to people that were challenged by difficult times; they were saying:

“Another beautiful meditation! As always Soo healing! Thank you!”

“Very strong meditation. Exactly what I needed.”

“My anxiety is gone. I did not know what to do. Thank you team.”

Our last pre-Christmas Event was on December 22nd, a very Sunny Sunday in Burlington

Ioana had to take this photo before clearing the windows. 🙂
Isn’t this view something?! Especially if you take a moment to meditate with this quote of wisdom.

The “Holiday Special” SYMN Seminar in Burlington continued later that evening in Oakville with a great dinner and fun at the “enlightened” North Pole found by the Lake Ontario

Check this video-clip, we’re taking you to our Halton’s North Pole garden right now!

Back to our Free Holiday Special Meditation Seminar in CC of Burlington on Dec 22nd 2024

We were impressed to see that there were participants that joined our free Sahaja Yoga Meditation classes and events earlier this year; they did not want to miss this last 2024 event offered by the SYMN volunteers. They came from Burlington, Oakville, Milton, Hamilton, Mississauga, Brampton; even from Montreal! It was also nice to realize that among our gathering we had people born in Canada, Sri Lanka, Romania, India, Poland, Philippines and possibly the UK.

On December 22nd some of us stayed until the very end of the event and took time for a family “photoshoot” and each of grabbed something precious. 🙂
This year we had so many beautiful moments of experiencing collective peace and joy at our weekly Sahaja Yoga Meditation classes in Burlington. Families came together, they brought their children and their children friends. Memorable events in a memorable location. Thank you Burlington!

Again, there was NO mentioning about Gifts, yet so many opened their hearts and everyone left with a gift of some sort 🙂

We had a Pass it On guided meditation that received everyone’s appreciation as it was deep and much needed; as always we absorbed also subtle wisdom from Shri Mataji

Our seminar included 1:1 chakra / positive energy workshops that made a significant difference. Including for a Dad that brought his entire family to this event (including his 3 kids in perfect Christmas Spirit!). We are sharing some of the Feedback our team members received as “Christmas messages” 🙂

Our SYMN team members received also Words of Appreciation from the 2024 Newer Participants joining our Sahaja Yoga classes offered in the Halton region; I am sharing one of them below:

Thank you dear Elizabeth! We wish you best wishes and we are looking forward to continue growing spiritually together in 202. Thank you for your lovely card!

As always, our seminar concluded with a a great Potluck too! We offer you a few glimpses!

Gratiela brought the Romanian culinary traditions with her schnitzel plateau (greatly appreciated), there were amazing samosas, cookies, such a variety of goodies brought by everyone

Let’s continue with our collection of Winter 2024 Holiday Special moments

Ioana was invited to represent our 100 Seeds of Joy – to TORONTO to join a fun kids painting session; our Breezy Sunny was created to “Share Joy!”

We also had glorious sunrises these days in Burlington

A special Holiday moment was about a week ago when on short notice we had to get-together

Everyone was so happy, after a long day of work, to meet and catch up with each other’s life. One can feel the love and peace transmitted by Paula, Shivangna, Kathleen and Carmela. More were around but some are preferring to remain anonymous.

Spontaneously, we felt to take the following “Cultivators of Joy Portraits

It was felt like we enjoyed both Christmas and New Year together even though it was in the middle of the week.

It was so nice to receive Mama Carmela’s gift, (see below) her hand-painted wooden pencils for each of us. Thank you!

This year we did not even mention the word ‘gift’ when announcing our winter holiday get-togethers, however, we ended up enjoying very much preparing them for each other, and yes, also receiving them as carriers of pure love!

We even celebrated one’s Surprise Birthday as she’s a Forever Christmas Child

Kathleen (click to get to know her!) loved to wear her gift received from Lavinia (another Cultivator of Joy) – offered on behalf of all of us. 🙂

When Love is in the Air the magic follows with Great Vibrations and Joy

This year Not Many were on the Naughty List and Definitely NO Cultivator of Joy was there!

Burlington Sky and Earth on Christmas Eve. There we found the snowman that resembled mostly with a Snow-Witch, so we put it on the Naughty List. :-). Ioana took these photos. We need to clarify that Shivangna is a Cultivator of Joy, but her pet got a love(ly) warning.. haha! Merry Christmas Everyone!

We will also share with you several links taking you “Back in Time” to see how we have a long tradition of Cultivating Joy here in Halton region and of Celebrating our Holidays creatively

Anupam sent us this Christmas card several years back from the USA; he loves our blog and felt inspired by our events and creativity. Thank you Anupam!

(click!) How Was Christmas Party in 2015?! Melanie’s REPORT & Shulin’s VIDEO: Dancing, Caroling, Miracle Sharing

(click!) JOYFUL MARATHON of ECHOES from 4 Christmases in 2014 (Halton Sahaja Yoga Meditation Family)

(click for Your Spiritual Homework!) Where is Bethlehem?! How a Religious Person Should be?

(click!) Yogis Singing Christmas Carols –2012!

Join a Silent Meditation Night with Live Flute Music

(click) Gratitude: “Your Classes have changed my life both at personal and professional level!” 

(click!) Enjoy Melanie’s reporting on Sahaj Christmas Marathon

Bonus – Photo Album: Canadian Winter 2022 – Silent Innocence & Joy

(down on memory lane in 2024)

Tree and Seeds receive Congratulations from the City

Burlington Kids experience the Joyfulness of Holi Festival

From Adam and Eve to Three Yoginis and One Interview at SUFI Adam’s Day

This is the heart shaped grape I’ve found precisely on Christmas Eve during our Family Dinner. Merry Christmas!

Drop a comment! Let us know if you’ve enjoyed it! Don’t be shy ..

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Paula

    Merry Christmas to all the beautiful people we have had the privilege to meditate with this past almost 20 years in Burlington! What a rich and joyful article! More comments to come but just showing my appreciation for all the love and wisdom and yoga. Global citizens everywhere we look!

  2. Holly Saha

    Merry Christmas from Nova Scotia! What Joy to see and feel from this true collective family! You really feel the vibrations flowing around the heart to see this pure love
    You all were such amazing instruments in 2024!
    Thank you form my heart for spreading the pure love and joy around the world

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