“Within us lies the peace, the beauty, the glory of our being.
We cannot seek it outside, we must go within.”
– Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network
Free Online Weekly Classes
Feel free to share this with any seekers you know. We are opening our support == our classes to everyone!
Check out the Weekly Classes schedule we follow, or sign-up to receive to receive newsletters before each class as reminders. Or get a feel of our sessions by checking out some of the 30 min RECHARGE recorded guided meditations or simply visit our Youtube channel to explore the various Playlists we’ve prepared for you!
An Earthlings Journey – Meditate With Elements!
With Water..
With Earth…
With Flowers…
With Sky…
Explore our Articles
We also invite You to Explore below some of our recent Articles for chakra knowledge, subtle connections, spiritual/healing experiences and wellness tips – all in all, they provide a shower of positive vibrations.
Young Meditators bring their Inner Lights to Burlington’s Seniors (Photos & Impressions)
In December 2018, Halton Sahaja Yoga’s traditional “Inner Lights Festival” answered the call from our dear friend and yogi meditator…
(VIDEO) The Sheen – Legends of the Light & Wisdom: “To be or not to be in Meditation” OR “How to Find your own Kingdom” (CASUAL CELTIC MUSIC)
To Be or Not to Be in Meditation. “We cannot meditate. We only can be in meditation. When we say we…
(Story * Photos * Appreciation letter) from Meditation in Corporate World (Sahaja Yoga brings Inner Peace @ Boehringer Ingelheim Canada)
Boehringer Ingleheim located in Burlington took us up on our offer to hold free meditation classes for their employees during a…
Who is Lord Shiva in Mythology and Diagram with Symbols
Discover “Who is Lord Shiva in Mythology and Diagram with Symbols” and Enjoy the Connection to Chakras with a VIDEO Example…
Today’s Event: “The Scientific Basis of Sahaja Yoga” with Professor Dr. Mishra from McMaster University
See you there! Tonight, on June 19, 2017 Free Event Open to All Where: Bramalea Civic Centre, in the Music Room…
Shri Mataji – the Founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation – always with Her enlightened attention on Planet Earth and all humanity;
to reach Self-Realization and Inner Peace collectively and individually and to live happily and harmoniously in our collective Home in the Universe.
My friend tuned in via my phone filming the live meditation session. She absolutely felt goosebumps, as she silently tuned in with full attention. She got her self realization in Costa Rica, spontaneously as we talked about the life force daily. She was so happy to feel the energy again during the online session! A living process you can verify through the language of vibrations. Thank you for sharing!
When I first started Sahaja Yoga I was angry, frustrated, disconnected and searching. Within a short period of time I spontaneously was able to forgive myself and others, no longer feeling angry, became a detached witness of life’s hectic busyness, am able to (let go of other people’s issues; which previously I felt compelled to fix) and now much of the time experience serenity, connectedness and joy. Regular meditation helped to uncover an ability to paint beautiful artwork which I share, by teaching others to find their hidden talents too. (Without any formal training in the arts.) By regularly clearing my subtle system I keep myself protected from invasive disease and my spirit pure.
If we truly love ourselves, we owe it to ourselves to find that inner peace that everyone seeks. Most of us have joined in Sahaja Yoga Meditations in order to reach that state of unconditional love and inner peace. Shri Mataji teaches us that it is not just about loving our immediate family and close friends. That is easy for so many of us to do. What we must strive for is feeling that unconditional love and connection to all human kind.
This pandemic is affording us the opportunity to see how connected we all are throughout the universe. Through Shri Mataji’s teaching, we are able to see how our spirits can be one with our brothers and sisters around the world. We are all God’s children and I am finding, through morning and evening meditations, that we are capable of so much more love than we ever knew.
Layer by layer, I am shedding sorrows and fears and anger which have been accumulated over the years. I am so grateful for the dedication, knowledge and love from the many Sahaja Yogis I have the privilege to know and meditate with on a daily basis. Thank you.
Just love the meditations. I look forward to them everyday.
Thank you for the recorded meditations you send out today.
Meditation is a gift Especially in these trying times with the pandemic. With the opportunity of online Sahajayoga meetings it has been a boon for all of us to keep connected with Devine energy and yields the protection we need. Thanks to Ioana and team for making this possible. Lots of effort is put in organizing so that the meditation and yoga is effortless for us. I feel blessed everyday and I ask all the seekers out there to join in to experience the Divine within you.
Just listened to the water and earth elements above. So wonderful, such pleasure and serenity
Thank you for these wonderful zoom classes. They help me relieve stress and anxiety and bring so much joy in my heart. It also help me improve my attention on day to day activity and I am able to multitask with ease at work as well as in the house. I wish more people know about this amazing motherly energy that we have within us that not only brings us into thoughtless awareness, but also makes us better human being. Precious!
I love the sahaja yoga meditations at the Glen Abbey Community Centre. I have found that meditation relaxes me and frees me from anxiety. There is such an amazing peace that washes over you when you meditate. In sahaja yoga you achieve states of thoughtless awareness which helps you to achieve peace. I find when I experience anxiety and my mind is in a loupe I just have to meditate to achieve thoughtlessness and peace once again. This meditation reminds you that you are the pure spirit and helps you to forgive yourself and others. All in all a beautiful experience.
I love the sahaja yoga meditations at the Glen Abbey Community Centre. I have found that meditation relaxes me and frees me from anxiety. There is such an amazing peace that washes over you when you meditate. In sahaja yoga you achieve states of thoughtless awareness which helps you to achieve peace. In Sahaja yoga you learn to be more loving towards yourself and others by saying I completely forgive myself and I completely forgive others. This meditation reminds you that you are the pure spirit rather than a body or mind. All in all a beautiful experience.
I love the sahaja yoga meditations at the Glen Abbey Community Centre. I look forward to meditating every day. There is a tremendous peace that washes over me when I meditate. Thank you to everybody involved for making the classes possible. I am truly grateful.
I am so grateful for the organizers and leaders of the meditations at the Glen Abbey Recreation Centre. I find so much peace in doing the sahaja yoga meditations. They have taught me to be more loving towards myself as we say I completely forgive myself while putting our hand on the forehead. Freedom from anxiety is another benefit of meditation as well as a quiet mind. All in all a beautiful experience.
This warm and welcoming group is a powerhouse of positive energy in a peaceful atmosphere. The class offers a method of meditation that is based on thoughtless awareness and unites those seeking answers with the truth of their own being. It is as easy as sitting in a chair readily available in class and following along with the guided meditation. The precious affirmations unlock our own ability to feel a a surprising flowing through our central nervous system, igniting our own powers to be and to know our higher self.
This changed my life so profoundly that I can hardly contain my joy sometimes. I found a treasure, a toolbox for dealing with stress and previously unstable emotions from a thyroid issue. I also wanted to help others but Now I truly know how without absorbing the problems. It’s always free, but the ripple effect is priceless . To feel a permeating peace is the best feeling in the world.
Je suis toujours émerveillée par votre dynamisme . Vous êtes un modèle pour moi .
Et j’aimerai que notre petit collectif trouve la force et le courage d’en faire autant .
Continuer à nous faire rêver .
Et peut-être qu’un jour le rêve deviendra réalité .En tout cas , merci pour vos reportages .