This year we realized that the City of Burlington appreciates our Cultivators of Joy from Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network as its own Inner Lights

We share photos and videoclips in this article for you to get a Real Feeling of How Was it?!

There are so many highlights to the Festival of Inner Lights; we will mention a few: the preparations and decorations of the Banquet Hall involved so many volunteers of all ages, their collective creativity and wonderful collaboration. There was much joy, laughter and hard work; we also had a chance to sharea yummy pizza lunch together just before starting the event.
Our volunteers took a moment for a “Family Photo” towards the end of our preparations

We honoured the Land and then, we had the Mayor of Burlington addressing the event and showing her support and appreciation for our volunteering efforts. It’s best for you to listen to the Mayor directly in the following video-clip.
We received Huge Congratulations from the Mayor of Burlington. Thank You!
Did You Know? We also celebrated the One Year milestone for our 100 Seeds of Joy Community Initiative and we reported 487+ free events offered by our team of volunteers in 2024
We were honoured to have among us other respected City representatives and Community partners that share our love for Burlington. Thank you for joining our event!

We truly felt that Burlington City appreciates our Cultivators of Joy as its own Inner Lights

We meditated collectively several times during the event: with help from Mother Earth’s energy, with Live Music and with Prayers for World Peace

We are sharing a few videoclips to sample the soothing Live Music offered by our Special Guests that joined the Festival of Inner Lights from Montreal and Ukraine
Our recommendation is to take you time to enjoy every image and every video-clip. This article can carry you to a meditative state in which you may experience the joy of your spirit, your Inner Light. Don’t miss this opportunity!
1. Noel French Christmas Carol interprested by Ekaterina (voice and guitar):
2. Enjoy this traditional Ukrainian Song:
3. Enjoy the Kundalini Bhajan we listened to after Mother Earth guided meditation:
4. Russian Song interpreted by Svetlana and Ekaterina:
5. Hanukkah Song interpreted (voice and guitar) by Ekaterina:
6. English Medieval Song performed by Ekaterina:
We had also meaningful moments when we honoured our volunteers and community partners
Surprises and Fun! We had many such momenets. Our honorary Cultivators of Joy were surprised with hand made souvenirs and Inner Lights Quotes, and a new volunteer gave ad-hoc an amazing testimonial, that we did not record :-(; but we took photos, thank you to Lucas and many other friends who provided such beautiful photos from our event! Enjoy!
We offer another Bouquet of Snapshots from the Festival of Inner Lights 2024

Watch the Special Moment (video-clip) with The Mayor of Burlington addressing the Audience
Media was present with journalists from Burlington News and even from Hamilton Spectator
We were surprised by the presence of the local journalists, and even more when we have seen the beautiful articles they posted after the event. Indeed, offering constantly many meaningful events in our community, for more than 19 years in a row, had to build around our team of volunteers also a network of awareness and support. Together, we hope to make Burlington proud!
Enjoy the main excerpts from some of the media posts about the Festival of Inner Lights 2024

Believe it or not, we only scratched the surface! The event offered so much more!

We had a moment of collective rising up on Rachelle Jeanty’s awakening rhythms and lyrics!

We had a full table with hand made souvenirs and so many decorations all around.
A Big Thank You to our amazing Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network Volunteers & Students!

Farewell Dinner Party with our Special Guests: Svetlana, Ekaterina and Lucas from Montreal
We enjoyed a surprise Birthday Musical and Poetry contest; a yummy potluck and lots of stories. Thank You Everyone!

We hope you’ve enjoyed this Article and by now you feel that you’ve been there with us all at The Festival of Inner Lights 2024 celebrated at the Burlington Lions Club

You “must” enjoy other aspects in more details in the following three articles:
1. (cool) Members of Parliament appreciate the 100 Seeds of Joy volunteers during the Festival of Inner Lights 2024
2. (awakening) Who is Today’s Hero?
Find about Halton Volunteer Impact Award 2024 granted to Sahaja Yogini representing Halton Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network volunteers based in Halton region
3. (ultra-fun) A Wave of Joy was Unleashed in Burlington by Romanian Christmas Carols and Iranian Hora Dance

What an incredibly fulfilling event. It was a celebration of the impactful cultivation of joy we have brought to the comminity. To be seen and recognized for it was especially rewarding. As a thank you to the officials, we are ready to give more. We launched the 16 enlightened M.E power meditations which are deep meditations reinstating the inner strength and ingiting the torch of real change in the society. We hear testimonies of this change and how inspirational they are to the attendees.
What a movement towards evolvement of collective unity, connection and consciousness the whole entire event, all the programs are full of positive energy, sparkling eyes and ignited hearts. May we grow together in unity and with our attention on our higher selves, benevolence towards our communities and making this world a glorious place to exist. It’s a new era, a time for inner lights to shine and new beginnings. Let there be light beams pouring out from each and every one of us as it was at the Inner Lights Festival. What a success it was to touch the hearts of so many. I adored the festival and also the EM Powers programs to no end. May it all continue to spread joy and healing to all in the world both near and far proud to be a cultivator of joy and encourage everyone to have the courage to be One, too.
It was an amazing event taking us deeper into spirituality, thoughtless awareness state, where we feel peace, love, and joy. The first song of Ekaterina with her mother was so deep, it brought tears in my eyes and a sense of gratitude in my heart. The program was packed with many beautiful gems and everyone was just enjoying it. I am glad we have this article showcasing some of it.
As always it gives me great Joy to see these memorable pictures makes me relive the blissful Moments Ihad coming all the way from Montreal last 2 years and experiencing joy and unity!
Had so much fun at the event! Could feel so much love, upliftment and joy fill the room through the beautiful heartfelt speechs, singing and dancing! It’s so nice to come together and share the love that we have for each other in such an inclusive environment 🙂
Participation in your “Festival of Inner Lights” is special for me, I have a feeling to be a little part of something essential and deep. Your group of Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network in Burlington is a real big light in your community. I’m impressed by your energy and dedication, by the quantity of free workshops that you offer to your fellow citizens, and by their quality. I know from my own experience how meditation changes our lives, so I can imagine the huge positive impact that you’ve created in your community over the last 20 years. Thank you for the inspiring example.
These pictures are just sparkling. So much fun. A very rich satisfying event. Lots of gifts for the spirit.
The Christmas have been announced by this festival of lights. May the Spirit comes into our awareness and helps to see the spiritual light.