Make sure that you read Melanie’s story and Watch the entire video .. there are subtitles for the live testimonials .. feel the joy and the family feeling! Thank you to all that participated!! Many had to leave before the end, also some came in the middle of it, but still we had representatives from all classes! Again Melanie’s Story is such a nice completion to Shulin’s video!
(video) Best Christmas – Yogis have Fun & Tell Stories !
by Shulin (Youth Meditation Class)
Letter from Melanie from Barrie Class: “ My Visiting Experience @ Burlington’s Christmas Class“
Good Morning Ioana & Holly,
I had a wonderful time in Burlington! We must bring the dancing to Barrie. Holly we should try our best and make this happen (at least once a month and start doing a few workshops in the Tuesday classes, I believe this would be very therapeutic for everyone, myself included). Jon can send us the music or he can always grace us with his presence. It was all videotaped so you will see proof that I was dancing 🙂
Ioana’s guided meditation was magical and I felt welcomed by all members.
Mohinder was behind me and he sang the mantra’s for me for the clearings, I felt his strong vibrations coming through me. He also raised my energy which was an experience. I felt a little less tightness on my left shoulder (connections to Agnya – self forgiveness, letting everything and everyone go). This has been troublesome for me for a very, very long time. Through the meditation we also meditated for world peace, this was truly breathtaking.
I have never raised my thoughts and energy to a level that high. I could feel the coolness all around me.
We sang two Christmas songs – Silent Night and Oh All Ye Faithful, these were chosen by the group and it was remarkable how these songs resonated with what Sahaja Yoga stands for. The innocence of children with Silent Night (my absolute favorite Christmas song) and the connections to the lord’s spirit and rebirth in Oh All Ye Faithful. It was startling to me how everything and everyone is connected whether through songs, thoughts and feelings. It was a lovely discovery for me. We are all connected, no matter what vessel we use, such an outstanding realization.
I met a lot of wonderful people and they all send their love. The food was delicious, thank you for the unexpected gifts. The Spirit of Christmas was apparent.
We then made our way to Carmella’s (sorry if spelt wrong), her home was so warm and beautiful. I had a tea and chatted with a few members before heading home. Her home was very welcoming and all the art work she’s made over the years was breathtaking. I was blown away by how talented she is. She also loaded me up with extra food for my husband, she was so very generous.
After that, I travelled home on a high, I felt great. Ioana said they are going to have a meditation session on Christmas day between 3pm to 6pm. I asked her to text me and I will meditate at the same time at home. I also received a few beautiful pictures of Shri Mataji (I LOVE THEM!). I have a few to give to the Barrie family as well. Once I have my meditation area complete, I will take pictures of it for the website.
To the Burlington family, thank you so much for welcoming me to join your celebration. Thank you for adopting me into the Burlington/Halton/Niagara Family!
Snapshot from Burlington class – watching a video
Next time I will try and get more people from Barrie to come.
Earlier on Tuesday we celebrated the Sahaj Christmas Party with Barrie class. Here there is Sahaja Yoga Family Photo @ BARRIE CLASS 2015 – Yolanda in the centre has received as a gift EXACTLY what she desired (!) We also had an AMAZING Potluck and GREAT vibes!
(Melanie’s letter resumes:) I forget to mention my kindred spirit Paula! I love her to pieces.
Special attention and sending positive vibrations to Miranda and Kate from the Barrie Family to get well. You are in our thoughts through the holidays and New Year. Hugs and kisses!
Very special vibrations to Kat in Barrie who has recently quit smoking, I am so proud of you. You can do this, you are a strong beautiful person and you are stronger than you think. Love you!
Extra special thank you’s to all the Volunteers that make our evenings so wonderful, your hard work and dedication does not go unnoticed. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you. You have no idea how all of your efforts have helped me. Again, I am Forever Grateful to have all of you in my life.
Always sending my love, Melanie
Sahaja Yogis from Halton had prepared Christmas Cards for All classes as well for sahaja yogis of Ontario. Special thanks to our artist Brenda as well to Nitin, Shulin and Jon for all their help; and we thank Krystal and Paula for the cradle created to hold our hundreds of cards; of course Thanks to Carmela aunty for all the amazing Christmas decorations and presents and .. thank you All for Being here in such an authentic sahaj togetherness. Have a Happy New Year and we hope you had enjoyed our Christmas Article. Let us know!
wonderful time
Great food, music meditation
had a great Christmas ever with a real meaning
Wow!!!! Love, love the dancing video. Had such a strong reaction i cant explain. Thank you for sharing!
I wish you a Happy New Year and THANK You for that beautiful Video .
Jai Shri Mataji
Lots of Love from Austria
What a joy to share this. Thanks very much for this! Beautiful experience.
Happy New Year to all,