Appreciation Letter from Muslim Women for RUH Experience

Find out about the Appreciation Letter received from a Muslim Women group for the Guided Meditation Program offered in 2024

Our 100 Seeds of Joy team of volunteers is closing off 2024 with over 480 free wellbeing events and classes, workshops and events that were organized both in-person and online

The above is the image of a Thank You card received years ago by the same volunteer instructor – Ioana from Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network team – for a series of free mental health sessions offered for high school students. We felt to include it as a reminder of how important is the mental health at any age, not only for adults.

This article is mentioning one of the appreciation letters received by the 100 Seeds of Joy team members in 2024 – in fact this is the most recent we received closer to the end of the year; therefore we had no chance to share it earlier than ‘now’.

The Latest Appreciation Letter received by our 100 Seeds of Joy team came from a group of Muslim Women that enjoyed a Guided Meditation in-person workshop offered during a Mental Health Event organized for them in November 2024

Enjoy the kind words of appreciation in the Letter received by our Cultivator of Joy for the Guided Sahaja Yoga Meditation workshop

Excerpt from the official Letter of Appreciation received from the Muslim Women group in Ontario (November 2024, for the meditation instructor provided by Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network of Halton volunteers known as Cultivators of Joy or 100SOJ)

Let’s Meditate with the following Words of Wisdom that talk about the RUH Experience and Muslim Women’s Qualities

Enjoy this Selective Collection of Excerpts from the Teaching of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation

What is RUH? What is Talu? Why is this an Universal Experience?

When this experience happens you will see that your Kundalini [energy] rises up the spine, through the six chakras [energy centers] and then flows from your Sahasrara [crown chakra], which we call as the fontanel bone. In Sanskrit it is called “Talu”.

When [your Kundalini energy] she’s out of this Talu, the Integration with the Cosmic Energy takes place.

Now this Divine energy is known by many names – Muslims call it “Ruh”, and Christians call it “The cool breeze of the Holy Ghost”, we call it “Param Chaitanya”.

It must be called vibrations, divine vibrations, which we feel. God is purity and you should also get this purity.

Unless and until you are pure, you cannot enjoy it.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation

Let’s Listen to Shri Mataji’s interview talking about the Power of Women including the Muslim Women and learn about a seven year old girl advising Mahatma Gandhi to start Sahaja Yoga for people’s emancipation

Did you Know? Shri Mataji helped Gandhiji write his Ashram Prayers and talked to him about Sahaja Yoga Meditation

Excerpt translated from Hindi to English from Shri Mataji’s Public Program [Hindustan TV Station]

Woman is the base of society. For us, woman represents the strength, the energy. Energy which is not manifested. We have so many electrical connections everywhere but you cannot see the electrical energy. It does not manifest. It is hidden. Woman also keeps her power hidden in India. The biggest thing is respect. This is because our society and culture is very deep.

The Muslim women, Sikh and Christian women have such depth and gravity. They are themselves very stable and because of them society is fine, even today.

You must have heard of Lal Bahadur Shastri, our prime minister. My husband was his official secretary. So we got to know them. His mother was not at all educated. But I was surprised to see how much depth she had inside her, so much understanding in her. You could listen to her for hours. She was completely one with the essence of religion, even though she was not educated. Shastriji was also a very religious man. Not only that, one should say he was a Realized Soul.

Now in our country there are very few men like these, Shastriji was one I should say, and Gandhiji.

I was with Gandhiji since childhood, and I used to tell him to start Sahaja Yoga. He used to say let us get our freedom first, and then we will begin Sahaja Yoga. And I helped him in writing his Bhajnavali [Gandhi’s ashram prayers]

I was seven years old then and he had great affection for me, everything was there, but sadly he was killed after freedom.

So our country suffered a lot and many negative people also came. They caused a lot of harm to the nation.

Hopefully things will improve gradually.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation [ interview in Hindi, translated to English, July 31st, 1994]

As we talked about the Strength in Women enjoy this Mountain video-poem

Enjoy a Bouquet of Related Articles for You to Explore (Learn and Meditate)

(click!) Sowing Seeds of Joy for Children and Adults during a Muslim Community Event

(click!) Why Meditate with Open Hands ?! Mohammed & Sahaja Yoga with Gestures as Mantras & Hands are Important as Blessings, Healers & Builders of Collectivity

(click!) From Adam and Eve to Three Yoginis joining the SUFI Adam’s Day

(click!) Ayesha’s Amazing Meditation experience at Burlington class

Watch and Participate in this 10 minutes “RUH Experience”

Contact us at [email protected] for a free workshop. We invite you to drop a comment about this article. 🙂

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Isabelle

    And many many more blessings for 2025!

  2. Paula

    Marvellous inroads, connections and respect for the 100 Seeds of Joy team in sync with our open hearted Muslim women and all women who have the capacity and the depth and universality to recognize their own worth and evolutionary importance to uphold our communities. Bravo to the 100 Seeds of Joy team for passing the torch of enlightenment in a special way that any human can imbibe the essence of the teachings that are transforming our world and making it a place where we can live more and more in harmony and peace. Realizing we are One, connecting to our higher selves and awakening the Ruh/the force within is the answer. The bliss can be felt with that higher awareness and on that higher plane. Let’s grow together and celebrate the diversity of all that makes our community rich culturally and spiritually.. Respect and appreciation for all and a permeation of peace for 2025 onward is what I wish for here and worldwide. It starts with 100 Seeds of Joy being planted and cultivating that joy till it creates that wave. Adored this article

  3. Helen

    Thnak you so much. A wealrth of knowlefge to be reading all this.
    So enlightening!!

  4. NITI

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful experience of meditation the feeling of ruh by all these amazing women,also the words of mother about women’s true powers .

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