Angels in the Sky and WOW Feedback after Meditating with Indigenous Wisdom and Experiencing Sahaja Yoga

Angels and Kundalini Energy Rising seen as Cloud Formations before the First Program

Ioana and Anjali took photos of the amazing sky that was observed just before the Burligton Free Sahaja Yoga Program started. Enjoy!

The folowing cloud formations are easily recognizable to Sahaja Yogis: what do You See?!

The Awareness of Param Chaitanya: a concept shared by all People of Earth and Sahaja Yogis

Quote from Shri Mataji – the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation – about Vibrations and Pure Knowledge:

“See how connected they are: vibrations which is love and also the other thing which you have to have is the pure knowledge, the true knowledge. We can say that pure knowledge and true knowledge is like the energy, like electricity. And the way you feel it, the way you understand it exists, that is love.

Ioana and Anjali from Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network were invited to take a photo after the Oakvile “Indigeneous Wisdom” program.

Quote from Chief Seattle:

Sharing Wise Messages of Wonder from Mother Earth spotted by Ioana on her family hikes through the Halton Conservation area

The Kundalini energy’s abode is a triangular bone placed at the base of our spine. Once it rises, it leads to our self-realization, which in itself is a rebirth, compared very much with the butterfly that is twice-born.

Let’s absorb the Wisdom from the following African proverb:

A family is like a forest, when you are outside it is dense, when you are inside you see that each tree has its place. ~

A heart that is strong and enlightened?!

Let’s absorb the Wisdom from the saying known to belong to the Utes indigeneous nation:

If I am in harmony with my family, that’s success.

We celebrated also the Wisdom from Peoples of Earth that share the same Heart for Mother Earth

(related article to visit next) Find out What are Vibrations and What is ParamChaitanya in Wise Answers

Let’s continue with this posting about the two programs dedicated to the Indigenous Wisdom

“sahaj familie selfie” taken by Avinash after the Burlington program. Avinash just started joining our Halton sahaja yoga meditation programs.

If you want to adventure into deeper concepts offered by Sahaja Yoga Meditation, you can click on the hyperlinks above, or you can continue with our article and find out the impact of these programs on participants. Of course, you can do both, explore this article futher and make sure that you take advantage of the links to other articles to learn more.

Oakville Meditation Event celebrating World Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Oakville SYMN program last week, dedicated to the World Indigenous People’s Day. Everyone went deep into meditation!
Image from the 2nd Public Program, the one offered in Oakville.

Let’s Introspect with this Quote from Shri Mataji – the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation:

Why we are lost? It is because of our own unawareness!

This awareness has to come: that we are part and parcel of that Paramchaitanya. The whole thing is called as ChittaVilasa.. is the playful enjoyment of God’s Attention.

excerpt from Shri Mataji – the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation – August 1989 in Switzerland

About the Burlington and Oakville programs offered last week:

The Burlington program had a different format than the one in Oakville, not only the meditations were different but also the set-up and the wisdom and music that we shared; the experiences were also different, yet all were POSITIVE.

In Burlington we focused also on all the Indigenous Peoples, very deep silent meditations, participants felt clear connection to their roots, to Mother Earth and Her energy reaching out into our being.

In Oakville, even the first timers declared that they could feel the meaning of every word, of every affirmations used by the ones that guided the meditation. Though, this time was for individual healing and absorbing the Wisdom that was recited. A second meditation in itself!

Photos from Burlington and Oaville programs in August 2024 dedicated to the Indigeneous Wisdom and Culture.

Heather who joined the Oakville program said: ” WOW in capital letters!! That’s my experience“!

It is always like a spiritual exploration when (sometimes) we make the tour of asking all participants around, if they’d like sharing their experience with the guided meditation and the chakra workshop provided during an event.

Next to Shri Mataji’s framed photograpgh one can see a little scultpure created by a Canadian indigeneous artist (brought by Ioana)

Join us for the Last Chance to Attend a Free Program featuring Meditation with Indigenous Wisdom, Music and Sahaja Yoga Prayers

We already offered two FREE Public Programs last week in the Halton region dedicated to the World Indigenous Day.

Our last such program will be on Wednesday, August 14th in Burlington at the Orchard Hub at 7:30pm. Don’t miss it!

We are sharing this Collection of Personal Experiences on Indigenous Land

Lesson from Three Vultures sharing the same Branch

The Land of Canajoharie

We thank all yogi friends who keep visting us here in Halton from everywhere around the world. We are One.

Please, share your similar experiences, as well we would love to have your comments about our programs and articles.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Anjali

    I was fortunate enough to attend both of these special meditations dedicated to Indigenous wisdom. Both were very different in their format but were profound, beautiful and grounding. We even prayed for Canada, America and the indigenous people to heal. We listened in meditation the thanksgiving prayer recited by our dear Shivangna. It was humbling and melted the heart. Thank you for such deep experiences. The spirit within feels fulfilled when you are one with this paramchaitanya.

  2. Paula

    This article reflects my love for Indigenous people and wisdom and I’m not surprised how it all ties in and flows with the pure knowledge of ancient teachings in multiple traditions. That’s why I adore the atmosphere of these meditation classes. I can relate and connect to the power that connects us all…that has so many names yet is beyond barriers and borders. The gates to joy are opening wider than I’ve ever been able to see. And I’m melting into bliss when I’m around or even reading about such experiences. Rivers of truth flow through these words and through my being. Can’t wait to see you all again, shining from your depths without a word spoken. It’s powerful and empowering and all pervading.

  3. Carmen

    Impressive work, emerging from love and pure desire to reach oneness. You are an example for us all.

  4. NITI

    Amazing article,amazing pictures seems like divine mother nature herself showing her presence in different pic,which is related with mothers indigenous children.All the quotes of divine wisdom can be relate with each pic.Thanks for sharing this article. I can see the presence of angel Hanumana in the clouds.Thanks again.

  5. Paula

    Just the vibrational boost I needed today by rereading and discovering new pearls of experiences to restore my being. I love Rajinee’s t-shirt and glow, framed by the backdrop of indigenous carvings at Crawford lake. Good to see you Rajinee! I loved the efforts and new connections made with indigenous wisdom. Full of innate truth. Hello also to Ioana and Anjalie. Such lights in the community!

  6. Jane

    The land . Crawford lake. What healing powers. The soul s hungry for this meditation in such a vibrated land.

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