The Land of Canajoharie

My experience with Sahaja Yoga and The Land of Canajoharie

– from Cristina (Saskatchewan, Canada)

Tree in the National Village MuseumBucharest, Romania (photo by Ioana)

Cristina found Sahaja Yoga some 30 years ago. She had just gotten married and was about to graduate from Med school. She was however struggling with a scattered attention that made her feel tired and anxious all the time. When she received her Self Realization at one of the public programs in her home city, Bucharest, Cristina felt tremendous calmness, joy and connection with everything, something a lot different from what she had felt so far. Cristina and her husband, who was with her and had a very similar experience, never looked back. Sahaja Yoga meditation became an integral part of their life, and helped them be their best selves ever since. Her greatest joy is to see how people grow better, happier, healthier when walking the transformational path of Sahaj.

The Land

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Canajoharie – photo by Omar

Sunshine and rain.

Flower and grain

Thrive as the seasons roll by on the plain.
Improbable breeze shuffles the leaves

Startling the sentient life on the trees.
Sparrows a pair dance in the air

Folks sing the praise of Divine in the square.
Children at play, summer bouquet.

This day is hardly another cliché.

Canajoharie waterfalls – Halton sahaja Yogis playing and enjoying

(click for video-clip) Canajoharie’s Canadian Ganeshas are serving Lunch while Singing!

About Canajoharie … and more .. explore the article until its very end … it is generous ..

(click!) Photos from International Meditation Retreat/Seminar on Native Indian Land (Canajoharie,USA)

(click!)  Answers in Aboriginals’ Seeking & Primordial Taboos Reflected in Chakras

(click!) Sahaj and First Nations Prayers -The Wind & The People connected to Kundalini Energy

(click!) My Lesson from Three Vultures

Halton yogis in their last day at Canajoharie felt to meditate by the river, give thanks and offer an ad-hoc puja to The Land – as Mother Earth (known as Shri Adi Bhoomi Devi)

We are looking forward to receiving your feedback (drop a comment by the end of this article)

The Land – Canajoharie – photo by Alireza

Shri Mataji talks about the Vibrations from Canajoharie

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Carmen Pavel

    I had a beautiful dream that I just couldn’t remember, only the bliss that I felt… Your poem just described the place. Thank you.

  2. Jolanta

    Good poem. Especially the final line.

  3. Ekaterina

    Such a exquisite poem! I really enjoyed every word as well as the vibrations. Thank you!

  4. Sahaj

    Such fond memories of Canajoharie……experienced pure joy and ideal collectivity during the visit. Especially the puja performed to the mother nature was very spontaneous and was a tremendous flow bliss. Thank you for refreshing the memories and will look forward to enjoy similar experiences in future.

  5. Daiana

    Lovely poem!, congratulations Cristina, such a soul…of a poet! Indeed, the Land of Canajoharie just takes your breath away every summer day!! Personally I do remember when it comes to drive there you just get wings, there are no worries, no care for rain or thunderstorms. Suddenly you get more confidence, patience and excitement on the other hand to find again your little oasis. Canajoharie is a place where everybody feels peaceful and in a complete, singular joy, within you, a place where you can experience the journey towards your Innocence.

  6. Rajinee

    Beautiful poem Cristina! It’s filled with a beauty that describes Canajoharie so well. Canajoharie is a place that feels like paradise to me, sitting by the pond listening to someone practicing the flute in the silence in which only the wind, and tree leaves rustling can be heard.
    I absolutely need to go and visit that waterfall on my next visit!

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