Shri Mataji: “Ascent is when you really Rise Above…”
..not only that you rise but you make others rise.”
Our family had seen recently the Oscar movie “UP!” and we loved it! Totally adorable, intelligent and so very sahaj in so many details beside its core message. It is a must to be seen!
Sahaja Yoga meditation it is so Uplifting when one would start practising it regularly and the inner child that is already somewhere inside each of us will become active again and ready to express his joy and optimism in our day to day lives. Today it is also celebrated the Palm Sunday by so many around the globe and we know that Jesus is taking us all UP, above hatred, above the conflicts and aversions in our lives and his personality, at a subtle energy level allows us to enter only as Innocent Joyful Children in that blissful state that he calls “The Kingdom of God” – which corresponds with Sahasrara chakra, when we talk in terms related to Yoga & Meditation. This Article is a Present for all those that Realize that Inner Child within that’s taking them Up towards the 7th Chakra – expressed as Yoga, Connection, Union, Bliss – a realm opened by Kundalini energy. The 2 main photos in this article (thanks to Paula) hopefully will ‘talk’ to you as much as the Video (thanks to I. Avram for sending it today) and the quote below. It’s not yet Easter but already we feel it in the air and in our hearts so, in case you want to take a peak at some interesting sahaj Easter connections, check it here.
Enjoy Video- Amazing Boy & Girl Ballet from Russia
Shri Mataji: Jesus is the Embodiment of Innocence and He Ascended
“So this Agnya Chakra (known as The Third Eye as well) is a gate, is the door of heaven, and everyone has to pass through it. Now on this chakra resides the great incarnation of our Lord, Jesus Christ.. the governing essence, the main essence, is that of Shri Ganesha (the divine aspect representing the eternal child within us, dwelling in the 1st chakra, the Root Chakra). Means Innocence. So He is the Embodiment of Innocence. Innocence means complete purity. And His body was not made out of Mother Earth, in the sense that He never had a body that was perishable. It is Aumkara (Vibrations in Sanskrit). So when He died, He ascended. That is the fact, He ascended.”
Dear Paula:
I love the pictures perfect example of the joy and what Shri Ganesha means, expresing the child within.
Thank you,
Lots of joy from these photos and the video is really amazing !
What a beautiful performance by the children – it reflected such purity and innocence. I love Paula’s pictures also – we all have that inner child within.
Lots of love always.
it is uniquely and unbeleafeable.
My heard is full of joy and happyness. these two are really little angels.
Thank you sooo much.
With Love
This article was pure joy such a wonderful surprise! I will definately be sharing this article with all my friends and family! Thank you for making all the connections, Ioana, in the article and the video, it is just beautiful.
The video was awesome! What talent for such little ones! And Paula and Vlad make for awesome models of happiness and energy!
Feeling Lighter already!!
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The video and the photograph are so beautiful, and a perfect illustration of the principles of childlike innocence in us!