KIDLOGIC Child Care Learning Centre is Teaming Up with Sahaja Yoga meditation: “Cool Kids MEDITATE!” Summer Workshop (PHOTOS + APPRECIATION LETTER)

Appreciation Letter-from- KidLogic  Kindergarten and Child Care Learning Centre in Burlington for the "Cool Kids Meditate!" session offered by sahaja yoga meidtaiton volunteer instructors as part of the Summer Program 2014. The program Montessori-Preschool-Junior-sahaja-Yoga-meditation
Appreciation Letter-from- KidLogic Kindergarten and Child Care Learning Centre in Burlington for the “Cool Kids Meditate!” session offered by sahaja yoga meditation volunteer instructors as part of the Summer Program 2014.

Paula - Sahaja Yoga Meditation at KIDLOGIC BUrlington Kindergarden

We are glad to see how our ” Cool Kids” sessions that represent the younger branch of the Inner Peace series offered by sahaja yoga meditation for free in our community – had become so much appreciated! This article is dedicated to the  “Cool Kids: Spontaneous Yoga Meditation for Children and Caregivers (teachers/parents” that was offered in summer 2014 to KidLogic Child Care and Learning Centre in Burlington. We had a team of 2 adult volunteer instructors  (Paula and Isabelle), helped by 2 representatives (Ana Bianca and Shulin) from  our “Life De-Stress Free program for Youth”. The session had participants from Senior and Junior Kindergarten class, Montessori class and preschool class. However, these photos/snapshots speak the best about our highly beneficial inter-active program (Thank you KidLogic!) :

KidLogics -2- Learn Protection

Workshop with Meditation Energy - Sahaja Yoga at KidLogics - Burlington 2014
By the end, children were able to help each other during the meditation workshop 🙂 Aren’t they something?! How sweet and royal is their Innocence – quality of the root chakra
Shri Ganeshas - clay statues - made at Burlington Class as part of our project dedicated to the root /Mooladhara chakra and its qualities that are manifestations of the Eternal Child we all carry within ourselves
Shri Ganeshas clay statues – created by the participants to our weekly Burlington Class as part of the project dedicated to the root /Mooladhara chakra – that is connected to Mother Earth – and its qualities that are manifestations of the Eternal Child we all do carry within ourselves .. don’t we ?! 🙂


 A Bouquet of “COOL KIDS” Links

(click) The Tree, The Yogi and The Child

(click!) Earth Day @ Girl Guides of Canada (LETTER)

(click!) High-school YOGI Teen is Burlington Transit Youth Ambassador (PHOTOS!)

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. anjali

    amazing work Kathleen. So sweet to see kids meditating. They are the future and what a great way to bring Sahaja Yoga to them at their day care. Keep it up. So proud of you and missing you.

  2. Shivangi and Nehit

    Very very cool and sweet — cool kids!

    I would like to know more about Shri Ganeshas clay statues project…. Beautiful , peaceful and joyful.

  3. Shulin

    Awww! Kids can meditate too! Actually they can grasp it even faster without much conditionings that adults have. It was so beautiful to see these little kids being so calm and feeling the cool energy from each other. Only hope that more kids can experience meditation at this young age, it can help them immensely!

  4. paula

    Thank you to Kathleen from KidLogic and other teachers for inviting us to teach kindergarden and pre-kindergarden children to meditate. When I saw their attentive faces and wide eyes I had no doubt in my mind that the innocence in all of us is a pure energy that pours out of children but can also pour out of us as adults. It is the most powerful thing we have. We just have to clean the slate daily with a little meditation…and care for others like brothers and sisters of an extended family.

    The children participated so much by pointing out what they observed from the beautiful, nature inspired poster created by youths that meditate. They learned to connect with mother earth, they were completely in the moment. They received colourful lotuses to balance on their heads to demonstrate that we all have this energy inside that can blossom. I was impressed with the interest and attention the children gave in response to the meditation session.

    Then they learned to protect themselves with the “uppy uppy” song which was lots of fun. Then they happily partnered up and raised the energy for each other so the beautiful garden inside could get water from the heavenly river inside. They understood that they could help the garden inside grow to be beautiful lotuses.

    Thanks to my wonderful team who helped bring this project to children’s schools once again, and helped spread the palpable vibrations of innocence and love. Thank you to Kathleen, Shulin, Abi and Isabelle who contributed their time and their energy for a greater good. Let’s spread peace from the inside out and spread that feeling everywhere.

  5. Jon

    Great work ladies. It is amazing that the kids enjoy the programs, and they feel it so easily.

  6. Payal

    Awesome…keep up the good work!!

  7. Karen

    Great work ladies!!!

    It is lovely to see young children participating in meditation programs.

  8. Marcel Girod

    Hallo from Cologne in Germany.
    For our childrens program we need Roll-up
    Posters like I saw in the photos here.
    We don´t have so much sources to make new posters ourselves now. Maybe we can get
    the data of your posters, then we can change a little bit. I like the cool kid poster here with the rainbow and the two sitting children,
    there is also one cool kik poster with one sitting girl in orange colour and a poster from the international children day in blue with a little Shri Ganesha.
    If its possible for you to send me the data (maybe jpg data) I would be very happy.

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