Shulin: A High-school Teen that Meditates becomes Burlington Transit Youth Ambassador in 2014 (PHOTOS!)

Shulin on Burlingtons Shore of Lake Ontario
Shulin after a ‘meditation by the lake’ session with other friends from Youth Class (Life De-stress Program for Youth with Sahaja Yoga meditation) – photo by Ana Bianca

Shulin is part of the  committee organized by the Burlington Transit that is called ‘Burlington Transit Youth Ambassador’. Indeed a great initiative that facilitates for 6 (teens!) ambassadors to do campaigns to promote green transit and environmental awareness in their schools.. and everywhere in Burlington town.

Shulin on Internet - Burlington Transit

We salute this brilliant initiative and we are really joyful to know so well one of the six ambassadors: Shulin who is a great human being already, a very aware, profound and concern citizen of the world. 

Shulin on Bus Shelter in Burlington
Shulin with other 5 young ambassadors on Bus Shelters everywhere in Burlington

You might have seen the ‘greater than life’ posters with these wonderful youngsters riding on our Burlington buses, on the City’s website, on bus shelters -everywhere. Something more: she is not only riding the future but she is building its peaceful foundations by practicing sahaja yoga meditation. 

Shulin on Bus 1

 Let’s join their ride and try our best for the future generations to inherit a beautiful, clean, peaceful, loving world.



** and these are not all .. Imagine how rich is the World with such amazing young people that are global personalities, stand on truth, innocence, unity and compassion while their creativity is bubbling with joy and inspiration coming from the Source.

Artwork at Burlington Class - Shri Ganeshas
Artwork at Burlington Sahaja Yoga meditation Class – realizing Shri Ganeshas out of clay – photo by Shulin 🙂 who also created the Shri Ganesha that is holding the rose

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Shivangi

    Wooow! Now I’ve to come to Burlington and must take a bus ride 🙂

    1. Phoenix

      Shulin, what an inspiration, that’s wonderful…now I don’t have to chase the bus to see if your picture is on it…I see you now…lol

  2. Karen

    That is amazing Shulin on being an Ambassador for Burlington good luck to you and the other 5 youths


    Best Wishes

  3. Colleen Burgess

    Wow Shulin, this is amazing, way to go girl!! Love and hugs to you!! 🙂

  4. Mohinder Sidana

    All Mata ji blessings for shulin
    She is a divine instrument picked by Mata ji to spread sahaja yoga
    best wishes

  5. anjali

    This is some really good work Shulin. You are already realized and am so sure that this pure connection with the divine will inspire and guide you in your new venture. So proud of you.missing you.

  6. Kruti

    This is just so exciting. Great news and great work Shulin. We are so proud of you.

  7. Wendy

    Congratulations Shulin..
    you are inspiring so many of yours peers …and even the Teachers ! super

  8. Wendy

    Congratulations Shulin..

    you are inspiring so many of yours peers …and even the Teachers ! super

  9. Shulin

    Thank you everyone :)) you all are my family! we are all one in making the world a better place! and we will all walk together on this spiritual path of love! <3

  10. Claudia

    Wonderful way to make people days, …everyday…You should move to York region, sometime…..Hugs from us!

  11. Constantine

    Great Job!

  12. Jayanthi

    Dear Shulin Congratulations, keep up the good work.

  13. cheryl

    Congrats Shulin! Thanks for being an inspiring example of the power of innocence. May we all take heart and step forward in joy and celebration of the knowledge and experience of the inner awareness gained through sahaja yoga.

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