Take a Virtual Walk through Romania .. and Meditate

Shri Mataji: “Put your attention on Positivity and not on negativity.”


Develop a Deeper Understanding for each other

“Wherever a saint goes, things are changing. But you have to be a saint, and a saintly person has a very deep understanding of another person, and this is what it is lacking: we don’t have that deep understanding for each other. Then even if you have, it is for some of your own friends or maybe in the same ashram that you are staying, and all that. But it should deepen much more. You should go further and further.”


Grow Deeper Inside – being effective on a horizontal plane

“So we have to meditate, and by meditation we develop that strength within us, so automatically we start solving the problem. Like our antennae grow up to that point, the way we are strong inside, they grow outside, to help so many things which are to be helped. Now you see that people are realizing that the world is in a great mess, and there are lots of problems that have come through materialism, through wrong thinking, through emotional thinking, through stupidity we can say. We have no time for all this. What we have to do is to develop ourselves deeper and deeper and deeper, so that on a horizontal plane also we are effective.”


In Meditation we take an Individual Journey towards God
“It’s an individual journey towards God when you meditate, and when you reach there then you become collective. Before that, it’s an absolute individual journey within, absolutely individual journey. You should be able to see this. You are in this journey nobody is your relation, nobody is your brother, nobody is your friend, you’re absolutely alone, absolutely alone. You have to move alone within yourself. Don’t hate anyone, don’t be responsible, but in meditative mood you’re alone. No one exists there, you alone, and once you enter into that ocean then the whole world becomes your family. The whole world is your own manifestation. All the children become your children and you treat all people with equal understanding. The whole expansion takes place when you enter inside your Spirit and see, starting through the eyes of the Spirit. Such calm, such peace, such bliss exists within you. You have to be ready for that journey.”

The Mirror Created by Kundalini – (click!) Bible Story

“What is Atma (the Spirit, in Sanskrit)? What work is it doing residing within us and how is it related to Paramatma (in Sanskrit means ‘primordial Spirit’, God ) ? It is said that Atma is the reflection of Paramatma in our heart.
This reflection is like that of the Sun in Water.”


“Although reflection of the Sun is seen in Water, he is away in the Sky and not in Water. Similarly Atma is as much as it is seen, It is beyond all that and not limited by it.”


“But, for any reflection to be clearly visible the Mirror which is the cause of that reflection must be clean. If the mirror is not clean, or instead of mirror a stone is there, the sun’s reflection will not be seen in it. In the same way, that man looks disturbed who has not yet become clean like mirror, so that he can see the Paramatma’s reflection within himself.”


“Although the sun is seen taking different shapes on the ripples of flowing water, he is steady at his place and it is only his reflection that changes its shape. Similarly, the reflection of Atma (‘Spirit’ in Sanskrit) appears to be absent or it just shines for a moment and disappears, in the person who is full of sin and wickedness or whose heart is loaded with false ambitions and desires. It thus entails that all these-body, mind, intellect, ego etc. that we know, should be converted into a mirror. It should be transformed into a Mirror.”



Grow Deeper Inside – being effective on a horizontal plane

“So we have to Meditate, and by meditation we develop that Strength within us, so automatically we start solving the problem. Like our antennae grow up to that point, the way we are strong inside, they grow outside, to help so many things which are to be helped. Now you see that people are realizing that the world is in a great mess, and there are lots of problems that have come through materialism, through wrong thinking, through emotional thinking, through stupidity we can say. We have no time for all this. What we have to do is to develop ourselves deeper and deeper and deeper, so that on a horizontal plane also we are effective.”


Aesthetics – Creativity and Love expressed via Matter

“Actually to be materialistic, in the real sense, is that we understand the value of matter. And the value of matter is aesthetics: artistic things, real artistic things. And beyond that, the value of matter is that you can give love to others.”


Joy and Happiness  — Make a Beautiful Pattern of Your Life

“We are here to give joy, happiness to everyone; to make everyone happy.  There are so many ways of making others happy.  I have found that we have to learn, also.  So many things we have to learn, how to make others happy.  And then when you make them happy, then you feel that joy within yourself: “Oh, they’re so happy!” See their happiness, then only this lotus opens out much more; like a ripple moves and moves to the end of the shores and then from the shore it returns back to you.  In the same way, when your joy reaches the joy of others, then the ripples that come up make a beautiful pattern of your life.”


“The fun is created only through Innocence and Innocence is the only way you can really emit also the fun.  Imagine this world without any fun, what would happen?!”

The Spirit
“A modern problem is that we have turned our attention towards outside things, and to outward development and to economics, and have lost the inner life… The problem today, a very subtle problem that people do not understand…is inside the human being.
People are so restless and full of tension. The problem is that our attention is not on the Spirit, it is outside.
But as soon as we put our attention to the spirit, we find, amazingly, that everything works out, and that the spirit is the source of all love, peace, joy and truth.


“This is an evolutionary process.”


** All quotes above are from various Shri Mataji’s speeches offered in Her travels around the world

** All photos were taken in Romania by Ana Bianca (youth volunteer instructor at London sahaja yoga class/ currently working on her master in Neuroscience at Western University)

Let us know if this article had inspired you — if you were able to find your inner home: the state of meditation 🙂


 (click for “more & deeper”) Let’s Meditate on our Mountains and Valleys  while Romania’s Nature is “there” to Inspire 

This Post Has 22 Comments

  1. Veronica-Roxana Contescu

    Minunate imagini si gânduri. Îti multumesc Abi pentru frumusetea sufletului tau Si-l rog pe Bunul Dumnezeu sa te daruiasca cu toate bunatatile lui.Cu toata dragostea, Vero

  2. Gratiela Geampana

    I have been there few times when I was not a Sahaja Yogi,now I see them in a different light,through the eyes of my soul..wonderful!!!..you did a great job…pozitive emotions Aby..Thank you Gratiela



    1. Ioana

      Wonderful thank you for sharing your experience!

  4. Anjali

    These photos are absolutely meditative. Excerpts from Shri Mataji are so very well aligned with the photos. So peaceful, relaxing, deep and joyful. Thank you for this beautiful journey to Romania with Shri Mataji’s precious words. I am for sure inspired to visit Romania after looking at these delightful photos.

  5. Ioana

    My mother sent this article to a Romanian friend and here is his feedback (translated) after reading the article:

    “All that is written in the article shows the state where all people should be .. If it would be so, the entire world would be completely different, like a Garden of Eden .. Also the photos are superb, if one is made of stone still will be impressed . this is a formidable invitation to visit Romania and to Meditate.. I enjoyed very much the plead for meditation, even I don’t understand all very clearly, but the self knowledge with all its advantages for the spiritual health, cannot be achieved other than through meditation. I am curious about Ana Bianca’s master in neuroscience (as it is mentioned in the article), as she has great chances to realize something special if she is introducing in equation the spiritual knowledge. The science does not say anything about the power that can model the material reality.. “

  6. Olga Eustace

    The majesty of Nature that is filled with the majesty of the Spirit. The pictures touch so deeply. What a beautiful country! What a great power of Nature and a sense of unity in each picture! Thank you for bringing this joy to our hearts.

  7. Teodora Anghelina

    Multumim mult pentru ca ai vazut frumusetile României prin ochii frumosului tau spirit, draga Ana Bianca ! Tu etti intr-adevar o frumoasa oglinda a realitatii. Fie ca aceasta binecuvântare, de a vedea frumosul dat de Dumnezeu in toate, sa te însoteasca întreaga viata !
    Ai reusit sa ne încalzesti inimile.
    Multumim din inima si sa fii binecuvântata!

  8. Susanne

    Beautiful pictures and inspiring tekst.really give peace en joy.thank you.

  9. Colleen

    Absolutely stunning photos Abi!! I could feel peace from the pictures, beautiful. The quotes from Shri Mataji were a perfect paring for those photos. Thank you.

  10. Karen

    Loved the virtual tour of Romania, seeing the absolute beauty every detail through Sahaja eyes. And the quotes from Shir Mataji went perfectly with them….thank you Abi for sharing. xo

  11. Helen

    The beautiful pictures aligned with the vibrant spiritual expressions warm the heart deeply. The deep meanings and expressions of truth are compelling.
    Thank you for sharing.

  12. Carmen

    I just shared your link on my facebook page I felt after reading, seeing, meditating, the whole experience needed to be shared<3

    Thank you!

  13. Jayanthi

    Dear Family, thank you very much for sharing this beautiful pictures and perfect explanation for us being a clean mirror to capture wonderful scenes shri. Adi Shakti has created for us.

  14. Diana Bujor

    Multumim ca ai vazut frumusetea Românniei, draga Ana Bianca. Te asteptam la International Easter Puja. Cu drag, Diana

  15. Sunaina

    Thank you Ivona! for sending this beautiful message of putting attention on positivity.

  16. Sigal

    Every time I meditate I am getting closer to God. I know God because I was as in a diabetic coma… Twice. I know that my connection with God was always there and he was watching me all my life, but with the meditation I get to establish a connection that I know truly that I am my own master, and if I wouldn’t made the choice to live, and to become my best version, than probably I wouldn’t be here today. It took a long journey to seek who I truly am, because I was living in 2 worlds the living and the almost dead. The meditation helped me see the light again that I saw when I was in a coma. The meditation is helping me on my journey to heal myself from the inside out. I can read more effectively, I can constraint much better and I feel that my brain is expanding more and more in every meditation session. Thank you for the opportunity to be connected!

  17. Jolanta

    The photographs from Romania beautifully illustrate the quotes from Shri Mataji’s talks. Sahaja Yoga meditation truly unites people from many different countries / nationalities / races / ethnicities, and leads to inner peace and spiritual improvement of humans.

  18. NITI

    Very inspiring and loving article,with all the beautiful pic and along with the charismatic divine wisdom of Shri Mataji,it is like a masterpiece of the mighty nature.
    I am enjoying this article reading again and again .Thanks Abi and Ioana.

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