We contacted Girl Guides of Canada a month ago, offering to introduce Sahaja Yoga meditation during their programs. As a response we were invited for their Earth Day celebration, on Tuesday, April 22nd to their 6th Richmond Hill Brownie to present to the children and parents an Inner Peace workshop that incorporated guided meditation and other activities related to both mother Earth as well to the subtle system of chakras/energy centers.Kathleen from the Cool Kids program that we run in Hamilton and Halton areas had come up with an amazing program! All children were so vibrant and totally “into it”. With great pleasure we had received a Thank you/Appreciation Letter from this reputed Canadian organization for our sahaja yoga meditation session we’ve held on their premises (see below). Thank you Brownies! 🙂
I always wondered what it would be like to be a girl guide…there is a natural relationship there with sahaja yoga meditation, mother earth and connecting the dots for all of us…towards nurturing, mentoring, amazing to witness the wisdom of innocence. ..the children clearly enjoyed meditating, singing songs that emit vibrations, learning about the power they have within that can be found in all of nature! Terrific testimonial to the transformational power, to shift the attention to the present, and enjoy their inner selves, their very existence, and their evolution. Amazing guiding from Kathleen, who I have had the privilege of knowing and witnessing her ability to teach and capture the hearts of children and enlighten them with her own beautiful vibrations.