The event was live-streamed in its entirety and we had people from around the world (Europeans and North Americans commented on our facebook page during the event) that enjoyed this way, beside the 300+ people that participated in the Council Chamber of the North York Civic Centre to this stellar event that offered a R.A.I.N. with SunShine on Friday May 27th!! The Agenda comprised: a Youth Led Collective Meditation to experience the Global personality within, Teachings of Realized Souls, Live Music with three great artists: Performing and supportive Artists for “R.A.I.N. with SunShine Tour” in Toronto: Yoann FreeJay (Freget) — Winner of The Voice (France); Abel Maxwell (Ottawa/Montreal) and Jeff Eager (Toronto/Burlington), Live Wishes from Children and Artists for the World. The entire event had a natural, inspired flow that was completely unscripted. A true Starry Night in Toronto! Watch the 2 parts in the videos captured after the snapshots below.
Livestream NO.1
** With a Special Introduction and Support from Cora Neumann (Global First Ladies Alliances – Los Angeles USA , the mentor from We Are Family and Three Dot Dash foundations for Global Teen Leader Shulin Zhang) , Collective Meditation + Live Music
Livestream NO.2 – Music + Children’s Wishes
(click) R.A.I.N. with SunShine @ Hayden High-School
(click) R.A.I.N. with SunShine @ Sam Sherratt School
This time I had a chance to attend Yoanne all music concerts.
He is an amazing singer and above all he is very loving and humble human being
North York civic centre program was beyond any words
Full of love joy and fun
Yoanne is an amazing person and he is loved by everyone aroind
I really had a great time
you guys rock and roll out . Congratulations!!! You can all be proud.
So joyful! Bellissimo! Thank u!
Yoann is not only a talented artist, he mastered his soul searching through Sahaja Yoga meditation, and emerged as an enlighten personality. He can deliver joy to the audience, touch the heart, and bring everyone together as one. Congratulations, and Thank you! for an exceptional, and magical time.
Beautifully put together!
with warm wishes
I love the way you give away your Joy your Love, so beautiful vibs .Thank you dear Yoann
Students and adults and kids of all ages were blown away by how the quality, calibre, talent and positive energy poured out in the atmosphere through Yoann Freejay’s incredible performance and affected each and every person who managed to hear even part of the concerts that raised awareness in nations to heal mother earth. Yoann Freejay, you are a powerhouse, the force is with you! We can feel it! Yoann changed the molecules of each and every person in the room. What a gifted and warm and deep human being.
Pingback: (video, photos, thank you letter) RAIN brings The Voice of France & Global Personality Experience to OAKVILLE’s WHITE OAKS Highschool!! | Sahaja Yoga Halton