Makar Sankranti in Myths and Tales with Spiritual Connections to Goddess Shakumbhari

Let’s discover the Subtle Significance of this day and WHY we Celebrate it in Sahaja Yoga?!

Article created on January 15th , 2011 to Honour the Sun and Earth with Subtle Info found in Myths and Tales as well within the Sahaja Yoga Meditation Knowledge; all with the occasion of the Makar Sankranti Festival. Enjoy the collection of quotes from Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi’s various talks on this subject matter: Makar Sankranti Festival and the Goddess Shakumbhari known as well as Shakambhari Devi!

One can think of a Symbolic Thanksgiving to the Goddess of Veggies and Fruits 

“Because of the warmth of the Sun all vegetation and wealth grows on the Earth. Fruits and vegetables are offered to the Goddess on this day to invoke Her blessings.”

                                                                                     Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi 

Connections to the Subtle Energy Channels and their Powers known in Sahaja Yoga Meditation

Enjoy the collection of Quotes from speeches of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation

“…..Regarding the Devi [‘Goddess’ in Sanskrit language], they say that She is Mahakali (also known in sahaja yoga system as the subtle energy governing the left subtle energy channel or the Moon channel or Ying aspect), MahaSaraswati (the energy governing the Sun-connected subtle channel) and all.

But they are part and parcel of Adi Shakti.”

[ Shri Adi Shakti is the primordial energy manifested , the power of life known as the Holy Ghost or the feminine/maternal aspect of God seen as well as the force of  Nature or Life].

“They manifested at a proper time. The way Goddess Shakambari manifested in Meerut district: she increases productivity of crops. .. I also used to produce vegetables, such big size of brinjals, tomatoes and cucumbers that one could not believe! This is the power of Goddess Shakambhari. God has different forms and names and sometimes people are confused about them. But She manifests Herself according to the need of particular area. Durga and Chamunda (deities in Hindu mythology) and many others are Her different Forms…..”

Makar Sankranti (festival) indicates that from this day the Sun will get warmer and warmer.

The heat of the Sun is beneficial for mankind. All our movements depend on this heat.

But the impact of the heat could also excite Anger in us. That is the reason that on this day we eat Jaggery (Gud / sweets) so that we become soft spoken. Because of the warmth of the Sun all vegetations and wealth grows on the earth.

Fruits and vegetables are offered to the Goddess on this day to invoke Her blessings.

By the blessings of the Adi Shakti the Earth element gets calmed down and human being thrives.”

Find out about the Cultural Significance of the Makar Sankranti Festival with more meaningful explanations

The festival of Sankranti has cultural significance too. It is celebrated all over the country with joy and gaiety. It is celebrated in some other countries also but it has special significance in India.”

” This is what is today’s day: it is a great day for us to change, because  the Sun has changed its mood now. Sun is coming this side. So let us  welcome the Sun, coming to the North now, this way, and for Australians to say that though the Sun has gone, let us establish the  Sun, the domain of Sun, within ourselves.”

“Because Sun never disappears from our Inside.”

Warmth of the Sun represents the Warmth of God’s Love. This is the  reason why we celebrate this festival by giving you some sort of a  sweet made out of sesame seeds. Sesame seeds are given because they  are also heat giving and now as we are coming from the cold we come to the hot season in a way hotter season so to prepare you with that  warmth of the Sun. This special things are made out of the seed of sesame to represent  the oncoming warmth and the warmth of the sun. Though in India the  heat is too much still people are waiting for this time to come in and  they celebrate it with such a warm heart.

At this time it is said that they give you this sesame seed and the sugar to eat but now you must  speak in a sweet manner.”

Speaking in the sweet manner is very important.”

Some people think it is smart to speak in a rude manner or is very intelligent to shout on people but no one likes this kind of a personality, you may be  intelligent, you may be very sharp or smart. Maybe on a television people may like to see you but not as companions, (nor) as friends. 🙂

When the Sun comes on  this Earth back, then all the creativity of the Mother Earth starts  acting and She creates such beautiful things like flowers, such nourishing and fulfilling things like fruits.

She [Mother Earth] makes our eyes cool down with the greenery She has and the way She blesses us.. 

In  the same way, now that the Sun of Sahaja Yoga has risen and is coming  to the zenith and it has definitely shown you the result on the Earth  principle that is your Mooladhara chakra and the Creative Power of that  Mooladhara which is the Kundalini [energy], has been rising and opening your being and showing the results in your lives which has made your lives very beautiful, which has made your life  very Joyous and very Happy.”

( all above are short excerpts from Shri Mataji’s various talks on the subject on this festival and its sahaj subtle significance)

Myths and Stories about the “Devi” (Goddess) that is honored  traditionally on this festival

Shakumbhari Devi is the deity for the fertility (Goddess of Vegetation on Earth) wherein you worship the vegetables and fruits that spring up from the blessings of Mother Earth in the process of creation in the plant kingdom and is offered to Goddess. There is a Shakumbhari Devi Temple in Uttaranchal and is worshiped with Festive colour.  While, the Makar Sankranti on this day is also celebrated by offering vegetables to the Goddess in her Sakumbhari aspect and consuming [sweet like] Jaggary and Sesame seed (Gur and Til in Hindi ). 

Legend tells that this Goddess helped the living creatures to survive only upon plants and vegetable, when no water was available on this earth, for full-long hundred years. Hence, she was know as Shakumbhari Devi, i.e the goddess who feeded upon vegetable.”

The History of Shakumbhari Devi (Goddess Shakumbhari)

Long time ago, there was a great spiritual master named ‘Durgam’. He mastered all the vedas (scriptures) by the grace of Lord Brahma and received a boon from him that he will not be defeated in a battle even by gods. After receiving such a boon, he went on rampage all around the earth. He defeated Lord Indra in a battle. Subsequently there was no rain on earth for a century as Lord Indra, the rain-god, was imprisoned by Durgam. The living beings starved for water. In the absence of vedas the Brahmans didn’t perform religious rites. Sensing the disastrous consequences of Durgam’s rule, the gods took refuge with ‘Maha Devi’, the great goddess. They prayed to her, “Oh Mother, the way you killed Shumb’ and Nishumb’ demons before and brought an end of the miseries of mankind, in the same way, please kill Durgam.”

On seeing her people in distress, the eyes of goddess were full of tears, out of compassion.

She looked at the gods and saints through hundred eyes. The water gushed out of her eyes and thousands of streams overflowed with water. The forests became again green and lands fit for tilling. Rivers, ponds and oceans were again full of water and the gods were again happy. The miseries of people disappeared.

As the Goddess of hundred eyes looked at her subjects with the eyes of pity, so the gods named her ‘Shatakshi’ and worshiped her.

 When whole world was dry for want of rain, then goddess ‘Shatakshi’ created vegetation out of her body and saved world from starvation. For this act of goddess she is also famous as “Shakumbari Devi‘.

Appearance of the Shakumbari Goddess

The splendid form of Shakumbari Devi is described in detail in Durga Sapt-Shati in the last chapter named ‘Murti Rehasya’. According to this, the goddess is of blue colour. Her eyes are like lotus flower. Navel is slightly below the normal place with three curves.  A lotus is carried in her hand, which is thronged by bees. The other hand carries arrows. Other hands carry flowers, roots, vegetables, fruits symbolizing the goddess of vegetation, who feeds us and keeps us away from disease. One hand is carrying a bow representing her fierceness. This is the appearance of Shakumbari Devi, Shatakshi and Durga. 

This Goddess removes the grief and calamities and terrorizes demons.

The devotee of this goddess, worshiping Mother by hymns, meditation, Japa and bhajans, attains the fruits of food, drink and infinite bliss.”

(special thanks to Rabi, our dear friend sahaja yogi from India who did provide, years back, these sweet story tales and many of the above quotes)

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Video teaching Subtle Connections to the Makar Sankranti Festival and the Goddess Shakhumbhari (Sakhumbari) – including a Talk about Importance of Peace

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This Post Has 22 Comments

  1. Ioana

    Thanks to Manga, dear friend from UK, who just shared the video on Sankranti celebration, our sunny and colourful “basket” with Sahaj knowledge, fruits and veggies is ready for Sankranti celebration on 2010. 🙂

    1. Meeta

      I thoroughly enjoyed this merry dance and song video this morning while watching the Sankranti sun pouring into my study room. Reminded me of old times in Hyderabad. The lyrics in Telugu are beautiful and reminiscent of a past era of simplicity, which I hope will return again.

      Thanks Ioana & Manga

  2. Priti

    Dear Ioana Happy Makar Sankriti,

    Thank-you for sharing such an important and beautiful information. God bless you!


  3. Meeta

    Ioana, thanks for the story on Shakambari Devi. It depicts the ultimate motherly love of the Goddess. The realization that all vegetation was by created from her own body and the rivers from her tears to feed her children during a 100 year famine – will make it impossible for us take the Sun, or Mother Earth or the vegetation around us for granted. This story will make our children very respectful to Motherhood. It will also make them more eco-conscious and environment friendly as they will regard the environment as an expression of divinity.

  4. deepti

    Thanks to all the Sahaja yogies.. beautiful words with a beautiful videos… we thank Goddess Shakambari for blessing all of us. Happy Makar Sankranti to all 🙂

  5. Vanishree Pillay

    Thank You for the lovely article and video. Thank You to our Divine Mother for her love and blessings.

  6. Debbie

    I was very happy to be a part of the celebration of Sankranti Day 2011. Sharing in puja with my Sahaja family and having Shri Mataji join us in spirit was amazingly beautiful. Love the pictures, the brilliant colors and the video.

    Lots of love always.

  7. Dorothy Logan

    Dear Sister Ioana, thank you so much for making sure that the westerners are getting Sankranti knowledge, I enjoyed this so much. We can always depend on you for sharing the celebrations of the seanons with us. I have learned more about Sankranti this time than ever, I am grateful that Mother is using you as Her Divine instrunment to help us to understand these things. I still remember my stay in Canada, it will always be printed on the tablet of my heart.
    Ever Grateful,

  8. C L Patel

    Thank you,sister Ioana, for enlightening us with importance of Makar Sankranti described by Shri Mataji about the Sun and Saraswati’s Power and Love of Shakambari Devi.All are related to our life.Sun is the Power of life and the nature blossoms with Sun power in very subtle way to give joy to human beings. So let us enjoy the blessings of Shri Mataji.
    With Nirmal love all times

  9. Rajendra Tosawar

    Thanks a lot for givivng us significance of Makar Shakranti.

  10. kalieswari

    Thank you Mother for Your Love and Blessings and Bless those shared this beautiful information with all.

  11. paula

    Just what the Doctor ordered… “The sky is the limit!”

  12. Anil Kumar Nigam

    Thank you ShriMataji and Thanks Sahaja Yogies who contributed to this article, felt blessed reading this article, may Shri Mataji bless all who are doing such beautiful work.

  13. Jesse

    Shri Shakambhari Devi, the goddess of agriculture and horticulture, is one of the names of Shri Vishnumaya.

  14. Bhanu Vohra

    Thank you fo sharing something so useful and informative.

  15. Rabi

    More we read the more we understand what the day stand for human beings. Shri Mataji explains in all details regarding the science of spirituality.
    A very well articulated write up.

  16. Helen

    Wow, so helpful, interesting and inspiring! Thank you!!

  17. Jolanta

    Thank you for posting this article with excerpts from Shri Mataji’s lectures.

    It proves again the universality of all people living on earth, and the relevance of Sahaja Yoga for mankind regardless of nationality, ethnicity, social/financial status, education level, place of origin, gender, age, etc. because we all have the Kundalini energy in us, which can be awakened when desired / facilitated.

    Pardon me, in this country the current prime minister’s term for mankind is peoplekind.

  18. Srujana

    Good to know the detailed significance of Makar Sankranthi. Shri mataji talks are so integrated and simple

  19. Isabelle

    So nourishing. The food is connected to our nabbi and in turn it feeds our brain. Our physical and emotional well being.

  20. NITI

    Thanks for this lovely article about makar sankranti and with the knowledge of Shri Shakhambri Devi and the real meaning of Makar Sankranti.

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