Great Welcome @ Sam Sherratt Primary School
Article by Paula Erskine
Winner of The Voice Yoann FreeJay, accompanied by Jeff Eager at guitar, gave an awe inspiring performance for the students at Sam Sherratt Public school in Milton. Over 150 students gathered in the gym for Yoann’s second appearance in 5 years there to spread inner peace and connect the students to the power they have inside that can come from the deep silence enjoyed from within. This higher awareness can also wake up through the flow of Yoann FreeJay’s music into the heart and soul of a person.
The students enjoyed a short meditation to connect to Mother Earth and their higher self. Shulin Zhang, global youth peace maker guided them through a simple Q and A period where students shared their take on today’s issues we face in the world. Then it was collectively decided, that the change has to start within each and every one of us through a simple meditation to heal Mother Earth. By this way, the awareness in nations is being raised to a higher level where the change starts within the individual, but then spreads from person to person, like an awakening of a new level of consciousness.
The students beside me were so moved, they whispered to me, “he is amazing” and then, “what is his name again?” Then I got a pen and paper and had the slide show project his name as I handed it to them. They handed me back a blank piece of paper, because they had all written on their hands his name and information.
I could not believe it and we laughed together, because I used to do this when I was their age. They were overjoyed by his musical performance which featured a sing along of “Titanium” which has incredibly deep lyrics we can equate with a strengthening of the inner self against any bullying that may come their way. Sticks and stones may break my bones…he sings, but we all sang with him, that we are so strong from inside, as strong as Titanium, that we are positively unaffected but such negativity. It was so powerful for them!
Yoann also sang Whitney Houston’s song “I Believe the Children Are Our Future” which empowered all the kids, some of who, had never heard the original. The students were singing and enjoying the pop up concert and were deeply moved and joyful during the concert, and definitely were left with a lasting impression afterward. It was a joy to have the Winner of The Voice, but in particular, Yoann FreeJay, whose talents are both powerful and meaningful. Through his music, he touches the heart, opens the soul, awakens an awareness in each person that confirms for each of us that we all have a purpose in this life, we all matter, we all have a reason for being here, we all have value, and we can all enjoy our life even more once inner peace is established from within.
The concert series ended with “Because I’m Happy” where students clapped with fully attention on the nuances of his voice and his energy that he freely shared and was absolutely contagious. Hundreds of smiles beamed back at him and continued to beam as each one had just experienced the spark in the heart wake up to a new, joyful, peaceful dimension of awareness. There is hope for our future, if we nurture the children with the tools for dealing with stress and let them know that they have the power to quiet their mind chatter, and tap in to their own power they have inside that can give them a sense of security, calm, peace, self love, love for the mother earth, love for their extended family of brothers and sisters that they interact with every day at school.
Thanks to all involved in this wonderful initiative! Students everywhere need to experience their inner self and learn to identify with reality.
Sounds like an amazing day at the school. Everywhere Yoann goes he brings so much joy with him and shares it with everyone.