Remembrance Day honored with a Week of “Brave and Selfless Hearts” Meditation workshops in Halton

Learn about our most special Remembrance Day 2024

The official date of the Remembrance Day commemoration is always November 11, the anniversary of the day in 1918 when the guns fell silent at the end of the First World War.

Poster announcing the free meditation classes in Halton that are dedicated to Remembrance Day 2024.

This Week You are All Invited to Meditate together on ‘Brave and Selfless Hearts’ and learn about the Subtle Heart Energy Centre (Anahat chakra) while we focus on its spirit

Both photos were captured in Halton by Ioana, one of our volunteers from Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network. The cloud formation (noticed on Father’s Day) resembles a poppy heart, only the red and black are missing :-). Reminders that our fragile yet intense lives happen between earth and sky, who bear witness, in silence, to all human drama.

Let’s meditate on Bravery with words of wisdom from Spiritual Teachers and Indigenous Poets

The first photo comes from Shivangna, who joined the Burlington’s 2024 Remembrance Day Parade with a few other volunteers from our 100 Seeds of Joy team. The poppy flower is shared by Ioana and it represents an offering from Oakville.

Decisions and Kinds of Bravery to be considered

“You all should decide within yourself that you are not going to be soldiers, carrying the swords with the shaky hands, or you’re not going to be afraid of the horses on which you have to ride.

You have to decide that you have to be brave people.

But bravery never means aggression – it never means aggression. And that’s why that kind of a bravery can only come into people whose Spirits are awakened. So many poets have dreamt about their country – every country.

If the people have that kind of a heart, that kind of a poem, the gods will have to come down.

If you have that kind of a reception., all the Divine has to go down. But let us see if we have that heart or not. I hope..”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation (1923-2011), UK (Hampstead Town Hall Centre), on November 28th, 1981

The Heart of Bravery – poem dedicated to the Remembrance Day (by Brittany Amell)

Such an amazing beautiful poem and wisdom coming from the foundations of this land that Canada is built upon (source).

We hope that you’ve enjoyed the above words of wisdom and the beautiful poem that expresses all that Shri Mataji, as a grandmother and spiritual teacher was hoping in a poet that thinks about one’s country and decides on bravery.

Now, you might have your heart ready to listen to our invite and answer our call for a meditative get-together this week.

About our Invitation / Initiative from Halton’s SYMN volunteers:

Group photo with our volunteers and some of the participants to a previous Remembrance Day event offered by SYMN.

Since long, our Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network team honors the Remembrance Day every year in our special way. We invite Halton citizens and anyone interested to join us in collective meditations.

Let’s find time for healing and strengthening our hearts. Then, stories of bravery might immerse, some that might have never been shared before. Those that come to these sessions find them cathartic in a way, and also understand the subtler mechanism of the heart, as we learn about the Heart Chakra too.

You can take a glance to the following two articles related to previous such sessions, however every year the meditation workshop has a fresh format and of course, another spontaneous mix of participants and energy.

(1) How was Remembrance Day honored in Burlington? With Women’s Story of Bravery

(2) Yogis are Honoring the Valiant Right Heart on Remembrance Day

Poppy flower with feedback notes from the participants to our free Festival of New Beginnings offered on May 5th, 2024.

This year you can join our free Halton meditation sessions that honor the Remembrance Day 2024 here:

a) On Wednesday, November 13th, in Burlington at 7pm.

b) on Thursday, November 14th, in Oakville at 7pm: Remembrance Day Special – Honoring the Valiant Right Heart in Oakville

Until we meet at any of/or both meditative sessions, you can take a few minutes to learn why this year’s Remembrance Day was so special for Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network. Please, check the story that’s shared below.

An absolutely memorable Remembrance Day 2024 for our SYMN Team of Volunteers

Robin, Shivangna, Gratiela, Ajay and Jyoti are volunteers from 100 Seeds of Joy community initiative launched in 2023 by Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network.

Remembrance Day 2024 was commemorated on Monday, November 11th.

Same day, at 11:30 am, one of our SYMN volunteer instructors was invited to conduct a meditation class for a group of Muslim immigrant women during a mental health and wellness event scheduled in the Peel region. Before starting the session, Ioana brought everyone’s attention on the sacrifice made by our heroes; on our freedom that is supported by their brave hearts.

Same day, precisely at 11:30 am our team was scheduled for the preparations in announcing our annual Festival of Inner Lights in the heart of Burlington. Gratiela, Shivangna and Robin, as well Jyoti and Ajay – SYMN volunteers from Burlington and Oakville – had the privilege of being there for Burlington’s Remembrance Parade. Such a powerful experience!

Afterwards, they made sure that they shared the good news of joy and hope that Festival of Inner Lights 2024 is set to bring!

Emil, Gratiela and Shivangna on the left, with Robin. Jyoti and Ajay on the right. All enjoy the free weekly SYMN meditation classes in Halton region.

Did you know? On Sunday Robin performed at the Remembrance Day Service at St Cristopher Church. We are so proud of Robin’s heart: she joined our Burlington meditation classes in 2023 and started helping this year at our 100 SOJ events.

There are so many ways in which each of us can show our appreciation and honor this solemn day.

Instead of some Good Bye notes we shared with you a gallery of photos we took on the Sunday before Remembrance Day, and some other images with positivity related to our meditation workshops. Little tokens of our love for this community.

Don’t forget: you can join our Wednesday and/or Thursday free Meditation Classes.

Ioana is sharing this field of poppies from our Halton region.

Let’s not forget the brave hearts and in their honor, let’s cultivate joy and bravery in our very own. 🙂

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. NITI

    Thanks for this lovely article about Rememberence day,In both indigenous poem amazing message is given about the meaning of true soldiers,brave soldiers. Thanks Ioana for this amazing article.

  2. Adina Vasiliu

    So nice! This will change the world into a better place. With so much light, beautiful hearts and souls!

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