Meditate with Deep Subtle Knowledge on Father’s Day

We invite you to Meditate with Deep Subtle Knowledge on Father’s Day

This article represents our way to wish you a ‘Happy Father’s Day’ because we know that Meditation and Knowledge bring Inner Balance and Peace, both much needed in a Father or a Parent. If we agree on this, let’s continue exploring the quotes of wisdom selected from the lectures of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation.

Let’s Meditate and Learn together with this deep subtle knowledge that sahaja yoga meditation has to offer!

Wisdom with Ocean, Mountains and Innocence: Transcending Motherhood and Fatherhood

“Now the Ocean is the Father, and the Mother Earth is your Mother. But when the Mother Earth becomes a Mountain, She is called as ‘the Father’.

The reason is: She, at that height, can catch the Father [i.e. the ocean’s evaporated water] on top of Her head, as snow or as rain. That is how a Mother becomes the Father, and so She can perform the complete function of a father and a mother.’

In that state only, Gauri -the Daughter of the Mountains, conceived Shri Ganesha without the help of the Father.’

‘Immaculate [conception]!’

The purity of the snow is hundred percent, and that covers the Mother Earth, gives the formation of Innocence. All the filth and dirt that goes into the ocean is clarified by the Sun, which is also Shri Ganesha, and is brought on top of the hills and mountains to cover it.’

‘When you see the mountains like this, the idea that should come into a good human being would be:

“O God, I can see You in this sublime form, and how will I conquer my ignorance? How will I climb over my mountain of arrogance to look at You?”

We hope that you’ve enjoyed these quotes that are offering connections so vast, from the Hindu mythology to geo-formations, all seen through the wisdom of Sahaja Yoga. Simple yet profound!

On a personal note: many of us will take vacation near the ocean or the sea, or will be in the proximity of mountains, or simply will go on trails. Such words of wisdom may help us appreciate more the subtlety of Nature around us, that is of same substance of our being, in and out.

Happy Father’s Day and don’t forget to meditate today and everyday, wherever you are .. as Peter does –  he is a dear yogi brother and devoted father from  Burlington seen in this photo enjoying meditation in Nature 🙂

Check the next three articles that are offering you even more Connections between the Fatherhood principle and Yoga, Chakras and Nature

#1 (BBC-EARTH VIDEO + Yogic Vision Experience) My Father’s House is Himalayas 

#2 On Father’s Day:  Rediscover the IF Poem with Reflection on Father; Fatherhood as Super Consciousness in Yoga and Father ‘s place in Chakras

#3 Father’s Day with Unforgettable People and Stars – Inspirational Father Daughter Story 

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Anjali

    Once we call and accept the art as mother, the ocean as father and the mountains as both roles of mother and father embedded together…it becomes so easy to identify yourself as the part and parcel of this world..doesn’t it? Beautiful read and pics. Thank you.

  2. Doris Mendez

    JSM!!! GRACIAS !!! por hacernos vibrar con sus trabajos, vídeos, sus fotos y todo el Amor y creatividad que nos trasmiten, a travez de Sahaja Yoga, un abrazo, Doris

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