Namaste’stu Sancta Maria!
Dei Genitrix glorificamus te, Immaculata Dea, Dei Genitrix, laudamus te
Namaste to Holy Mary, Mother of God we glorify Thee, Immaculate Goddess, Mother of God, we praise Thee”
Namaste’stu Jesus Christ!
We bow to the one who is the only son of his Virgin Mother, in whose pores galaxies whirl as dust, who was born to teach us of his Father Sadashiva, the everlasting God Almighty, Amen.
** the above are prayers-invocations used in Sahaja Yoga Meditation to awaken the divine principles that govern the 6th energy centre, Agnya chakra. This subtle knowledge of venerating the incarnations of Jesus Christ and his holy Mother Mary (Maria) comes from Shri Mataji the founder of Sahaja Yoga and the photograph above in which we can see the beautiful depiction of Mother Maria and her child as well Shri Mataji standing and bowing with the folding hands in the Namaste gesture – inspired this article that shows how Yoga, Meditation and Christmas Celebration are inseparable in sahaja yoga: one cannot reach to Yoga (= union/connection) that happens at the 7th chakra level (Sahasrara chakra) without having the narrow gate, the passage called Agnya chakra completely open and the one that opens that very thin door is only Jesus Christ with his Mother Mary standing nearby; they are the door keepers and we need have their approval to go beyond. In Sahaja Yoga anyone that practises it, may come from any religion and background, will learn, feel and ultimately love, respect and venerate the essence of Christianity represented by the incarnations of Jesus Christ as Son of God and of Mother Mary, who we know that represented the Holy Ghost, the manifestation of Kundalini energy and the power of evolution at that stage – at the universal Agnya (Ajna) Chakra level. Enjoy below some profound pearls of gnostic wisdom, coming from Shri Mataji. It all comes together and around the significant “Namaste Photo” that I hope you’ve enjoyed it. Keep your open hands towards it, read the words below and feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost in your hands! Namaste again and again to all that hold the baby Jesus in beautiful cozy cradles, placed in their own Agnya Chakras! Now let’s further listen to Shri Mataji’s Words of Wisdom on Jesus Christ:
“Today is the great day of Holiness. Let us celebrate the birth of Christ in our Agnya Chakra and let us sing praise of it so that He in His pure essence, in his holy body, He should be there…
And in purity you respect Him. Absolute purity because He is purity. Now you may say that ‘Mother if He is pure purity, then how can we make him impure ?’ What I mean, if you do not respect Him, why will He be there ? He will disappear. He likes purity. He will disappear from there..”
“So better create a Cradle, a beautiful cradle, of Love, of Honesty, as His Mother prepared for Him. With all sweetness and kindness and assurance that you will nurture the Beauty and the Auspiciousness of Christ.”
“In a very-very cold night Christ was born. Nothing much to cover: Sparkling Beauty it was!”
“Now we have to keep Him within ourselves comfortably. We are not going to give Him that manger in our Agnya Chakra, manger of thoughts and a crown of thought – that we are NOT going to give Him.
We are going to make Him comfortable by not accepting negativity as a sympathy. You have to be kind towards your auspiciousness and holiness so that Christ enjoys His stay there in your Agnya.
That we do not torture Him by our useless ideas, uncomfortable behaviours, inauspicious appearances and unholy acceptance of wrong ideas.
Try to respect Him; there He stands. Try to make Him very comfortable. I wish I could do that, but He resides in everybody’s Agnya Chakra. If He was only in my Agnya, I would have given Him the greatest comforts, but he wants to be manifested in everybody’s Agnya.”
“So I have to request you as a Mother to look after Him, give Him a nice Cradle, give Him a comfortable time, because He is born to give you your resurrection.”
“He has taken up such a great responsibility to suck all your conditioning and to suck all your ego, but that does not mean that you put stones on top of it. It’s like, sometimes I find the conditioning of some of the people in the West is so great that a big mountain is falling on this little child. And sometimes I find a big bad breath. Horrible breath of Ego. It stinks. Blowing like a big wind towards the Agnya. Horrible stink coming out of this terrible type of an ego. Absolutely not the way to treat the King of Kings who is born within you.””
“You are so respected that Christ is born within your Agnya. But you must respect your Agnya Chakra. Your attention should be in the Centre so that no wobbliness – imagine put a child – like they say, a child is to put on the wings. So this Agnya Chakra is to be kept very clean, healthy and holy. The attention should be holy.”
“The attention outside is still not very holy, should be – detached attention. If you start seeing through your Agnya it should project a power of holiness. So that anybody who looks at your eyes should know that serenity is flowing from these eyes, and not lust and greed and aggression. All this we can achieve because we have got Christ within our Agnya. Accept Him there. He is born yet to grow. I am sure Sahaja Yogis will understand the importance of the Agnya Chakra. May God bless you all.”
(All the above are Quotes from The Talk on Christmas – celebrated by Shri Mataji and Sahaja Yogis in 1982, England)
“And so today we remember Her great incarnation as Maria (Mary), who was very great because She had to bear terrible pain in Her heart with all Her powers that She had. She was a tremendously powerful Lady. But despite that, She bore all the tortures of Christ upon Her heart…
So She is the redeemer and She connects you to God. In the sense She is the bridge. And the Kundalini rises over the bridge.. .. Kundalini is the potential of all the three powers (from the subtle system, our tree of life).. because it is the primordial desire. Because She is the Holy Ghost, you see, so She contains all these three powers in it.”
“Ganesha is the Essence of Christ, and Christ is the manifestation of Shri Ganesha’s powers. So, if you go to the Essence of most things, you see, that is better. Then of course, Christ is there but we must see in Him, as He is, which very few people have seen before, but now in Sahaja Yoga you should see Him as He was: He was the Holiest of Holy, first of all. Accept that position…”
(Shri Mataji talking to Sahaja Yogis during the Christmas Celebration in Pune, India, 1982)
Enjoy Madeleine’s painting of “Mother and Child” – take a closer look above and you’ll see such a sweet and Christmas like resemblance to Madonna and Child with Indian sahaj elements: the Bindu, kum-kum made red dot that is applied directly on Agnya chakra (in the middle of the forehead) where we already learned that Jesus Christ and Mother Mary actually reside. There is more to learn about Sahaj connections to Christmas and maybe you’d enjoy to find out where is Bethlehem, or how Christmas overcomes World War I, and even more the key to Miracle and Bliss with The AUM Divine Essence of Prayer with Jesus and Ganesha Principles.
I’ve felt in my heart that this is the only way to wrap-up this article as our Halton Sahaj Christmas Gift to Everyone!
Namaste and Merry Christmas to All!
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Dear Loana,
Thanks for enlighting us with the knowledge . wish you Merry christmas and Happy new year.
Thank you very much Ioana for giving this Joy to us. May you have a very Blessed Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year 2015 with all Sahaj family from Halton.
Hernan and Ileana Murgueitio,
Colombia, South America
Thanks much! Loved everything, the lecture, the painting, total joy! Merry Merry Xmas!
Wish all of you a Marry Christmas and a peaceful and joyous New Year!
Once again thank you Ioana,dear sister of my heart ! For this wonderful compilation of Christmas and Sahaja with direct words of Shri Mataji. It becomes so easy for us to approach non-Christians with this priceless piece. Wish you and family the perfect joy of the season with a prayer that may the spirit of Christ be fully resurrected within you.
Nirmal love, armaity.
Happy Christmas to all.
Thank you for the lovely and joyous posting.
The birth of innocence in human form as the Christ for the emancipation of human beings to a higher level of spiritual awareness and to be blessed with the opening of the doorway ( Agnya Chakra) to God Realisation through Kundalini awakening by Mother Mary, the Holy Ghost, is indeed a divine experience of not just one lifetime but many.
Eternally grateful for having been a recipient of this wondrous gift of Mother Mary and Her wondrous child, Shree Jesus the Christ!
Wishing You and family a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
With much love,
Bro Raj
Thank you Ioana. You made my day. Merry Christmas. It was all so refreshing as painting …as message and as compilation with discretion to put everything in place to reconstruct teh manger to host little infant Christ within our hearts and above Forehead.
Merry Christmas the way Haltonian collective gift wraps this wonder gift for all of us with so much love. We love you . Merry Christmas. It was silent Night a few days ago and now the joy of light shines . I bet it will linger for quite long even after the celebration is over. It is all joy.
! For this wonderful compilation of Christmas and Sahaja with direct words of Shri Mataji. It becomes so easy for us to approach non-Christians with this priceless piece. Wish you and family the perfect joy of the season with a prayer that may the spirit of Christ be fully resurrected within you.
Dear Ioana,
Wish you a wonderful Christmas and yet another year filled with bountiful vibrations for the Halton collective.
Thank you truly for rekindling our hearts with Mother’s words, once again!
Joyeux Noêl toujours, dans nos coeurs et nos vies,dans Son Amour Infini,Jay Shri Jesus Marie!Jay Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Dévi!!!!!!!!!
really nice!
Merry Christmas the Halton collective.Merry Christmas Ioana my dearest sister as always ever.Ranjana joins me to to sing it for you and your collective there. Have a wonderful Christmas Celebrations.
A Most Joyous and Vibrationful Christmas to you and Razvan & Abi and a Wonderful NewYear 2011 full of love, joy, peace, balance and harmony! Missed you yesterday at the Christmas Party and looking forward to see you at the Puja on 28th.
With my love to you my dearest sister,
yours armaity.
May the Joys of Christmas be felt by one and all. May the Lord Jesus Christ resurrect within each of us as his powers of love and forgiveness manifest in the world.
Merry Christmas !
Thank you Ioana, I did not know about the cradle, I will share it immediatly with my friends!
Dear Iona, as always looking after all of us with your beautiful compilations and research of the relevant talks of Shri Mataji. Thank you for your auspisciousness and I wish you and your family/collectivity a beautiful Christmas and a blessed new year 2012
Every year …we speak the same… greet the same to celebrate this day ….but every year it makes us feel euphoric with a difefrent dimension ….in a different way…Our expressions expands in its expanse with love for the other as we mature and evolve with greater awareness around. It is simply the love that make us so warm and the bondage is so pure. We can but say how Divinity gave us the opportunity of recognizing this day to remember and greet other . Forgive is another word for accepting the waves of eternal love that we not only love to treasure but to share . It was Lord Christ until we knew him by mere a few glorifying praises. But our Mother revealed how can we be near God and feel him with ‘Love’.
Anyway, wish everyone of us a Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year ahead.May Santa overflood us with gifts that we shall cherish until the next year Chrsitmas.
“Joyeux Noel”
A joyfull Christmas to all the Yahaja Yogis in the world !!!!
Namaste’stu Sancta Maria!
We are blessed!!!
Thank you for sharing this… how incredible!
uncle how is ever one say my merry christmas to all andWish you a wonderful Christmas and yet another year filled with bountiful vibration
Never realized it this way before that is to look after the agnya is to look after The great son of God Jesus Christ. What a privilege we are all blessed with to serve Him directly within us and show our love for Him who made such a big sacrifice for us. Hail to Mother Mary for redeeming us. Thank you for this excerpt. Merry Christmas everyone.
De fiecare data imi dau lacrimi de bucurie cand citesc articolele pline de emotii,de sentimente ,de noutatii.Mutumesc pentru citatiile din Puja.
Va doresc tuturor si tie, un Craciun Fericit si un An Nou plin de bucurii-
This year I got a lot of knowledge about Christmas and Jesus
Thanks to Mata ji for giving us knowledge about all reincarnations
Wishing everyone a merry Christmas
Jai shree Mata di
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, it’s always amazing learning more about the significance behind this special holiday, thank you!
Thanks for this amazingly beautiful article about the
Christ and about mother Mary,who is the holy ghost
and redeemer of humankind and her Son Christ is nothing
But the Purity and forgiveness and the bestower of auspiciousness ,Thanks again Ioana for bringing mother’s divine words in front of us through this article
Merry Xmas to everyone.
Again today I happened to read this amazing article,without remembering I already dropped the comment,I bow to Mother Mary and Shri Jesus who are our redeemer, protected,savior. I am very thankful to Shri Mataji to connect us to Shri Yeshu Christa in a very sahajway means it is so spontaneous, experience for me to awaken this powerful deity with the blessing of Shri Mataji.