I am a Kundalini addict

I am a Kundalini addict and can Prove it! Photo of Kyla's outfit . Kyla is a yogini from Burlington and one day we met by chance by Burlington's Ontario Lakeshore. I loved her outfit so I took this photo with Kyla's Shri Mataji brooch and T-shirt that resembles so closely our logo for Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network. Cool! This article was inspired by the following words of Shri Mataji - the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation, discovered a while back in a talk in which She was advising Her followers, the Sahaja Yogis to be upfront…

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My Easter with Signs & Angels (Personal Experience from Ela!): Puja-Meditation-Becoming

Jesus says: "I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved (John 10:9, NIV)."Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it " (Matthew 7:13, 14, NIV).  "The true light that enlightens every man was coming into the world." (John 1:9) "Again Jesus spoke to them, saying: I am the light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness,…

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Kundalini in Spain (video) & Youth LOVING-LIVING Meditation (LINKS!!)

"Youth's Touring Meditation" - Spain & Italy, 2012 Enjoy a joyful short video from the Europe's Youth Power ('yuva shakti' in Sanskrit)or Sahaja Yogis/Meditators during their Fall 2012's tour in Spain and Italy - that lasted 2 weeks. More than 5o young people from all over Europe had joined the tour that was focused at the beginning on the cities around Barcelona. There was even a procession (Indian style! :-) ) right in the centre of Barcelona.. these outspoken young people, that are so  lovingly proud of their motherly Yoga teacher - Shri Mataji as a Guru…

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Experience India in Burlington on Sat, Aug 25th @10 AM

Our special event  is in alignment with the global meditation event dedicated by sahaja yogis from many countries to Shri Krishna - the archetype and incarnation that is considered to govern the Vishuddhi (Throat) Chakra.  This FREE public program that comprises chakra workshop, collective meditation, live Indian music and dance is intended to offer as well many 'rich' surprises for hearts and minds of anyone of any age. Just come and bring/send a friend! ENJOY Latino Fiesta & Bollywood Dance with SAHAJA YOGIS in OAKVILLE DOWNTOWN PLAZA (click!) Videos & Photo Story from Sahaj Latino-Indian Fiesta 2010…

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New Research Paper on Effect of Sahaja Yoga Meditation on Quality of Life

Effect of Sahaja Yoga meditation on Quality of Life - Research Study 2012 The researchers had measured the quality of life, anxiety, and blood pressure before and after the treatment with sahaja yoga meditation. Below is the entire document and a list with more interesting articles (videos and more) on the medical and overall wellness benefits of sahaja yoga meditation practice for everyone (children, adults, seniors, women at menopause and so on). Effect of sahaja yoga meditation on quality of life, from ioana_ip ** research done at Mahatma Gandhi hospital List with Important Articles on Sahaja Yoga…

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Four Essential Q&A about Meditation and Spiritual Seeking

Question: Even though I meditate, thoughts come to my head, they just come all of a sudden and I know they're not part of me. Is there a method to control these thoughts even though we do meditate? Shri Mataji: See, you must raise your Kundalini. Try to raise it. Put your attention to your Sahasrara (crown chakra).  Say: 'Mother (Kundalini), come in my head. '  As soon as Kundalini crosses the Agnya (= Third Eye chakra) you cannot have those thoughts. You should follow this simple method also, that if you see any thought coming in,…

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