Come to “Sustainable Effects of Meditation on Health” with Professor Dr. Mishra from McMaster University – FREE Event on Jan 26

Note: We are happy to announce that the event is sponsored by our non-profit organization, sahaja yoga meditation (click: a highly popular practice in this region), with the best intention of providing, within the Halton community, the most up to date and reliable knowledge related to wellness & meditation. Let's introduce our special guest, Dr. Mishra: professor at the Faculty of Health Sciences, the department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Neurosciences for McMaster University, as well a Senior Fellowship Honoree with the Ontario mental health Foundation. Sahaja Yoga Meditation had invited Professor Dr. Mishra for a public lecture…

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Video of Dogs & Cats with Hearts: Heart Chakra expressed in Animal World + Q & A with Yoga Master on Animals Language & Myths

Love, Care & Responsibility in the Animal realm - pure expression of the Heart Chakra Understanding the Animals Language or A Heart (chakra) to Heart (chakra) Communication ?! Interviewer: Is this Chakra here ( pointing to the Heart energy centre, to its centre aspect) have the ability to understand – animals… the language of animals? Shri Mataji: No, no, no, not language of animals, no, no. That’s not true. This center of chakra is guarded by Jagadamba, the Mother of the Earth, Mother of the Universe is here. But this has got the antibodies, this chakra creates antibodies. Antibodies are…

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Namaste to Mother Mary and Baby Jesus in our Agnya Chakra – How & Where to make a Cradle for Christ?!

Namaste'stu Sancta Maria! Dei Genitrix glorificamus te, Immaculata Dea, Dei Genitrix, laudamus te Namaste to Holy Mary, Mother of God we glorify Thee, Immaculate Goddess, Mother of God, we praise Thee" Namaste'stu Jesus Christ! We bow to the one who is the only son of his Virgin Mother, in whose pores galaxies whirl as dust, who was born to teach us of his Father Sadashiva, the everlasting God Almighty, Amen.   ** the above are  prayers-invocations used in Sahaja Yoga Meditation to awaken the divine principles that govern the 6th energy centre, Agnya chakra. This subtle knowledge…

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