Special Event: “Ode to Kundalini Shakti with Bhajans, Meditation and Experiences” – on Wednesday, March 10 @ 7 PM

Celebrate International Women's DayLet's Realize and Recognize our Feminine Power from within! How ?! During a Special Sahaja Yoga Meditation Class dedicated to Kundalini Shakti (Power in Sanskrit) - the subtle energy that unconsciously was associated with Mother Mary - seen as the Mother of God, as a Virgin and as a Protective Queen, all in One.Definitely,the truth in this symbolism (born in the laic expression of Christianity) can be felt during the Sahaj meditation and its workshops. Through this form of meditation, while reciting mantras or expressing an open Heart chakra and  a pure and vibrant…

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Namaste to Mother Mary and Baby Jesus in our Agnya Chakra – How & Where to make a Cradle for Christ?!

Namaste'stu Sancta Maria! Dei Genitrix glorificamus te, Immaculata Dea, Dei Genitrix, laudamus te Namaste to Holy Mary, Mother of God we glorify Thee, Immaculate Goddess, Mother of God, we praise Thee" Namaste'stu Jesus Christ! We bow to the one who is the only son of his Virgin Mother, in whose pores galaxies whirl as dust, who was born to teach us of his Father Sadashiva, the everlasting God Almighty, Amen.   ** the above are  prayers-invocations used in Sahaja Yoga Meditation to awaken the divine principles that govern the 6th energy centre, Agnya chakra. This subtle knowledge…

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Short Story with Business, Temple and Mother Theresa – The Modern Faith Crisis with Hope from Audio Advise & Cute baby girl

DIFFICULT JUDGEMENT STORY(author unknown - received via emails)In a small town, a person decided to open up his Bar business, which was right opposite to a Temple. The Temple & its congregation started a campaign to block the Bar from opening with petitions and prayed daily against his business.Work progressed. However, when it was almost complete and was about to open a few days later, a strong lightning struck the Bar and it was burnt to the ground.The temple folks were rather smug in their outlook after that, till the Bar owner sued the Temple authorities on…

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