Let’s See How the Oakville Community had the opportunity to Celebrate the Vasant Panchami Festival this year with Halton’s Sahaja Yoga Meditation and its 100 Seeds of Joy team

We are sharing with this article the “How was it?!“- bits regarding this much anticipated free multi-cultural event aiming at serving the mental, emotional and spiritual health, offered by Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network of Halton volunteers via their 100 Seeds of Joy community initiative launched two years ago in Burlington.
Let’s get ready to also learn about the Vasant Panchami Festival that was celebrated on the same day (on Sunday, Feb 2nd, 2025) by many Canadian families with an Indian background; our special guest is an artist born in India, therefore the festival was graciously introduced during this Free Event:

What do you know about Vasant Panchami Festival?!
We intended to be a multi-cultural event: not only an early celebration of the Valentine’s Day, but as well in informative session dedicated to Vasant Panchami festival when in India is celebrating the beginning of Spring as well honoring Goddess Saraswati – the protector of arts, culture and knowledge.
This event was also quite informative; the participants were also introduced to Sahaja Yoga Meditation system of subtle energy centers and somewhat briefly to their qualities – due to the limited time.
However, the interest was great and we promised to share more such knowledge in the next SYMN events, coming soon!
An Early Valentine’s Day event was offered in the Heart of Oakville by Halton’s Cultivators of Joy

Take a moment to look at the photo posted above – kudos to the husband (and chosen Valentine :-)) of one of the 1st time participants joining a 100 Seeds of Joy event offered in Oakville; we did not realize at the moment how visible was everyone’s inner joy, after the beautiful moments of meditation accompanied by the soothing sounds of the live music recital.
Despite the cold day and the snow falling, we had people coming from Burlington, Mississauga, Hamilton, Etobicoke and of course Oakville, to this “Early Valentine’s Day” event – celebrated in the Heart of Oakville.

Let’s imbibe with Special Quotes of Love that are also filled with Wisdom
As we practice sahaja yoga meditation, we are also sharing pearls of wisdom from Shri Mataji Nirmla Devi – the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation. You will see this time, how the common and popular subject of ‘love‘ can reach to a deeper and wider level in its significance. Enjoy!
Introspection can lead to a purification of feelings towards each other; the Collective will benefit!
One can understand why we believe that it’s important to Cultivate Joy in our communities; we, together can improve our own Communities once we becomes ourselves better human beings, allowing that pure love towards each other manifest.
Let us share three more quotes of wisdom, all about Love – from Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – let us meditate upon them.
“Love is all knowledge.
Knowledge is all love. There is nothing beyond.
If you have knowledge, it has to pass the Test of Love.“
Participants learned about the Savant Panchami Festival as well about the Bamboo flute

Some of the Feedback received during the Event
Our event had a special guest – the meditation instructor and classically trained musician Shivangna, who is originally from India. It was a lovely session, with many participants appreciating the soothing music of the bamboo flute.

By the end of it, we discovered that there was another musician (also playing the flute) in the audience who praised the artistry of our special guest and confined how fascinating were the connections we made between different cultures and spiritual threads.
There were also people among the audience, familiar with other forms of yoga and/or meditation, who confessed that never before participated in such an event but appreciated how everything came together, as a result the experience of connection was powerful, the presence of positive energy was acknowledged in the room as well, the flow of energy around their body.

We invite everyone to join our next special events:
1. Our next special event will be in Burlington and is dedicated to Valentine’s Day, which is for all, adults, children (that can enjoy also event for a short time, a simple guided meditation, followed by creative activities, etc); details here.
2. The next event in Oakville is dedicated to another Spring Festival, “Martisor – An Eastern European cultural event“, details here.
We share below the Posters for two events mentioned earlier. Pass around the good news: they are Free and Open to All!

Don’t be shy, drop a nice comments if you want, share your experience from our events or about this article. Thank you.
(click to learn!) Take a Deep Dive into Vasant Panchami Festival and learn about the Protector of Arts “Shri SARASWATI” (videos and vidya) – free-meditation.ca
(click to enjoy!) Burlington Kids experience the Joyfulness of Holi Festival

Don’t be shy, drop a nice comments if you want, share your experience from our events or about this article. Thank you.
The flute married with thoughtless awareness meditation techniques was truly effective. Bravo to the volunteer team and new seekers! Looking forward to meditation Mondays at Oakville library plus all the special programs with various themes. The flute player Shivangna was truly talented and her voice so soothing it was easy to be thoughtless and feel a spark ignite within.
Wonderful articulated article on Basant Panchami event celebrated at Oakville . I can feel amazing vibrative message of love even in india after reading it, and power of thoughtless awareness thru flute meditation . ♂️
Thanks…Sahaj family..for wonderful articulated article on Basant Panchami event at Oakville . I could enjoy and feel amazing vibrative message of love and power of thoughtless of this flute meditation session while reading even in India.
It’s was great feeling. Jai shree mataji….