February 1st is considered in Ireland the First Day of Spring and Brigid’s Day

Explore this Article – we hope you will Enjoy and Smile while your heart will warm up to its Light
We dedicate this article to Ireland’s culture and spirituality as well to the 100 Seeds of Joy volunteers who are offering two Free Public Wellness Events this weekend for the Halton Community, intertwining the practice of Meditation with different forms of arts and cultural elements.
Here there are snippets from Ireland’s inspiration on our creative and dynamic group of volunteers from Halton’s Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network known more recently as the Cultivators of Joy.

Celebrating in Canada during Winter time the First Day of Spring in Ireland
We want to also show you the contrast that can bring joy and laughter: in Halton region we have a White February and we love it, on the other hand through these events we remain in contact to other places on the globe where people may experience a very different reality. You’ve seen the first photo posted in this article? It was shared with me by Mady – my good Romanian friend who shoot this photo last week, in her garden. Loved it!
Yesterday, on the last day of January, I witnessed a magical reinforcement of Winter’s presence here in Burlington. You must watch the entire video-clip (seconds long), to take it all in.
Magical Snowfall captured in Burlington on the last day of January 2025
Let’s find out more about the First of February’s Brigid’s Day through the Story-telling of an Irish Shakti Woman
St. Brigid’s Day- A spiritual Experience shared with Ioana by email, years back, by an Irish mother, teacher and meditator.
“The photographs below were taken at the Paps of Anu in County Kerry (two mountains in the shape of two breasts) when the whole Irish group of meditators went to on St.Bridget’s day 2009.
We placed St. Brigid’s cross into the water between a lake that flowed off the Paps and a river that went out to the Atlantic ocean near Skellig Rock.
Skellig Rock is an ancient sacred place and the start of The St Michael’s Ley line that runs all the way through Europe to Mt Carmel in Israel.
Each part of the Heart Chakra was represented by a sister holding the ending of the cross.
The four chambers of the Heart to integrate and to manifest in all the Shaktis (‘Power’ in Sanskrit language, meaning here ‘Women with spiritual strength’).We were nine in this meditative ceremony which is an auspicious number of The Goddess.”
“Eire (Ireland) being the sacred Land of the Centre Heart chakra of Mother Earth.
We prayed for all the mothers of the world to become strong for the children of the world and our prayers were answered by a biblical strong wind that blew spontaneously all of a sudden from the top of The Paps over the lake, over us and out to the sea. It was a very powerful wind and then all was calm again as it had been before.”
We were filled with awe and holding hands we sang the three Great Mantras of the Crown Chakra with all of our hearts and our hearts were so full of love for each other and the light of the divine in each other.”
Another personal story about Ireland’s spiritual land
How are you doing so far? We hope you are enjoying this article and are willing to continue your journey through it.
The images are provided by our 100 Seeds of Joy volunteers – Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network based in Halton/Hamilton area. The young lady who meditates on a rock is from Burlington and the photo is from her visit to Ireland during a 2 weeks tour through Ireland and the UK.. It was amazing for us, two Canadians from Burlington to feel the spirituality of the Irish land, especially the trees and the Irish forests are truly special.
Once, we took a stroll nearby Dublin and intuitively went deeper into the forest. All of a sudden the feeling of being in a Divine Cathedral overwhelmed me. I brought my fellow yogi travelers, we meditated there in silence and even uttered mantras. We did not feel to sit on Mother Earth as one normally does. We stood up and that’s how we meditated and honored the Divine, possibly in the form of the Irish Earth Goddess Danu or the Goddess Brigid – the Mary of Ireland as St Brigid is also known to be.
Above is a photo from today, on February 1st in my house; it is a birthday present (I am born in May which is finally Spring here in Canada :-)) representing Shri Mataji – the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation – meditating in Nature; a cherished gift from a friend that lives in London. Somehow, everything comes together around the Heart Chakra (click for Debbie’s experience) of the Universe; Winter, Spring and Love.
We intend to share with you some of the subtler knowledge and connections we’ve shared during our Free public event earlier this week.
Even more connections and stories you can find at the various links we are sharing in this article.
You just have the desire to further explore and absorb it all!
Did you know? Let’s learn more about the Celtic Goddesses and their various connections to Christianity and Indian Mythology

Good news: Our Event Dedicated to Brigid’s Day this year was great!
On Thursday January 30th, 2025 we offered a special program in Oakville, of course it was a free event. We had such a great quality of seekers that joined us, that we ended up meditating twice, learning a lot, as well the depth of meditation was felt like a profound collective honoring of Ireland’s inner and outer beauty; everyone felt connected to the universal meaning of Brigid’s Day.
Paula took a few photos from the event and on the same morning Ioana took a few photos with the spectacular sunrise in Burlington, on her way to work; enjoy the photo-gallery below.

Feedback Notes from participants that joined this Event and took their time after the event to write it down; it was their first time in contact with Sahaja Yoga Meditation
I feel amazing!
Very relaxed.
It was a lovely way to spend my evening!
Others mentioned:
“I learned so many things! I thought I knew something about St. Bridgit but I learned so much more”!
“I visited Ireland but I did not know any of these. I was able to meditate – be thoughtless on and off.”
Allow us to share a few more local beauty, from people and Nature, older or fresher snippets.
Proof of Today that here in Burlington there is No Sign of Springtime yet!
It’s more likely that Christmastime is returning!

(click!) Vibrant Collective Joy and Meditation celebrating the Energies of the Earth and Sun during the Canadian Winter
(click!) Meditate with The First Snow on New Year’s First Day
You can definitely Enjoy the Iranian Dance Fun as well the Wisdom and Image Poetry in the tow articles shared above. You can also grow your heart further with the following short-video:
Smile, but recognize their efforts: Culturally Diverse Canadian Meditators took a shot at the Irish Dance!
You might want to get to know them, listen to and feel their truth in Ad-Hoc Stories of Inner Growth (*):
More about Saint Brigid’s Day in this short article:
(click!) Today, February 1st – Brigid’s Day described by Pat and Grazyna from Ireland
(click!) How and Why Open the Heart?
Reminder, Tomorrow, On February 2nd our dynamic and generous group of volunteers are inviting you to another wonderful Free event in downtown Oakville. Join and Pass it on!

Please, drop a comment if you wish. This posting is our heartfelt gift from this corner of Canada’s Winter Land.
Happy Brigid’s Day Everyone!
Don’t be shy, let us know if and how you’ve enjoyed this article and /or share your Irish spiritual experiences. 🙂
Very much enjoyed the rich connections of yoga especially with St. Brigid, second only or equal to St. Patrick’s day ☘️ lovely presentation and meditation on the principles within us that reflect specific qualities that are celebrated in Ireland and the Irish worldwide. I love celebrating and enjoying world culture. That is the introspective part of these meditations that have so much meaning and show us intercultural connections to help us feel we are One.
“You’ve seen the first photo posted in this article? It was shared with me by Mady – my good Romanian friend who shoot this photo last week, in her garden” Loved it!.. I love it too!
So amazing. Love the article. I am so glad that the wellness programs went well and seekers enjoyed the events. Great work team.
Felt beautiful strong cool breeze throughout this exhilarating article. Watching the heavy snow fall in the first video was like watching torrential rain fall drenching my crown. The spiritual deep connections made in this article were soothing, nourishing and enlightening. I will surely share this pure knowledge with my kids so they can learn not about different cultures and traditions but much deeper spiritual connections that humanity shares. What an auspicious way to start Feb.