Sweet Ganesha Meditation Class

Impressions and Photos from the Sweet Ganesha Meditation Class with clay ArtCraft, mantras and chakra workshop

Some results gathered together by the end of the class.

On September 21, 2022, we had another “The Power lies Within You” sahaja yoga meditation session in Burlington. This time the theme was centered on the principle that is related to our root chakra: Shri Ganesha. We had such a desire to help everyone realize the presence within each of us of a “Giver of innocence, spontaneity, purity, joy’ and of many more qualities that help us feel (eternally) “children”. Check the photo-album to see the evidence for “mission accomplished”: we offered a Sweet Ganesha Meditation Class!

Photo capturing the playfulness of children enjoyed same weekend “around here”, with the hibiscus flowers known to be “Ganesha’s flowers”. Enjoy few more in the photo-album.

In fact, through meditation, one is able to go deeper within and of course, in sahaja yoga meditation the Kundalini energy is able to rise and open the subtle energy center. One relaxes, therefore the capacity of retaining both knowledge and positive energy increases. You may be surprised how your creativity and joy find ways to join hands and “deliver”!

After meditation and chakra workshop, stories and mantras, it was time for the promised clay workshop. We ended up with a really cool collection of Shri Ganeshas, each one quite unique!

The guided meditation was strong, we had to clear many blockages because the energy centers felt clogged. Right after the class we understood why, and as always, the feedback made sense. Exactly the centers we’ve insisted on, those needed help. A lady who joined in said that she felt such an emotional release. Others felt even more energized after the chakra workshop. We listened to a video talk of Shri Mataji (the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation) that provided the fundamental answers on why we must and how we should establish the Principle of Shri Ganesha within us.

Snapshots from the weekend before "Ganesha Class"

Snapshots from the weekend before “Ganesha Class”

During the “creative play” with clay, we’ve discovered that a first-timer joined our class, because she was told just recently by an energy reader that should “Pray to Ganesha” to have positive changes in her life, such as obstacles to be removed. 🙂 She could not believe her eyes when our Poster crossed her path, as it was all about “Shri Ganesha”. That’s how she joined the class. It was meant to Be! Others returned to our in-person classes after a long spell!

Enjoy our Photo-Album from the Class: here.

short video-clip from the class

(Recommended article) How to Meditate on Root Chakra with PROTECTIVE MANTRA (Ganesha Atharva Shirsha)

“Ganesha Clay Artcraft Meditation Class” – Photo-Album:

(click!) https://photos.app.goo.gl/GVna85UNWZvdAvhu7 (click!)

In the weekend leading to the class there was so much playfulness in the air! Our team celebrated birthdays and enjoyed the outdoors during the weekend, and right after the class there was a marriage anniversary! We placed some photos from “before”, “during” and “after” the class in the photo-album so you get the feeling of Shri Ganesha’s blessings! Video too!

(more) Shri Ganesha – COLLECTIVE ART Project – Spreading the Innocence!

 (click!) Einstein and Ganesha’s Symbolism in a Diagram  & WATCH Heart in Mars

(click!) The Rock Within – Connections to Qualities of Chakras

See you to our next class with Navaratri theme with a very different format as well. Check the class schedule,

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Kruti

    We have such an incredible opportunity to grow spiritually here in Burlington, with these classes. What a creative way to learn about Shri Ganesha who is the symbol of innocence, wisdom and much more! So beautifully and gracefully the participants have made the clay statues, they are so joyful to see. I also loved the radiant photo of flower and nature along with Shri Mataji’s talk. Amazing article, thank you so much for sharing dear Ioana.

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