Meditation at the Persian Food Festival

Check How was the first day of Meditation at the Persian Food Festival in Richmond Hill

The sky above the parking lot where we parked our car.

Usually our team of volunteers from Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network is very busy on Saturdays with the workshops that we’re offering in our Halton region. However, this Saturday it happened to be “free” and two of us grabbed the opportunity to respond to the warm invite received from our fellow sahaja yogis from Richmond Hill to join their Meditation booth at the Persian Food Festival.

Anjali and Ioana from Burlington (in Ontario’s Halton region) drove for almost 2 hours to make it there and were happy to still find a spot by the very end of the parking lot. Once we got off the car, we were welcomed by the amazing sky that very much resembled what we’d call in Sahaja Yoga as “vibrations of an open Sahasara (crown) chakra“.

Wouldn’t you agree?! Check these images shared below representing the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – meditating with a group of Sahaja Yogis on a boat; repetitive photos were taken that revealed the vibrations flowing from their crown chakras and creating this beautiful wavey sky of energy.

Photos from Sahaja Yoga Meditation archive with the founder – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

The Persian Food Festival in Richmond Hill on Saturday, August 5th, 2023

Welcoming Good Omen

The first thing one would notice in front of the Meditation booth was a standing banner with the chakra chart. Then we realized that our friends were using one of our older “Halton Sahaja Yoga banners” that we created several years back with an Iranian printing business from North York. It was missing from our “inventory” and now we were reunited! 🙂

One can notice how our Halton team’s (local) website was manuallt changed on the banner.

Nice to see that our yogi friends were getting our team’s help even before we arrived there.. ha ha!

We are used to go to other corners of the Ontario province and help with spreading positive energy and meet lovely seekers.

See an example here that might make you SMILE even with your heart!

Kurdish Music and Dance at the Persian Food Festival

Kurdish music and dance at the Persian Food Festival in Richmond Hill 2023

Let’s get back to the Persian Food Festival! So it happened that on our way to the Festival, we kept talking, Anjali and I, how much we enjoy dancing and that we must bring back the dance in our lives. The moment we entered the main area of the festival, the music was inviting us to dance and a lovely group of people were actually dancing together in a hora. Later, we found out that those melodies were actually Kurdish. They were amazing! We were thirsty and hungry, but first things first! We were looking to find out our yogi friends.

When we arrived the booth was not busy at all, we had the time to catch up with each other and go for drinks and food.

Right away we were reminded how beautiful people are the Iranians! We received such a warm welcome with tea and cookies, and even sweeter than those, with loving embraces :-). We were pleasantly surprised to also meet a Sahaja Yogini visiting from Iran – Samera. Another treat for our heart was to talk with yogis known for 15 years or more, as well to make new friends that day!

Meditation with Self-Realization at the Persian Food festival

When we arrived there were very few people passing by our booth. Instead, we chatted with our yogi friends, even while waiting in line to order food and drinks. Definitely, besides the yummy meals, the persian icecream was the highlight for us!

We were drawn towards satisfying the most ardent desire: have a profound meditation on the green grass and pray for Iran and the Iranian people to find freedom and spiritual satisfaction by attaining their Self-Realization. It was easy to meditate there. The coolness started flowing! Soon after, as it got also cooler, people started coming in droves to our booth and all yogis became busy attending to the new comers.

For our Burlington little party, that was the real joy, meeting true seekers that were able to feel the flow of energy, even more, they were eager to bring their friends to our booth to meditate with us! It gave us much joy to depart with this image in our eyes, our Sahaja Yoga meditation booth at the Persian Food Festival was full and beaming with positive energy exchanged between the Seekers and our beloved Iranian / Canadian yogi friends. We took a few more photos with heart-shaped leaves and wide open sky. We hope you’ve enjoyed the photos and our experiences shared in this article.

Iranian Yogis perform instrumental music at the Festival of New Beginnings in Burlington on March 18th, 2023

We are saying Good Bye with an invite of our ownJoin our own Special CIVIC Weekend event in Burlington this Sunday, on August 6th, 2023

(click!) Special Heart Flow at Burloak Park – Summertime Outdoors Series

(click) Remember: Meditation as Dedication to Civic Holiday

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. NITI

    This looks like an amazing event of Iranian food festival. All the pictures are really vibrant especially of the sky which is like divine is sending vibration to all the festival, not only the festival but the whole universe because sky has no limits.Thanks Ioana for sharing your joy ful experience with all of us and also meditating on Iran and Iranians,and on Kurdish people.Enjoyed their music too.

  2. Saeid

    Hi Dear Sister Ioana,

    it was very nice to see you in Iranian food festival, it is the heart work to change the world and definitely you go everywhere with your heart. this beautiful world needs to change the lens on our eyes to see just beauty around on the earth in our friends and everyone and everywhere in this world, for sure one of the way is Kundalini awakening in Sahaja Yoga, when the Kundalini shine our eyes and make our heart full of love.

  3. Paula

    What a sky! Like a painting yet resembling the vibrations photographed years ago. So great to see familiar faces and make new friends with the warmth and hospitality offered in a gentle and sweet exchange of vibrational energy and Persian delights. Warms my ❤️ heart, that’s for sure.

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