Meditation as Dedication to Civic Holiday

Let’s find out How can we consider our Meditation as Dedication to Civic Holiday

Ioana was chosen by her Canadian peers to represent Canada by holding the Canadian flag during an international Sahaja Yoga Meditation seminar held in India in the presence of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – the founder of sahaja yoga meditation.

This article represents the story of our team’s participation to the Joseph Brant Day Festival in 2016, and it includes quotes and explanation regarding how we can perceive our Meditation as Dedication when we focus on the Civic Day. One should agree that those that are “teachers of Self-Realization”, as well those that are seeking their self-realization and meditate for it, should make good patriots. 🙂

This is the reason why, our volunteers from our Halton based Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network team are offering free meditation seminars or public programs in this region, to meditate for Canada and all Canadians as well on the specific energy centers that enlighten and reveal qualities that make a good character. Thus, individualy can become better persons for their families as well for their larger community, as well for their nations.

Example of event offered by Halton Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network.

Feedback: There was a gorgeous day at La Salle Park on Monday, August 1st, during the Joseph Brant Festival. Our booth had many visitors, wonderful seekers, some of them were really young but they knew what they wanted that day: to learn how to meditate! Luckily we had the Cool Kids corner assembled so we offered several sessions of intro to  spontaneous meditation, for children, parents and .. grandparents too! In 2016 our team of volunteers – that you can recognize in our photos gathered below – offered so many free programs and collaborated with schools programs and other volunteering groups.

We received many  appreciations, including as Thank you and congratulatory letters for our activities that we consider simply expressions of our civic duty.

Kathleen from Burlington SYMN team
SYMN workshops offered for students in teachers outdoors in the Halton Conservation Area in 2016.
Felicitation from the Government of Canada offered to Shulin from Halton Youth Sahaja Yoga Meditation team.
Isabelle from Halton SYMN team is helping with a 2016 outdoors meditation workshop.

Thank you letter received by our team in 2016 from a reputed community partner.


During the Joseph Brant Festival in 2016 there was a nice moment when Burlington Post reporter came by and wanted to capture few photos with our team during the “meditation action!” 🙂

The entire atmosphere was great, and the fantastic (check for a video sample!)  Burlington Teen Tour Band was present with all its fun, color and glory! We are all so proud of our community in Burlington and we thank organizers and volunteers from our city for another year of great Civic Day Celebration.


We also thank to our yogi volunteers instructors that were kept busy offering meditation experiences and explanations to visitors all day long!


Ray and Rayann at Halton/Niagara outdoors meditation seminar organized by the Halton SYMN team.
Ioana from Halton SYMN enjoying the energy around (2016).

During the previous 10 years our team from Halton Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network had participated to the Civic Day Festival in Burlington by providing all day long free meditation experience and chakra/energy workshops. For us ‘yoga’ and ‘meditation’ are not related to ‘business’ but instead it’s about reaching out to the core within each of us that brings us all together, in peace and harmony, trust and love — eventually, finding the Joy within ourselves!

So COME , Join us for an amazing Community Eventlook for our Sahaja Yoga Meditation booth there!

Jospeh Brant Day -Civic Day 2016

We just found photos with Canada Day cards we created about 5 years back to be offered to our teacher and founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation — Shri Mataji — that loved Canada and Canadians. She had teached us to be real patriots by becoming better human beings inside out. Also Shri Mataji initiated  national seminars (especially in Toronto and Vancouver) with collective meditations and prayers for Canada and Canadian people, so we, as sahaja yogis living here in Canada learnt to express our love and desire for protection and spiritual evolution for the entire country not only for ourselves.

Let’s listen to Shri Mataji’s advice:

Shri Mataji: ” So today in the city of Vancouver, we have gathered here to pray for the country of Canada, and also for the Canadian people...But one should never feel frustrated; one should never feel upset, because even if you are one person you are a saint, and a saint brings all the luck, all the auspiciousness to that country, so there’s nothing to feel in any way desperate or unhappy about it.

But try to develop your depth by meditation and by collective sitting down and talking to each other. “

Photo 2015-04-22, 8 29 25 PM
Image from a seminar at the  Burlington free weekly sahaja yoga meditation classes that we dedicated for peace in the world.

Shri Mataji has left her material boundaries but with her deep appreciation for the qualities of this land, and especially for the specific role that Canada has in the world had ignited in all of us that practice Sahaja Yoga Meditation in this beautiful Halton region of Canada a sweet (maple syrup like?!) love for our country and fellow Canadians. Especially that Canada collects people and traditions from everywhere, truly making it so easy to feel that we are all citizens of the world — children of Mother Earth.



Meditate on the Sahaj Definition of Patriotism with Sanskrit Roots

Let’s meditate on the explanation of patriotism  – given by Shri Mataji  –  provided by Rabi, a dear friend and sahaja yogi from India in his recollection of the sahaj celebration of Diwali Festival with Shri Mataji, in India, 2007:

Shri Mataji  explained the enigmatic senses behind the two Sanskrit words frequently used  in Indian vocabulary to express patriotism:

One is ‘Swaraj’- ‘Swa’- means ‘own self ’ and ‘Raj’ – means ‘kingdom’ and the Second word is -‘Swatantra’, – Swa- means -own self’ Tantra – means ‘the machinery’. Therefore the meaning to these words should always be self driven. Whenever we speak of ‘Swatantra’ it invariably should be understood that it is the tantra-of the Self. One should first know his ‘own self’ in order to understand this deep rooted meaning of ‘belonging to a nation’.” Explaining ‘Swaraj’, she emphasized that we must understand and be proud to be privilege citizen by our inner owning-ness of the land where we belong. ”  Rabi Gosh

We wish Everyone a Happy Civic Day on behalf of Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network team from “here” in Burlington – Halton region of Ontario province in Canada. 🙂

Waltz with the Dolphons- RAIN to HEAL ME - March 12 Burlington Sahaja Yoga program

Short Q&A about the Civic Heart during a RAIN Event in St Catharines

Please drop a comment if you wish 🙂

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Paula

    Simply great memories as relevant this weekend of 2024!

  2. Kruti

    I enjoyed the cool vibrations while looking at the photos. Nice memories from past. Enjoyed it.

  3. armaity bhabha.

    All these pictures brought me a lot of nostalgia as I I remember being a part of it whenever I visited Canada, practically every year or two from early 2000s.
    Truly used to enjoy the bonhomie and brotherhood which used to exist in Halton Area Yogis as they consistently worked to spread sahaja yoga in their community and made me feel a part of it.
    I wish all of you more & more success in your endeavors to enrich your community by spreading the message of love and spirituality which is so much needed today.

  4. Helen

    Such vastness in this all. I feel tremendous joy, wonderful joyful vibrations.

    Such wonderful memories!!

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