Isabelle – living the words of Abraham Lincoln (see the beautiful quote she used in her testimonial)
”The greatest force in the universe is also the gentlest one.”
Shopping for a calendar for my cousin, I came across the quote above, that I instantly loved. How lucky we are that this is true. Even my mind (which is my greatest obstacle-blockage-enemy) wants this to be true. And what is this greatest force? It is Love. Silent strength. For a long time I was looking for a big sign to show me the way. But I realize that I have always had subtle signs that I am connected to my spirit. It’s all about being on the same frequency as God is. Thankfully, God is patient, forgiving, and most importantly, gentle.
From the first day in Sahaja yoga I felt compassion. The people I have met are amazing, kind and sincere. In class there is positive energy, no judgement, a gratitude for life. In my personal life it has made me more appreciative of my own family. I see them in a deeper level. I have gained a richer relationship with my own family and friends plus I have gained new wonderful friends.
“One starts smiling with the flowers, talking to the birds,
dancing with the wind.One flows with the subterranean bondage that runs through nature, that goes up the sap of a tree to ponder the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and flowers on a green hillside.”
Isabelle’s new friends in Halton .. some of them are sahaja yogis 🙂** The above words represent Isabelle’s testimonial about her experience with Sahaja Yoga classes. It was such a nice surprise and a beautiful present for me because the testimonial came so unexpectedly in the form of a beautiful page in a scrapbook brought to the Burlington class last week. It really touched my heart especially because that day Isabelle was a joyful light, radiating love and happiness to all of us around her; so this testimonial was perfectly in tune with her life’s Reality. Isabelle had started sahaja yoga meditation at the Oakville class and very shortly she decided to participate weekly from Milton where she lives, to both Burlington and Oakville classes, so eager she was for noticeable improvements and progress! This year we had opened a new meditation class in Milton/Mississauga (right at the border) and Isabelle was so glad that she can actually help there, in her own community and she continues to join and help weekly at either Burlington or Oakville classes too. Definitely Isabelle has that Gentle Strength .. and we are blessed to witness its power and beauty.
It is very nice to read your caring thoughts Isabelle.
I got a chance to know Isabelle and see her transformation since she started SY. She is a new person and it is so beautiful so see and enjoy it.
I felt so good to read this article.
all my love
This is so nice and touch my heart, i feel after attending some classes at Milton that we all become a family and has some spiritual connections which are nourishing and increase day by day
all my affections and connection to Shaj yogis
be happy and kind
It was so nice to read this article just when I was reading about love as explained by the founder of Sahaja Yoga in one of her talks.
The vibration is so intense while reading yr testimonial. I could feel yr immense love & inner strength. Thank u for sharing, dear Isabelle.
Dear Isabelle,
You come across as a very gentle yet strong person, and for you to realize that is wonderful…………I felt strong vibrations and immense love flowing while reading your testimonial. We are truly blessed to be receiving so may blessings and immense love from SY and all yogis. Thanks for sharing.
As soon as the picture of Isabelle appeared, I felt my kudalini vibrations rise up so strong! I have seen Isabelle transform in a subtle but powerful way. She is absolutely alive in nature! I have seen her soak up the winter sun with her smiling face and be “in the moment” and appreciate nature’s treasures. I have seen her spot the tiniest hint of moss under the winter snow, the first spring flowers, listening to sap dripping from a maple tree…. Being “awake” makes one notice the subtlest
of what is real in life and keeps the joy flowing in all of us. Thank you Isabelle for sharing your story and spreading good vibrations everywhere across the ether!
You’re so awesome Isabelle!! I just love you!
Is there need to say anything more?
Oh dear Isa, so happy to see you and read your thoughts. THOUHTS, yes, those words are not just words, those are words of stregth, coming deep down from your heart, from far far deep down. You deserve to be so strong, so happy and so blessed, you came a long way to show us all how one can be so strong, so free and so happy. My words fail to express my happines and love for you. We all love you. You are our dear Isa. I can see Shri Mataji is with you, great things are going to happen now.
Thanks for sharing your sentiments about Sahaja Yoga and how it has brought so many positive changes in your life. You are a very beautiful person inside and out. Keep smiling and know that Shri Mataji will continue to guide you along.
Lots of love always.
Dearest Isabelle,
So softly and beautiful and strong I always see you, so humble and gracious in your gentle ways has been your wonderful gift to us all. I am blessed to have a dear sister as you.
My heart always,