A Blessed Day in Barrie: Thanksgiving Sahaja Yoga Meditation Public Program & Seminar (October 20, 2013)

Feedback by Email + Collected from Barrie Free Meditation Meet-up Group
“Today we had a group of yogis come up from the Toronto area. I was looking forward to the higher vibrations and was blown away by how amazing they were.
I could feel wave after wave of energy rising up my spine into my head during a video we watched, and was profoundly happy.
Something big was happening inside me.
I am looking forward to my journey with Sahaja Yoga, and going deeper and deeper into this energy force inside me.” Miranda – Barrie Class
“It was great seeing you today and seeing everyone! An amazing experience. It is making me want to go more in depth with things. I noticed on the website they have an online ‘course’ and I will be looking into going through them and seeing what I can learn. I think it was Jon’s message on the (R/Evolution testimonials) video that I resounded with, that he had always been searching for something, but didn’t know what he was looking for.
It feels the same for me. Just wanted to send out thanks to you and everyone involved in bringing this to Barrie!
How often do large groups of yogis get together to meditate like this? It would definitely be worth a drive to be part of! :)” Miranda -Barrie Class
Sahaja Yogis caught on camera 🙂
Sahaj Thankgiving Day in Barrie – With Blessings from Lord Krishna, the Patron of Ether (Sky) Element
” Another side of Shri Krishna is was that He was extremely creative. In His childhood, He did all these things, these pranks. When He was a child, He used to wear a small little piece of feather from the peacock.” – Shri Mataji
(quote from a discourse on Vishuddhi Chakra and Shri Krishna offered by the founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation during an international yoga seminar in Italy on 20/08/2000 )
– In the short quote above is described Lord Krishna, the great personality that had incarnated the qualities of the Vishuddhi chakra (represented by the American continent at the level of Mother Earth- also the element Ether which is known literally to be the clear sky, the upper regions of air beyond the clouds. For more info check this link-article). Shri Krishna is the same with the Creator venerated by Native Indians and is known under many other names in different traditions. Basically it represents the divine principle that is awakened by Kundalini energy when passing through or own Vishuddhi chakra (the subtle energy centre placed at the throat level) – when this principle becomes active within us all sub-plexuses will start manifesting their qualities (collectivity, diplomacy, divine discretion, detachment, sweet communication, genuinely loving and respectful relationships.. just mentioning a few :-). This is the reason that for clearing and/or nourishing this centre one will use mantras in Sanskrit invoking mainly Lord Krishna as well the affirmations / prayers may refer to Shri Krishna in a meditation focused on the inner growth at the 6th chakra level.. ) So having that one surreal feather on the Barrie’s Sky, above us, all yogis had been reminded by Shri Krishna. 🙂 and we felt inspired to share it here with everyone. 🙂

This was an amazing day to share with yogis from all over and especially with the newest ones from around Barrie.
You could feel the hunger for knowledge in the new seekers during the Barrie class and also the surrender to the spirit!
Thank you all for bringing collectively amazing vibrations to this native land to help our brothers and sisters grow in peace!
Love and Peace,
So nice to see You all there!!! With Love from Austria!!!
Looks like you all had a great day – wish you well for many more!!
Had very good time in Barrie – Very deep meditation and Sahaja joy. Thank you Barrie team.
de fiecare data reusiti sa transmiteti multa bucurie.Multumesc pentru video si cer.
Only in Sahaja Yoga, we can become so subtler as to notice the beautiful play of the elements – in this case the feather in the sky so show that we’re one with these elements and they are communicating with us. thanks for the picture Shulin!
I really hope that seekers of truth find the Barrie Sahaja Yoga “class” and finally enjoy that which they have been seeking. Great work everyone
Had a great time in barrie
Heritage park is beautiful
Vibrations were so cool
I clearly see the feather and very sure of it’s significance. Amazing photography. Nice click Shulin.