(music-video) Ancient Prayer Meditation with One Tree Singing to Mother Earth “Samudra Vasane”

Ancient Morning PrayerMeditation on Mother Earth

(Sanskrit language): Samudra-Vasane Devi Parvata-Stana-Mannddale |
            Vissnnu-Patni Namastubhyam Paada-sparsham Kssama-Svame |

Meaning in English:
1: (Oh Mother Earth) The Devi Who is having Ocean as Her Garments and Mountains as Her Bosom,
2: Who is the Consort of Lord Vishnu (the divine aspect representing the principle of evolution that is governing the Nabhi/Manipur Chakra), I Bow to You; Please Forgive Us for Touching You with Our Feet.


This week we celebrate the spiritual essence of the Makhar Sankanti festival on January 14 @ Burlington Class – its deep connections to the subtle system of chakras and their energies that connect us all to Mother Earth and her Axis of Balance.  A special Tribute to the Sun and Mother Earth connections:

(click!) Ayurvedic Sugar-Free & Home-made Til-Gur Sweets Recipes for Makar Sankranti Festival – Yummy!

(click!) Silver Line & Amazing Grace in Burlington on Makar Sankranti

(click!) Radiant Miracle Photos Celebrating the Sun

 (click) Myths & Tales on Makar Sankranti

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Jos Boven


    Cell after cell is permeated
    By Your light and liberated
    From its lifelong stains.

    Cell after cell is integrated
    In Your Body and illuminated,
    When connected to the mains.

    Cell after cell You ignite
    With Your all-pervading love,
    You pull them up to Your height
    And harbour them in Your cove

    Of cool and soothing fire.
    You patiently guide me to dharma,
    You pull me out of the mire,
    Deliver me from the burden of karma.

  2. Jos Boven

    Je T’en prie, Mère,
    prends moi par la main
    et aide moi à trouver l’issue Pour les Yogis du Québec !
    de ce labyrinthe de l’ego,
    pourque je découvre mon vrai Moi.

    Je T’en prie, Mère,
    prends moi par la main
    et transmets moi Ton message,
    pourque je reconnaisse que
    mon vrai moi est aussi Toi.

    Je T’en prie, Mère,
    prends moi par la main
    et fais de moi Ton instrument,
    pourque je puisse m’incliner
    devant la loi motrice de Ta création.

    Je T’en prie, Mère,
    prends moi par la main
    et arrête la roue de mon karma,
    pourque je puisse redenir
    ce que jétais au début du voyage :

    sagesse de Ta sagesse,
    harmonie de Ton harmonie,
    connaissance de Tes connaissances,
    créarivité de Ta créativité,
    paix de Ta paix,
    sérénité de Ta sérénité,
    attention de Ton attention,
    amour de Ton Amour,
    esprit de Ton Esprit,
    courage de Ton courage,
    joie de Ta joie,
    parole de Ta parole,
    compassion de Ta compassion,
    pardon de Ton pardon,

    force intégrante qui rejoigne
    Ton intégration et s’y fonde …

    Paris, 29.O1.1995

  3. Raj

    Beautiful pics and music. Thank you.

  4. Colleen

    I agree Raj, beautiful pictures and music, when the tabla started to play I felt my heart stirring, and my heart just swelled throughout the rest of the song. Thank you

  5. Marci

    Thank you!

  6. Antoinette Wells

    beautiful, thank you for posting pictures and music!

  7. Shulin

    Beautiful! 🙂

  8. Elsie Kuly

    The music was so beautiful. Along with the pictures I felt strong vibrations and a feeling of peace. I will read and listen again Thanks

  9. shey

    thanks for video music ONE TREE BY SHRI BHUMI DEVI VANDANA, wa….oo it had been so beautiful i really enjoy it

  10. Jolanta

    Very beautiful video, paying tribute to what is often taken for granted. Thank you

  11. Helen

    So beautiful, the music is so vibrant! Thank you

  12. Oresta

    Beautiful images and music. We have so much to be grateful for to Mother Earth for the food she provides for us and the gas for our cars amongst many other things. Her beauty of flowers, majestic trees and gurgling brooks nurtures and heals us. We must respect earth by doing all we can to make sure we keep the planet beautiful.

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