The Seven Magnificent YOGI Teams (VIDEO!) – LIVE on CREATIVITY & CHAKRAS

We had a nice experiment, totally spontaneous, nothing and nobody had expected or had prepared for it – during a recent Free Sahaja Yoga Meditation in Burlington – here they are, in the ‘natural’ order of their presentation that happened at our class; the theme was ‘Creativity’ so we simply got creative, you’ll see how.. make sure you watch them all, because each single video is so Unique – and so Very Sahaj! Enjoy!

(click video!) Sahasrara Team – Maple Leaf & Shri Krishna & Shri Mataji Experience

(click video!) Creative RootChakra: The Canadian Carribou & Shri Ganesha

(click video!) Swadhisthana Chakra’s CREATIVE Team: Little Krishna & Socrates

(click video!) Nabhi Chakra AD-HOC Team: TRILLIUM, Little Krishna & Lord Ganesha

(click video!) Heart Chakra Team: GodFeeling Meditation Experience & Maple Leaf

(click video!) Agnya Chakra Team: SurrenderKrishnaConnect

(click video!) Vishuddhi (Throat Chakra) Team: MantrasRealized ChildrenFamily

Now that you have seen the wonderful Spirit of our wonderful Sahaja Yoga Family from Halton-Niagara: make sure that you are booking Wednesday, October 10th for the “Sahaj Thanksgiving Celebration” at our weekly free yoga meditation class from Brant Hills Community centre (7pm-9pm), located at 2255 Brant Street, Burlington. Come, bring a friend & dish (yes, it’s a Potluck!)

Below are some links related to Thanksgiving – a meditative subtle knowledge & sahaj family fun perspective.

(click!) Fragrant Miracle in a Canadian Thanksgiving Letter or The Miracle of Wishes Coming True

(click!) ThanksGiving with Sahaj & Native Indian Prayers -The Wind & The People connected to Kundalini

(click!) Audio-Video with Forgiveness Mantra: YOANN Singing at Bishop Strachan School

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. paula

    Action packed, Energetic, Hilarious, Spontaneous! Just an honest, funny, real snapshot of the true story of the chakras, each of our journeys, and how we all can relate to some fundamental truths about our “selves” (spiritual selves). I laughed so much because everyone was so funny! Everyone is bubbling with joy and introspecting following the meditations. The videos are a must see, each and every one shines so much light on what meditation and kundalini and chakras are, and how we can all become the pure spirit. Meditation=Transformation, that is the truth. So many seekers came to a simple, free meditation class and found the answer to how to connect to their spirit and get their self-realization right here in Burlington (and beyond! since it is free, everywhere!)

  2. Kruti

    So creative and thoughtful,
    novice, yet connected …
    these yogis of Halton,
    gathering pieces alienated.

  3. Colleen

    Thank you Ioana. Love to you and to all.

  4. teodora anghelina

    wonderfull ! All the people are so spontaneous, so sahaj, so open-heartedly !
    How do you make the teams on chakras ?
    How “old” are sahaja yogis in these teams ?
    I-d like to use your links about the quallities in chakras, but could I have them on chakras ?
    It is great how these teams create tha sahaj guru in everyone !
    They all became powerful, with the trust in their own powers, sahaj powers…..thank you to all from Canada, we love and admire you !
    Jay, shri Mataji !

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