Discover Morocco’s Spiritual Beauty

Discover Morocco’s Spiritual Beauty as revealed in this Meditation Tour’s Recollection


Let’s go through this Collection of Recollections from the Yogi participants to Morocco Meditation Tour 2010

“It was a great tour with many seekers and with homage to Sidi Idris the first, and grand grand son of Shri Hassan the elder son of Shri Fatima Zarah, who was the daugther of Prophet Mohammed.
There were remarcable vibrations in the Mausoleum in the mountain village “Moulay Idris” -see Photos of the Mosque.”
” Spontaneously, we gave self-realization (=awakend their Kundalini energy) to interested people in the Mosque .. and another beautiful moment was to hear the heart touching prayer by Gregoire. He is one of the first European followers of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation.” 

 The above was the brief recollection of the tour provided by Franz from Austria



 Feedback collected from Saska and Saana – sahaja yoga meditation practitioners from Finland

“We had a great pleasure to be thirteen participants this time on the Morocco tour in November 2010. The participants came from Austria, England, Finland, Switzerland and Turkey.
Team included three yong and talented friends: Ram, Kemal and Jivana who all played and sang very well accompanied by Sveta from the UK sahaja yoga collective who played the harmonium. 
Jivana played the trumpet and Kemal the drum. We also had the pleasure of meeting local talents like Leila who often comes and entertains people that come to the program by singing in Moroccan way which pleased the audience greatly. People stood up cheering and singing along too. Our other local yogini Fatem-Sarah took Kemal’s drum and played it on her shoulder! What a performance!
Also one young man, Snoop by nick name, was so impressed about our sahaj band that he insisted to come to the rehearsals and jam together the next day. He is a specialist in beat box.
 This type of modern music is created only by one’s mouth. He was playing all necessary sounds and adding them to Jivana’s trumpet playing. Later in the evening he came to the program and meditated for the first time.

Afterwards he came to us pointing to his Sahasrara (crown) Chakra and said:

 It felt like water!”

Many Moroccans had a strong experience and after they really wanted to be friends with us which felt particularly nice. So we did make contact and went out on a day out and surely became Facebook buddies too. Local youth even enthusiastically wanted to distribute flyers about our sahaj programs together. They were around ten new people with us! It was just a feeling of pure joy in ones Heart (Anahata) and in the Sahasrara chakras when walking on the streets of  Rabat.
 The city itself is very easy to approach and is free from hassle.
It is a rather modern place with a great old town, the Atlantic beach where yogies had refreshing footsoaks and a swim. Although locals warned us that the ocean current is strong, our young and brave lads had to try it.
 By our spiritual mother’s protection everyone got safely back to the shore and learned to respect the ocean.
Afterwards it gave us good laughs too.

The free public program featuring sahaja yoga meditation and music was attended by more than 400 people over the three nights.

The first evening on Thursday took place at the new national library which is a pure and white nice building next to the university. The auditorium was not completely full, as the invitations had not reached all the government officials for whom the program had been intended. Still it was a succes as over 120 of them came. Bernadette, a doctor of medicine specialized in different research about the benefits of sahaj meditation, gave a profound lecture with many slides pointing out precisely what meditation does for a person, the nervous system and for the well-being globally.
Also the head of the library gave a warm welcome to all and this was followed by Gregoire’s deep lecture which went on for half an hour and kept the audience attentive.
Both Gregoire and Bernadette gave wonderful lectures also the next two evenings in the comfortable and beautiful hall of hotel Balima. The speeches were in French and were accompanied by Arabic speakers afterwards, such as Fatem-Sarah. All Moroccans understand French unlike many of the participants of the tour, so you all French speakers please be active and do join the Morocco tours coming up! However, especially the younger generation of Morroccans – who were particularly many – speak also English and Spanish very well, made it easy to explain things and talk about all topics.  
Moroccans had very good questions and many also came to good conclusions. Edith Petermann, who did extraordinary work again with uncle Franz, gave people coming to our follow-up program booklets about how to meditate and to take foot-soaks.
Also Mothers photo was given to all those who “respect Her as Sufi”. 
At this very moment there are many many Moroccans  keen to meditate and hungry for a new dimension of spirituality and they are looking for a place and way to meditate together.
 So let’s give them all a bandhan (this is a sahaj technique of addressing to the attention of the divine all pervading power an issue /desire /prayer) to accomplish these practical things.Thank you all very much.  “

Connections (click): Mother’s Day, Kabir’s Poem & Islam’s Prophet in ONE ARTICLE

(Click) Shri Mataji about Morocco in an Interview in “Afrique Magazine”

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Helen

    Looking at these pictures and reading about the experiences has given me a tremendous feeling of joy!

    Thanks so much for sharing- it looks and feels just incredible.

  2. paula erskine

    a beautiful and ambitious endeavor which melted the hearts of Morocco. I have always been drawn to Morocco and would love to visit as it is on my top 10 list. The colours, the pictures the energy is palpible, like I am there. Thank you for the tour! It is such a privilege to witness the divine beauty through the stained glass of the mosque. It is a great reminder that we are not so different, we are one. I salute the light in all of you. Thank you for this inspiring story of spreading the joy of yoga=union with the divine.

  3. Edword

    So, the ‘cool breeze’ is blowing nicely in Africa … Great!

  4. Rosemary

    I feel as though I could just sit and look at the first picture (of the golden square) for hours. There is something very special and mesmerising about it but not sure what. Thanks for posting all the pictures.

  5. shinde kiran bhanudas

    thoghtless awareness is change our life style

  6. Goldie Ochoa

    a beautiful and ambitious endeavor which melted the hearts of Morocco. I have always been drawn to Morocco and would love to visit as it is on my top 10 list. The colours, the pictures the energy is palpible, like I am there. Thank you for the tour! It is such a privilege to witness the divine beauty through the stained glass of the mosque. It is a great reminder that we are not so different, we are one. I salute the light in all of you. Thank you for this inspiring story of spreading the joy of yoga=union with the divine.

  7. Elsie Kuly

    A feeling of serenity emanates from this beautiful mosque and grounds. What a wondrous place to visit where the vibrations would be so strong. The photos of people enjoying themselves, adds to the enjoyment of the viewer. Next to visiting this place, seeing it in these photos is the next best thing. Thanks for this gift.

  8. Antoinette Wells (de Kalbermatten)

    Very touched and heartened to see once again my dearest brother Gregoire out and about spreading Sahaja Yoga; I did not know he had been in Morocco. To day with so many messages expressing love, friendship, respect, admiration for his endless energy, I feel supported and enamoured at the time of his passing which is also for me his sister a great loss as we grew together and share so many memories… Thank for your beautiful blog as always. Love

    1. Ioana

      Dear Antoinette .. thank you .. we all think with much love about you and his entire family .. and with admiration for the grace you show in this difficult time. We feel that Gregoire is so much “here” with his larger family.. as he shared himself with the world .. and we all cherish his presence in videos .. photos .. memories.. All our love!

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