Holy Woman Gives Light (Diwali Story)

Holy Woman Gives Light in this True Diwali Story The Experiences of an Enlightened Journey leading to Becoming a Sahaja Yogini Adina, Canada Romania 2022, Cluj Adina, Canada Let's follow closely Adina's stories from Romania and Canada (enjoy the photo galleries too!) My name is Adina and I was born in a city in southern Romania called Ploiesti. At the moment I live in London, Ontario, Canada, where I arrived 18 years ago. When I was 22 years old, a co-worker invited me to attend a meeting of the Sahaja Yogis in Ploiesti. I accepted the invitation…

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Kyla’s Letters: My Volunteering Experience with Free Yoga Meditation offered in Schools .. Deeper Connections .. Raw Impressions

Continuing to plant seeds in individuals across the community... Shri Mataji - the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation: “I’ve been always telling you that Sahaja Yoga is the sprouting of your seed within you. When the seed is dormant you cannot visualize the maps it has in it of all the creations it is going to create – out of one seed, how many trees have grown, how many fruits have come out and how many seeds are coming out and how many they are going to produce. You cannot understand how dynamic it is."  First Letter from K:…

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Yogis and Sufis: SNAP’ed & Stories from Adam’s Day 2013 (VIDEO + PHOTOS)

Gathered below is the feedback from some of the participants on behalf of sahaja yoga (free) meditation to Adam's Day 2013 at the invitation of the Azeemia Sufi order. It was an honour to be part of this event dedicated to unity in diversity, as well it was a challenge because one of us had been invited to be a guest speaker and come up with a theme related to the event and represent our organization .. while not promoting it.  Also as a guest speaker coming from a group that practices meditation Ioana was not supposed…

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The Seven Magnificent YOGI Teams (VIDEO!) – LIVE on CREATIVITY & CHAKRAS

We had a nice experiment, totally spontaneous, nothing and nobody had expected or had prepared for it - during a recent Free Sahaja Yoga Meditation in Burlington - here they are, in the 'natural' order of their presentation that happened at our class; the theme was 'Creativity' so we simply got creative, you'll see how.. make sure you watch them all, because each single video is so Unique - and so Very Sahaj! Enjoy! (click video!) Sahasrara Team - Maple Leaf & Shri Krishna & Shri Mataji Experience (click video!) Creative RootChakra: The Canadian Carribou & Shri…

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Colleen’s Realization from Experience India event

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Ahilan playing Tabla at Experience India event in Burlington -Aug 2012

Letter from Colleen - Burlington Sahaja Yoga Meditation class -  sharing her Feedback from "Experience India" Special Event Colleen started sharing her feedback  (realization) from "Experience India" public event: "When I was at Brant Hills in Burlington for the *Experience India* event on Sat. Aug. 25,2012, I had a life changing experience!!! It was absolutely amazing. I had started to meditate when they were still setting up. Ahilan started tabla playing, I then opened my eyes and looked at him and to the large poster of Shri Mataji behind him (see it in this photo) and the…

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She came to us All

Remembering Shri Mataji, one year later, as She came to us All in VISIONS, DREAMS and REALIZATIONS   On the occasion of the first anniversary of our beloved Mother Shri Mataji's worldly departure, a press release on behalf of Canadian sahaja yoga practitioners was submitted through Market Wire on February 23 at 9AM EST, and it was broadcasted around the world. Reuters, the largest news agency globally picked up our press release and posted it on their website.  It was also posted on MSN, MarketWatch and NewsBlaze under the Title: Observing the Anniversary of H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's Maha Samadhi.   Shri Mataji left her human…

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