This movie shows what talents come, stay or develop in Sahaja Yoga Meditation international movement. Some of the producers /writers had already made an important name in the movie industry while others had their debut with this movie. Either way, this movie that was filmed in Cabella, Italy (a place where many of us go for international yoga seminars and festival) .. a quite heavenly and inspiring spot on earth, so no wonder that a movie was filmed there! Enjoy some info below, as well other Awards that featured fellow sahaja yoga practitioners around the globe.
For more information, trailer, see the cast and crew, click here.
See below “The Feel Good Movie Award for 2011” – for “The Italian Key”
More Awards & Nominations for Talented Sahaja Yogis
Yogis in Arts: Nomination for the 25th ANNUAL GEMINI AWARDS with Edgar Allan Poe!
Welcome to Halton’s Creativity in 3 Testimonial – Examples of Swadhisthana chakra
1.VIDEO (Surprise!) Testimonial of Swadhisthana Chakra Team
2. VIDEO – Adrian’s ART & Heart – A Short Testimonial
3. Debbie’s Art Rocks – Photos and Testimonial!

Wow keep up the great work, all my best wishes. Oscars Oscars 🙂 !
What a joy!!!!!!!!! My congratulations :)))))
I want to see the movie!
Even the movie trailer has vibrations! Where and when can we see it, buy it? I would love to see this movie with friends and family! Congratulations to all who participated, it’s just what everyone needs…