Light, Spark and Diamond – Collective Miracle Experience

Ioana from Burlington: "We were preparing for Easter celebration 2013 (the 'sahaj way' ) with the newer yogis and yoginis from Halton and Niagara regions. Few weeks prior to the Easter we had several gatherings  in our area to introduce these eager and deep 'new ones' to the subtleties of a sahaj celebration, that offers not only a  profound meditation experience, but requires as well a connection to the Divine Principles. During the occasions of 'sahaj pujas' a deep state of  Bhakti (veneration) in Yoga(connection)  is expected from all participants. One evening we gathered at Perviz in…

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My Easter with Signs & Angels (Personal Experience from Ela!): Puja-Meditation-Becoming

Jesus says: "I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved (John 10:9, NIV)."Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it " (Matthew 7:13, 14, NIV).  "The true light that enlightens every man was coming into the world." (John 1:9) "Again Jesus spoke to them, saying: I am the light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness,…

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Group Hot Chocolate’s View on Global Issues

Letter from Cuneyt on behalf of The Hot Chocolate Team "Hello Ioana, I'm Cuneyt (pronounced  as June-8). Below are the issues we'd like resolved in the world : * Peace should arrive in Syria. *Those who suffered the hurricane Sandy get back to their normal life and find ways to heal their wounds. *Poor can find enough food to survive. *After the shooting in Connecticut last month, kids hopefully get over the trauma and make a good start to school. *People should know how to get over their fears. *Seniors waiting for care should be provided. *Child…

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Sahaja Yoga is Instant Nirvana! Christmas & Lord Krishna in Spontaneous Gift-Coincidence Article

"Another side of Shri Krishna was that He was extremely creative. In His childhood, He did all these pranks. And when He became a grown-up person, He became the king of Dvaraka, of that area. And He was to dress up like a king. After all He was a king. When He was a child, He used to wear a small little piece of feather from the peacock. "All that greatness was there and He was extremely creative. He built a beautiful,  very beautiful castle, or we can say palace, in Dvaraka, out of gold. Can you…

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Join the R/Evolution in Ontario – FREE Public Event on December 8th, 2012

Please, register for this event here ** we want to make sure that everyone will get a place reserved and will receive a "R/Evolution Kit" by the end of the event :-) as places are limited. For more info: [email protected] OR at 906-330-5257  The Agenda: "The Restorative Power of Meditation" - a scientific presentation by Chad Danyluck, PhD student Department of Psychology, University of Toronto Intro to Self-Realization & R/Evolution (video) Experience Spontaneous Meditation & 'Yoga State' on Live Indian Drum Music (Ahilan) Kuchipudi Dance Performance (Hema) Chakra Workshop & Joyful Indian Music Performance Meditation Benefits (Live…

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Breathing Meditation Exercise with Shri Mataji (What is Meditation for Prana & Mana? A Pranayama Lesson)

Meditative Rose from Louis-Marie & Yoga Meditation Exercise Lesson "How to Meditate - How to Breathe" by Shri Mataji  (Brahmam Gardens, Earls Court, London (UK), 1982. - Below is the Transcript for this video and a bit more from the second lesson) "Now, what we can do is today what should I tell you, the practical side, the meditation, all right, let’s see what is meditation is, what we have to do for a meditation. The first thing we have got is the left side, see is the Mana Shakti, is the power of your emotion, alright.…

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