Clay Artwork Meditation on GANESHA

Join this Clay Artwork Meditation session dedicated to GANESHA - The Lord of Innocence Not to be missed! Fun yet Deep and Meditative - Your Spiritual Journey with SYMN continues! When and where? On Wednesday, September 21 at Brant Hills Community Centre, Room C. Address? 2255 Brant Street, L7P 5C8, Burlington, Ontario, CanadaTime? 7 pm - 9 pmCost? All classes are free as they are priceless. They are offered with genuine love for Seekers from all walks of life.Who can join this session? Anyone! We will meditate and learn about Shri Ganesha and even "create one".This "Clay…

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March 19 with Ekaterina: Join Ukrainian Live Music and Special Meditation Event

Let's meditate Together on: Self-Realization, Peace and Oneness Poster of the SYMN event dedicated to Peace in Ukraine and Global Self-Realization solution provided by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi On Saturday, March 19 at 8 am EST we are offering a special online program where one will have the opportunity to realize the energies that lie within and experience the connection to oneself and to the world through meditation. This program offers experiences for heart, mind and soul. It will not dive into the chakra / yoga knowledge. You will get the chance to participate to a guided…

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Kathleen – I had questions about life and wanting knowledge

Questions about life and wanting knowledge - all answered with Sahaja Yoga MeditationMy name is Kathleen.  I've been practicing Sahaja Yoga meditation for 8 years now.   Even as a child i already had questions about life, curious and wanting knowledge. I studied Philosophy and Religion to understand the purpose of life and how everything works but still looking for that contentment.It started when my friend and i were looking for a yoga class on the internet.  We learned there is Sahaja Yoga meditation class in Burlington for free so we tried it out.  There i learned how…

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Bridging Science and Spirituality – FREE PUBLIC PROGRAM on Saturday, May 24th @ Brant Hills Community Centre

(watch) Ioana’s Interview @ FYI TV SHOW:  Promoting “Bridging Science and Spirituality (MORE VIDEOS) (click!) New Research Paper on Effect of Sahaja Yoga Meditation on Quality of Life (video!) dr. Andrei’s PRESENTATION in Burlington: Science & Meditation  (click!) FREE Series of 11 Lectures in Ontario with dr. Andrei from University of Calgary  (click!) Geometry in Brain & Divine Forces: Explaining the Thought Process with Einstein’s Example & Principles of Subtle Energy in Yoga System

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Sonia – Reflection on Skepticism and Shri Mataji

Article by Sonia Holden - Burlington Class (as a tribute to the memory of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation (March 21 1923 - February 23, 2011) As I approach the one year anniversary of my very first Sahaja yoga meditation class I have been reflecting upon my journey. What brought me to the class was my desire for better health and a better me. I have tried for many years to develop the practice of meditation, but have been unsuccessful. I wanted to return to yoga, but in my current situation…

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Ioana’s Story from Canajoharie 2013 with Photos and Wisdom Quotes

Enjoy this Collection of Photos, Quotes and Ioana's Story from 2013 Canajoharie's "Shri Adi Shakti" International Sahaja Yoga Meditation Retreat Seminar Selection of Quotes of Wisdom from Shri Mataji The photo above has a very special story. When we left Canajoharie in our cars, I've felt such a tremendous gratitude for the entire experience, not only for the days spent there but for the entire journey that led to it; it was spiritual and collective at the highest level. Therefore, I asked the yogis from our 'Halton convoy' if we can stop for a bit, while we…

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