Let’s meditate Together on: Self-Realization, Peace and Oneness

On Saturday, March 19 at 8 am EST we are offering a special online program where one will have the opportunity to realize the energies that lie within and experience the connection to oneself and to the world through meditation.
This program offers experiences for heart, mind and soul. It will not dive into the chakra / yoga knowledge.
You will get the chance to participate to a guided collective meditation for peace in Ukraine and the world.
Our very special guest will feature live music from Ekaterina, a Canadian sahaja yogini and singer, who is originally coming from Russia and Ukraine. This event is offered to you by Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network group of volunteers based on Halton region of Ontario province, in collaboration with their spiritual yogi family from Montreal.
These days the whole world must come together in support of the One Blossomed Tree of globally shared humanity and spirituality. Everyone is welcome to join the experience and contribute with an open heart and peaceful mind!
Join us on Saturday, March 19, 2022
at 8 AM EST – Toronto 🇨🇦, 12 PM UK, 1 PM CET – Italy 🇮🇹, 2 PM EET – Romania 🇷🇴, 5:30 PM IST India 🇮🇳
Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/859102060
Goals on the Agenda:
- Experience Thoughtless Awareness * Thoughtlessness
- Feel the Subtle Cool Breeze * Paramchaitanya
- Try Self-Realization in 7 steps * Experiment with Truth
- Experience the vibrations of music when it flows from a Yogini Singer * Enlightened Music in Ukraine and Russian
- Join the “Pass it on” collective meditation that sends positive energy around the globe
- Realize that we are flowers from the One Blossomed Tree of a shared humanity and spirituality
- Open up and share your feedback with an open heart with your new “online sahaj family” by the end of the event
Feel free to share the link to this event to everyone! Make sure to be “on mute” once you are in. 🙂 See you soon!

This Event is offered in the honor of Shri Mataji’s Birthday that is celebrated on March 21st. We bow to our spiritual teacher that dedicated her life and shared her transformative teachings to all humanity, as The Great Mother.
I heard Ekaterina’s singing it is so moving and beautiful. Hopefully we will hear more from her.