Sahaja Yoga Meditation at Youth Conference with A Bouquet of “Thank You”s from Patients, Staff, Students and Employees — November’s MEDITATION MARATHON!!
Feel the Goodness that Self-Realization & Meditation bring into the World:
“Wherever you (sahaja yogis) are, you will emit peaceful vibrations. You will create peace. You’ll find out ways of creating peace, how to establish peaceful atmosphere. It’s very important that we have to grow in such a manner that we create peace and give peace to others and become examples of it. ” Shri Mataji (founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation)
Our volunteers had brought fresh and fragrant roses from our gardens and we offered them to those that participated to our corporate meditation classes. As these roses are defying the cold November and winter’s unstoppable arrival, same feeling and message of hope is given by the experience of Self-realization and inner peace through sahaja yoga meditation. Enjoy the stories and photos below!Anjali and Peter – sahaja yoga meditation (Halton volunteer instructors)
This November our team of volunteers from had been through an intense marathon of providing Inner Peace and Self-Realization workshops everywhere in Ontario: in the offices of various corporations, in hospitals, and so on. Employees, staff, students, patients, teachers, organizers and many volunteers from other wonderful community organizations had the opportunity to try sahaja yoga meditation and to experience that “it works!” , even in the busiest of places .. even for those that are under intense or continuous stress.
We’ve received official thank you letters this month from our partners/organizers– some excerpts are presented in this article.
Isabelle, Paula and Colleen — volunteers from Halton Sahaja Yoga meditation team
Ioana, Isabelle, Colleen and Paula by the end of an “all day” meditation in Corporate World 🙂 with wellness sessions that brought so much relief in that busy environment.
Feedback from Employees:
“Relaxing, I’d love if you come again!”; “Cleaning and Grounding.. Thank You!”;
“Needed. Quiet.Relaxing.” “Very Refreshing!” ;”The vibes were very strong. ”
Kudos go to our team of volunteer instructors: Anjali, Colleen, Gopal, Holly, Ioana, Isabelle, Olga (came from North York to help!), Paula , Peter and Wendy (70+ years old from Burlington)
Anjali’s Impressions:
It’s been a while since I have done anything collectively with Sahaja yogis volunteers…and it’s a big void in my life right now to be away from my beautiful sahaja family due to busy life (I had been blessed with twin girls!!) . So on Friday I had business at a specific corporation and same evening I received the request from Halton sahaja yoga team to help out with a meditation workshop sometime next week .. for the employees of exact same corporation :-).
Right away, I thought this is a sign..what are the chances that someone from the sahaja yoga family thought of me for the self-realization event (as I have not engaged in such events in 4 years!)…so I kept a strong desire to be able to go and was able to free up an hour from work– sometime things just work out!
Once I arrived at the location’s parking lot I met my beautiful friend Paula – who is like this bright sunshine and she was armed with the banners and flyers, and small table -. She gave me some awesome tips that would help with my leading a group meditation (after a long gap) for the morning session. We were shortly joined by peaceful Peter …if you see him..he is just so peaceful looking..may be because he meditates! We did a little 1 minute huddle…and somehow felt we were all set and on the same page. Really we just had to feel the audience and allow the energy to work it out!
The meditation space was very small and we weren’t sure if many would come..but the entire room filled up with about 12-13 people from different age groups. We even had one person sit on the floor as there was no place to sit. Peter started with an amazing intro to Sahaja Yoga meditation and captured everyone’s interest and attention. Everyone seemed like they were ready to experience the meditation for the first time . We all closed our eyes and I started the meditation. The Kundalini energy started to flow so sweetly. I could feel gentle breeze on my palms and felt so grateful for the moment to be in connection with the collective consciousness. After the short meditation, we asked everyone to open their eyes and make note of how they were feeling. They all were so quietly sitting emitting peace and content from their faces. Paula wrapped it up so perfectly by explaining more about the left and right channels and Sahasarara (Crown chakra) which actually helped clear out the energy and improve the flow. It was great to see how the participants felt the energy and felt so happy after just few minutes of meditating with us! Many of them thanked us for this guided meditation and some even admitted that they will try out the free weekly classes as they picked up the flyers. One of them said “So glad our corporate takes such good care of us”!
As for me, even though it had been so long for me to be involved in teaching meditation,this, with the help of Paula and Peter, I seemed to have picked up right where I left off. Its so easy to mix in even after long gaps of meeting. There is no awkwardness but a great feeling of enjoyment for being together!”
It is so rewarding to participate in self-realization programs for schools, corporations and hospitals…Sahaja yoga is truly becoming mainstream and can adapt to any group, any age, and can be understood through an open heart and open mind. When the inner peace starts flowing, it has a profound and personal effect that is like a cool river or breeze…just complete calm through mental silence…and thoughtless awareness. It’s much more than a relief from thought. It transforms us into better human beings. It’s an awakening to a new, improved reality.
Anjalie did a marvelous job explaining humbly and simply what sahaja yoga is and lead us through a heavenly meditation. Anjalie has that quality to project confidence in the pure knowledge while simplifying the self realization process. She was a joy transmitter during the corporate programs, everyone melted into the peace permeating Anjalie ‘ s guided meditation.
Peter can articulate sahaja yoga on so many levels, so many ways…through his understanding of energy and science, to his talent as a musician and relating it to music, and his unique and vast knowledge about the history of “seeking truth” and can light the way for anyone stuck in the rat race through his knowledge of business practices and how to balance one’s life and health. Anjalie and Peter are deep and not only share their discoveries of life beyond the material plane,they each generously pass on the pure knowledge in their spare time and share tools to deal with stress and feel peace and by example, pass on the light like one candle lighting another. Like so many volunteers at sahaja yoga, we want to pass it on and on and on.
I would also like to acknowledge and praise Olga who drove from Vaughn to participate in the lunch hour corporate sessions and shared her personal experiences touching on how her physical health improved through this type of meditation. Olga also helped articulate to a participant so clearly that by watching the thoughts we are already away from them and can be a detached witness or observer. We can also get inspiration from the space between the thoughts, at times we get access to solutions or great ideas.
Wendy also joined us for the lunchtime corporate programs spreading calm vibrations and answering questions with such care and deep understanding of how simple sahaja yoga can be and how it can work to make us better personally and globally connected.
Ioana, Colleen,Isabelle and I conducted the third daily sessions and we were asked to return in several capacities…to reach more staff members, we will be doing programs for the night shift in near future. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive with plenty of room to grow the programs in creative ways…ultimately a peaceful and content staff equals work life balance.
It brings such a joy to read about corporate world recognizing the importance of meditation and inviting us to lead. And it’s always joyful to see the smiling faces of Sahaja yogis delivering this amazing work. Thanks for sharing.
It is so rewarding to participate in self-realization programs for schools, corporations and hospitals…Sahaja yoga is truly becoming mainstream and can adapt to any group, any age, and can be understood through an open heart and open mind. When the inner peace starts flowing, it has a profound and personal effect that is like a cool river or breeze…just complete calm through mental silence…and thoughtless awareness. It’s much more than a relief from thought. It transforms us into better human beings. It’s an awakening to a new, improved reality.
Anjalie did a marvelous job explaining humbly and simply what sahaja yoga is and lead us through a heavenly meditation. Anjalie has that quality to project confidence in the pure knowledge while simplifying the self realization process. She was a joy transmitter during the corporate programs, everyone melted into the peace permeating Anjalie ‘ s guided meditation.
Peter can articulate sahaja yoga on so many levels, so many ways…through his understanding of energy and science, to his talent as a musician and relating it to music, and his unique and vast knowledge about the history of “seeking truth” and can light the way for anyone stuck in the rat race through his knowledge of business practices and how to balance one’s life and health. Anjalie and Peter are deep and not only share their discoveries of life beyond the material plane,they each generously pass on the pure knowledge in their spare time and share tools to deal with stress and feel peace and by example, pass on the light like one candle lighting another. Like so many volunteers at sahaja yoga, we want to pass it on and on and on.
I would also like to acknowledge and praise Olga who drove from Vaughn to participate in the lunch hour corporate sessions and shared her personal experiences touching on how her physical health improved through this type of meditation. Olga also helped articulate to a participant so clearly that by watching the thoughts we are already away from them and can be a detached witness or observer. We can also get inspiration from the space between the thoughts, at times we get access to solutions or great ideas.
Wendy also joined us for the lunchtime corporate programs spreading calm vibrations and answering questions with such care and deep understanding of how simple sahaja yoga can be and how it can work to make us better personally and globally connected.
Ioana, Colleen,Isabelle and I conducted the third daily sessions and we were asked to return in several capacities…to reach more staff members, we will be doing programs for the night shift in near future. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive with plenty of room to grow the programs in creative ways…ultimately a peaceful and content staff equals work life balance.
It brings such a joy to read about corporate world recognizing the importance of meditation and inviting us to lead. And it’s always joyful to see the smiling faces of Sahaja yogis delivering this amazing work. Thanks for sharing.
Halton SY is doing great work by doing so many programs in different organizations
All my love