Jeanette: “Sahaja Yoga Meditation Enhanced my Healing from Cancer”

Carmella adn Jeanette from Burlington Class
Carmella and Jeanette from Burlington Class at Easter Sahaja Yoga Meditation Seminar.

In May 2010, I was diagnosed with endrometrium cancer
I was treated with chemo and radiation and later with target therapy when the cancer migrated to my lungs in 2013
By 2015 the cancer target therapy drug was no longer working , and I went to princess Margaret to see what they could do for me.
About the same time that I started meditation last May, I started on an immunotherapy  cancer treatment at Princess Margaret hospital. 

I have been missing classes as in hospital when I had a liver stone .. But it passed..

Burlington Class

Jeanette Burlington Class

Meditation has helped me stay positive to go this journey..

Photo 2015-04-22, 8 29 25 PM

I also feel meditation channelled positive energy to aid the drug with my healing.


Meditation is very calming to me . It has encouraged me to live in the present moment and put my faith in God even more so !!

I meditate every day .. I appreciate life so much more now…

Burlington Workshop

Every day is a gift!!
I will be grateful forever to Ioana and the entire Burlington meditation group for all their help and guidance in meditation practices in the past year !! 

bday Family Photo

..Thanks again to sahaja yoga family for all your great teachings on meditation yoga.. You are the best!!

Lots of love


 (click!) Sunnybrook’s Family Navigation Project: “Staff Wellness Day” with Sahaja Yoga Meditation (Thank you Letter!)

 (click/story/ photos)  Juravinski Cancer Centre: Hamilton Health Sciences

(click!) Developmental Services Ontario ‘s APPRECIATION LETTER for Sahaja Yoga Meditation 

(— article about Jeanette and her cancer treatment is on global news )

Healing from Cancer through Kundalini energy

As the Kundalini rises, she gives you a balance. As a result of the balance, your health becomes all right. I’ll explain to you how cancer is caused. Now, this is one center, and in this center we have the left and the right side of the emotions and of the mental. And through this the spinal cord is going. Now when you go to the extremes of the left or to the right, the imbalance takes place because you are disconnected from the whole. And that is how diseases are caused, especially things like cancer, when you are absolutely seceded from the whole and become on your own. So the cells become malignant, and they get triggered by some proteins and they start attacking other cells. And that is how cancers are [incomprehensible]. Now, the sympathetic nervous system, which is the left and the right, if by any means could be brought to a balance, then it is possible to stop this process. And that’s exactly what the Kundalini does, then when she rises, this power, it brings it to the balance. That is how cancer gets cured. It’s not difficult to cure cancer in Sahaja Yoga.  But the job of Sahaja Yoga is not to cure, but to create doctors! As a by-product of the Kundalini awakening, you are all right, your health improves, your habits drop out.
That is the first sign that you have become a Spirit, that no habit dominates you. Second sign is that you become absolutely healthy. Anywhere you may live, under any circumstances, any conditions you can withstand all sorts of attacks on your health as if you develop an immune body. I’ve seen people look ten years younger, even sometimes twenty years younger, and I don’t recognize them second time I meet. Now with this realization of the body – because where the Spirit has to reside, the temple of that Spirit has to be cured, has to be all right and cleansed. And as the cleansing process takes place, first thing you get is the blessing of very good health. This has been described thousands of years back by a great astrologer, who was actually the pioneer astrologer in India , Bhrigu Muni, in a very big book called Nadi Grantha, that in modern times the Kundalini will rise “sahaj”, spontaneously, and people will not need to go to the hospital. Secondly, the nature of a person changes entirely. I have seen people who have been very cruel, extremely aggressive become absolutely beautiful, compassionate, understanding personalities. All the arrogance drops like the thorns drop out, and a person blooms like a flower. People whom I have known, who have been very disturbed, very upset, even Grégoire when he first met me, he was bundle of nerves; very tense people suddenly become absolutely calm and peaceful. We don’t have to talk about peace, you just become peaceful. Today we are talking about wars and no wars; there is no need to bother about it once you get Realized people on this earth. All these mental projections of creating a universal government or universal organizations are not going to help us at all because these are mental projections.
But when you become the Spirit, then you become a universal being because you experience that you have now become the part and parcel of the whole.”
Shri Mataji – the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation ( Talk: “Habit comes to you from matter”, Second Public Program, Munich – Germany , May 9th,  1985
Inner Peace Day Every Day

This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Ileana

    Jeanette: This is amazing, thank you so much for sharing. Many Blessings to you.

  2. Mohinder Sidana

    It is always pleasure to see Jeanette in sahaja yoga classes
    She is a very positive person with great smile

  3. cheryl

    Dear Jeanette, thanks for sharing this. Your story touches lots of people finding themselves in similar circumstances. It is not only inspiring and encouraging to hear of your dramatic journey, but the energy of your message itself is healing. Thank you for emitting the love that acts.

    1. Raine

      Dear Jeanette… you are an amazing soul and because of you I started attending Sahaja yoga too!! It has made such a positive difference in my life. I can’t imagine not having Sahaja as a part of my weekly connection to other beautiful souls like yourself. You’re a true example of the power within and becoming your own guru. Forever grateful for positive influence and courage.

      Much love,

      Raine xox

    2. Janina

      Thank you Cheryl for thinking of me……I belive that sy will help me

  4. Colleen

    Jeanette, it is always such pleasure to see you at the classes. Your such a positive person and bring light where ever you go. Thank you for sharing your story so others can know the great benefits of Sahaja Yoga Meditation.

  5. Jeanette Edl

    Thanks so much to all of you for the great support over the past year as I got cancer treatment at Princess Margaret! I will be forever grateful to all of you for all your support !!
    You are all so so awesome !!! You all helped me through this!!!
    Presently the doctor is monitoring the residue in my lungs very closely!
    I get tests done every few weeks! I continue to meditate daily and praise God for this miracle drug and this great meditation group.!!
    In last month doctors have told me that I may need the drug again..but I will always stay optimistic … I will inspire all the doctors!!
    Blessing to all!

  6. Pushpa Rao

    Dear Jeannette, it is fantastic what you have been able to accomplish! May Sri Mathaji bless you for all you are able to do and will be able to do. We will all be sending our bandhans always.
    Love, Pushpa

  7. Claudette

    Dear Jeannette,it amazing story bless you,Love Claudette

  8. paula

    Jeanette, incredible to know you, your journey, you are emitting positive energy and Sahaja yoga has given you the tools to restore your self by starting with your roots. I am amazed and your story carries great energy and vibrations. big huge hug. Mama Carmela sends you a hug from Croatia.

  9. Tracy

    Wow! I opened my email this morning and of course i am always excited to see one from sahaja yoga and there was the mother and you also Jeanette with your beautiful smiling face. What a story that took great courage for you to not every give up hope to fight your cancer good for you i m so glad you found sahaja yoga. Alway look forward to see you in class. Send much love to you.

  10. Kavita


    This is wonderful. You sharing your journey is sure to help thousands looking for universal power, energy and have will power. Your cheerful is infectious. It was your desire that brought you to SahajaYoga… Keep Growing.
    Special thanks to the Burlington- Halton Collective for their focus and attention on all of us. Much Love and best wishes.


  11. Sigal

    I can totally relate to the sentence “Every day is a gift” from my personal experience. I live with appreciation and gratitude for every single day . Every singe moment counts because I do understand the true meaning of the word time and the concept behind it , and because of my deep understanding I want to spend it the best way that I can and Sahaja Yoga meditation is helping me to capture the moment and live in the moment , in the present which is so hard to do without meditation, when you are sick and that is why I will forever be grateful for finding the Sahaja Yoga family.

  12. Paula

    I have had the pleasure of meeting Jeanette and so many others who have benefitted with better health to the point of absolute miracles. It is always a pleasure to attend class and truly get to the core or root of being healthy, knowing oneself, learning collectively how to be thoughtless and aware, self-realized and evolving in that subtle, quiet place within that helps us to be our best.

    Stay the course, come to class regularly, and feel who you are and what powers you can achieve and pass it on. I have healed my emotional health through these methods and consequently my overall health by joining the guided meditations. Also when I double up on joining more than one class the peace radiates stronger. The depth becomes more tangible. It helps me to overcome problems, surrender outcomes to the universe. I have literally witnessed how much better things go when I leave space (between the thoughts) for that life force to help me towards a positive outcome.

    It’s an incredible feeling often described when people travel and take their time to take in the scenery and the feeling. I searched the world, and here we are, in Burlington, that feeling, the awe, the inner growth and that sense of “I’ve found it!” Any chance I get, I attend class. One can sit in a chair to achieve this, no hard poses, and a new awareness of self can be achieved through yoga-connection.

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