Join us on Civic Day at Joseph Brant Day Festival in Burlington (!) – WHO IS JOSEPH BRANT ?!

Joseph Brant Day  Festival 2014Sahaja Yoga meditation is a keen participant with a booth at this lovely festival for about 10 years in a row! Come and visit us or help us if you are already part of our wide family of yogi meditators. We also intend to teach the new ones from our classes more cleansing techniques on the spot as well mantras (like an ad-hoc seminar or one on one going deeper); we also intend to spend some sahaj family time meditating by the lake, collective foot-soaking and yes, a nice restaurant might be part of our ‘agenda’. Enjoy Brenda’s feedback about her participation last year to her 1st ever “giving self realization to seekers” @ La Salle Park.

(click!) Brenda: Sahaja Yoga & Powers of Healing, Creativity and Giving Life to Bees (!)

(click) In short about Joseph Brant and Canajoharie


Let’s not forget – See you here:

Civic Holiday Monday, August 4th
At Historic LaSalle Park, Burlington
10:00am to 5:00pm

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