In Manhattan’s Union Square – Earth Day with Sahaja Yoga Meditation and Giant Pandas

       Fresh Impressions from Earth Day 2013 in Union Square

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We’ve spent the Earth Day weekend in New York. Spring has strengthened her presence there and everyone was outdoors, enjoying every bit of warmth and green and blossom bestowed upon the city by Mother Earth.

Blossom in Central Park - photo from Razvan

Specially the Central Park is an oasis where people and Nature meet, touch and reciprocate their love and respect for each other.

Central Park - Awakened by Spring

Yogis from Manhattan, actually from New York and New Jersey areas had come together to maintain their traditional presence during the popular Earth Day Festival in Union Square. Us, as visiting yogis from Canada, eagerly had joined the party of volunteer instructors offering free introduction to meditation and chakra workshops at the booth of Sahaja Yoga Meditation. Great seekers came by and all of them I had the pleasure talking to and helping them to experience the rising of their Kundalini energy, without any exception, expressed their desire to join the free sahaja yoga meditation classes available in Manhattan area. One young gentleman was suffering of asthma and he was trying to suppress an acute attack right just before he sat to experience the sahaj meditation. Afterwards, he declared that the pressure was absolutely gone and was so pleased and surprised: ‘what a relief, how soothing and easy this meditation truly is’. A  female student after just few minutes of meditation ‘the sahaj style’ declared that the headache she was battling since morning of that day, was completely gone. With a smile she asked: ‘ where can I lean more about this meditation, please?!’ Two ladies declared they tried other forms of meditations, and skeptically accepted to check if one can meditate in such a busy place. But it worked and actually they love ‘this form of meditation the most. We are from Manhattan, do you have a meditation studio around? We’d like to go there’.

Sahaja Yogis one on one with American Seekers

Our Canadian duo intended to just ‘come by’ before going to the airport, stay ‘for a bit if needed’ and we ended up enjoying the sunny day and the buzzing event for few hours, it’s true that I was glued to the meditation booth, for unbiased reason. Though my first assumption upon my arrival was that yogis of all ages were ‘more than enough’ in numbers, soon I realized that every single of us was needed and kept busy: there was almost not even 1 minute gap between every  ‘one on one’ with the interested seekers.   All chairs were filled up quickly in a continuous  and steady flow with people interested to ‘try it’. That’s the reason that we had a very few photos made in a hurry by Razvan. One of them is capturing the moment of joining the endangered specie of the very very very cute Pandas.

Pandas and Children at Earth Day 2013 in NY

let’s hope you felt our joy and the Spring’s arrival over the border in hearts, plazas and parks.

(click!) Meditation for Pets: Enjoy Cat ‘Cookie’’s Story



(click!) Kung-fu Panda and His Friends – in Cute Images!



(click!) Earth Day – A Mother’s Day for Meditation on Integration

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Colleen

    Spring has sprung in New York, ours will be here soon in Burlington!! Sounds like a wonderful day, the picture of the tree just covered in blossoms is so beautiful. Thank you Ioana for sharing!!

  2. paula

    Central Park is a perfect venue for giving realization! I am not surprised at how open hearted and open minded people were to meditation. The revolution is happening and earth day is a perfect day to shine a light on nature and connecting to earth and our spirit. These pictures bring back memories for me when I lived in NYC for 2 summer months. I spent every day off in Central Park wandering, listening to drummers, watching plays and concerts and making friends. There is a great sense of community that Sahaja Yoga Meditation brings everywhere we go. Enlightenment in Central Park on Earth day. A perfectly natural and spontaneous combination!

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