Mother’s Call for REvolution (Be Alive and Well!)

So, it is about time to answer the call to Realize this Awareness with a beautiful and powerful event in Ontario, on Saturday, December 8, 2012. Please, register for this event here ** we want to make sure that everyone will get a place reserved and will receive a "R/Evolution Kit" by the end of the event :-) as places are limited, so please complete the simple registration form above. Detailed Agenda with Special Guests: here. The Humanitarian article on Ontario R/Evolution: here. Below there is the transcript of the original letter from Shri Mataji to Ontario…

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Breathing Meditation Exercise with Shri Mataji (What is Meditation for Prana & Mana? A Pranayama Lesson)

Meditative Rose from Louis-Marie & Yoga Meditation Exercise Lesson "How to Meditate - How to Breathe" by Shri Mataji  (Brahmam Gardens, Earls Court, London (UK), 1982. - Below is the Transcript for this video and a bit more from the second lesson) "Now, what we can do is today what should I tell you, the practical side, the meditation, all right, let’s see what is meditation is, what we have to do for a meditation. The first thing we have got is the left side, see is the Mana Shakti, is the power of your emotion, alright.…

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Are you ‘IN’ for a (R)Evolution in Paris, France ?!

Here is the new international project initiated, organized, planned and Realized 100% by the Young Sahaja Yogis from around the World, called "YUVAS" ('youth' in Sanskrit) - to happen in Paris, France on December 8th, 2012. We have watched together the video this week at our Burlington Sahaja Yoga Meditation Class and many loved it and were asking about the Link / INFO so they can help this project with donations. To watch the Film, See the details in English and Feel the Vibrations -> ultimately to HELP = DONATE, click : (click!) HERE - NOW or…

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Why are we on Earth ? Get the Right Answers about God, Religions and Incarnations

Why are we on Earth? Enjoy the very Informative VIDEO (that is transcribed!) and Four Gifts for Answers This weekend hundreds of thousands of people from all around the world are participating to a Global Meditation on the Principle of Guru that is to to be awakened within every Seeker. This article is dedicated to the founder of sahaja yoga meditation - Shri Mataji who is the greatest volunteer in reaching out to hundreds of millions to give them the gift of Self Realization and teaching them the subtle science of yoga and meditation out of pure…

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Paula on Confucius: Learn How to Live a Fulfilled Life – Experiences from China Wall to Sahaj Guru Game!

My trip to Beijing China in 2007 is my connection to my study of Confucius while playing the Sahaja Guru Game. I chose my guru and ancient primordial master with the help of vibrations...we all did. We put the numbers 1 to 10 on pieces of paper, crumpled them, did a bandhan and stayed in thoughtless awareness as checked if we felt cool vibrations over any of the pieces of paper. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to play and participate in the "homework" because it helped me to grow so much in Sahaja…

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Cosmic Changes of Final Ignition on Nowruz – Motherly Guru’s Plea in The Land of Yoga on Vernal Equinox, 1977

Glorious Speech of Shri Mataji on her borthday anniverasary on March 21, 1977 Let's absorb the wisdom and subtle knowledge shared by Shri Mataji - the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation - with the occasion of her birthday celebration in India, on March 21st, 1977 during an International Sahaja Yoga Meditation Seminar. "And my Vibrations are flowing from my eyes as tears to see that, in this Kali yuga (the dark age) also, there are people who are grateful to a Mother who just gives an abstract thing known as Vibration. Actually I do not give you……

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