Heart-Brain Relationship & Hatha Yoga Teaching Explained in Sahaja Yoga

Starting with Kundalini Awakening - known as Self Realization "With the opening of a single curtain of Sahasrara, the Kundalini comes up. But its Light does not start spreading all around just then. The Kundalini has just come up (to Sahasrara level= the Crown Chakra on top of our heads) and you have saluted the seat of Sadashiva (the God Almighty - the Father aspect). Within you, the Light of Atma (the "Spirit" in Sanskrit) has started flowing hazily. But it has not yet fully blossomed in this brain." Heart-Brain Relationship & Implications "Now, the surprising thing…

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Connections and Differences between Kundalini and Spirit

Let's Find out the Connections and Differences between Kundalini energy and The Spirit Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation Let's read and absorb the truth from this Quote from Shri Mataji's teachings: "The biggest problem we face is to keep the connection between this Spirit and the Kundalini. Our connection is very loose and that’s why this Kundalini cannot look after the Spirit. I wonder if you have noticed one thing in Sahaja Yoga, that you canmanoeuvre the Kundalini, but not the Spirit.  You can raise your hand, the Kundalini will move.…

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Who is Lord Shiva in Mythology and Diagram with Symbols

Discover "Who is Lord Shiva in Mythology and Diagram with Symbols" and Enjoy the Connection to Chakras with a VIDEO Example of Meditation for Heart Meditation with Shri Mataji for the Heart Chakra  - Sahaja Yoga Seminar in UK, 1988 "Please close your eyes.. Now we will all do the meditation .. We will work on the left hand (energy channel) side.. (keep) the left hand towards me. Now first of all you put your (right) hand on your Heart. In the heart resides Shiva, is The Spirit. So you have to thank your Spirit that it…

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March 1st – Invitation to the Opening of Milton’s 1st Sahaja Yoga Meditation Beginners Course!

In certain countries across the world, on March 1st people celebrate the Arriving on Spring. Definitely a Fresh and Promising Cool Breeze of Spring will arrive in the town of Milton (Halton region) with the opening of the 1st Class of Sahaja Yoga Meditation, right at the border with Mississauga. This first class will be dedicated to have this type of Meditation and its benefits introduced to the participants in a very inter-active manner, with a hands-on chakra workshop that will open the door to the sahaj know-how in dealing successfully with our daily stress as well…

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Learn about Nabhi Chakra, Dharma and Kundalini

Let's Learn about Nabhi Chakra, Dharma and Kundalini energy. We will Explore Wise Answers in Aboriginals' Seeking and Primordial Taboos Reflected in Chakra Knowledge Photo from Burlington, spring 2023. You should learn quite a bit about the Nabhi Chakra and its connections to Sahaj Dharma , Kundalini energy and other chakras. One might wonder: Where is Kundalini energy Rising First?! What is Sahaj Dharma? This article is helpful for those that want to dive deeper into the universe of subtle knowledge that is offered by Sahaja Yoga Meditation. Let's Explore Wise Answers in Aboriginals' Seeking and Primordial…

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Doris Yogini Reporting from Rome – Center for Evolutionary Learning & Beginnings of the “Meta Modern Era” during 2009 Meditation & Yoga international Seminar

Doris - Sahaja Yogini from France, reporting from Rome :-)   This year Italy played a fantastic role for experiencing Meditation & Yoga en-mass. Truly a fantastic year for exploring the amazing and diversified potential that Sahaja Yoga Meditation has to offer ! Remember the short story about the International Seminar - Retreat at Cabella earlier in 2009 and our Canadian Teenager's Experiences from Children Meditation Summer Camp at Daglio.Also there, at Cabella this inspired initiative arrived to invite Anandita Basu to come and tour Canada - and it happened! So it only comes "round" to share…

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