Who is Adi Shakti ?! What is the Primordial Power?!(VIDEOS, Testimonial, Prayer Poem)

Let's Celebrate the Primordial Power's Day and Learn about Shri Adi Shakti (VIDEOS, Testimonial, Poem) This Article is celebrating the Primordial Power's Day and it helps us to find out Who is Shri Adi Shakti and What is the Primordial Power through two sahaja yoga video excerpts, a remarkable prayer poem and a yogini's testimonial. Let's absorb subtle essences provided by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation. We will test our artistic and vibratory sensibility with Rajinee's poem and testimonial. Let's start the Celebration of Shri Adi Shakti's Day! Rajinee created "I…

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Wendy – Life is a Carnival

I am originally for Chile but established in Canada. I have participated in Sahaja Yoga meetings for many years and my experience has been very positive in every single way. Flower from Carmen's garden -- sister yogini from BC (Vancouver Island) Wendy - Life is a Carnival Sahaja yoga has taught me and helped me to grow spiritually, to be a more open person, spontaneous and more collective in the group.I have learnt that is really important to accept things -patiently- as they are. I have learnt how to meditate and to appreciate the silence, along with…

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(video) Bunica face Yoga, Mediteaza si Iarta – Ne Inspira pe Toti!

Prezentarea din videoul cre urmeaza (de 7 minute) este capturata "pe viu" la clasa de Meditatie Sahaja Yoga din Oakville - Halton, ON, Canada. Cine s-a incumetat sa vorbeasca despre "Al Treilea Ochi - Chakra Agnya" cu calitatile si blocajele inerente ? Bunica Celli pe care toti o cheama "Oma" - in vizita ei memorabila in Canada unde a participat serios la "Sahaj GURU Game" si s-a angrenat voluntar in practica meditatiei, curatarea centrilor subtili si in participarea activa la seminarele in aer liber si nu numai.Ne-a inspirat pe Toti! De abia isi pierduse sotul pe care…

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Ioana La Taclale cu Vecinii: Explicatii despre Sahaja Yoga si Meditatia Spontana

Poveste Romano-Canadiana cu VIDEO Introducere la Copacul Vietii, Duhul Sfant si Energia Kundalini Poza pt backdrop la videoul spontan :-) Ioana - La Taclale cu Vecinii despre Yoga si Meditatia Spontana La rugamintea mamei mele venita in vizita din Romania, am facut un mic video, cu adevarat pe fuga, in ultimele clipe dinaintea plecarii catre aeroport -- venise timpul sa spuna "La revedere Canada" cu inima plina de gratitudine pt frumusetile naturii Canadiene. De ce si pentru cine?! Anisoara - vecina draga a mamei, devenita prietena de suflet, este un cautator adevarat si dorea mult sa afle…

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Earth Day 2020 – 1st Guided Meditation (video – April 21)

(recorded VIDEO) SYMN Online Meditation Class - Tue, April 21, 2020 watch - feel - be "there" with us all We thank to OneTree for the amazing music for the ancient prayer that we incorporated in our video.. not to be missed also the bandhan for Peru's volunteer doctor helping with the COVID-19 testing that joined our online meditation class and confessed that it was helpful.. truly grateful for our online community of meditators.. such quality  ** 41 participants @ April 21 Online Evening Meditation class Today's recommended read :-) (click!) Calling the Seekers to Meet the…

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