Easter Basket for Your Heart (2021)

Easter Basket for Your Heart with Western Classical Music, Wisdom on Inner Glory and Canadian Spring Flowers This is our 2021 Easter Basket for your heart, mind and spirit. It is tailored to strengthen your self confidence in your destiny that is connected with Lord Jesus. Because, on Easter time we have a renewed opportunity to focus on our ideals and hopes for ourselves and all humanity. Therefore, we invite you to absorb our Easter offering. Enjoy two jewels of Western Classical music: Gloria by Antonio Vivaldi and Hallelujah Messiah by Handel . Easter Painting 2021 -…

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Video Guided Meditation – Shri Mataji’s Birthday Celebration 2021 with New Yogis Experiences

00:01Start1. UK Yogis Singing Welcoming of Shi Mataji with "Mata Meri" 2. Short videos about Shri Mataji's life.00:01 15:17Introduction1. Intro to our "Presenters": Gratiela, Kyla, Aldo and Kathleen.2. "Mother of OneTree" song.3. Shri Mataji talking about the Attention on One Tree & Who is Playing the Tune?!15:17 47:06Shivangana's flute performanceand another special musical gift.Shri Mataji is talking about The Advent (incredible talk)!47:06 1:18:00Kyla's Guided meditation & Gifts1:18:00 01:48:14Aldo's Special Advice and Personal Experience01:48:14 02:06:48Kathleen's gift of Innocence We are also doing a Cool Kids Song!!* More about Kathleen and our Yogis' focus on Innocence here:Photos of Innocence…

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Video Guided Meditation – Three Energy Channels

We invite you to watch the following video that includes primarily a guided meditation on the three energy channels of the yoga chakra map.. As always the video includes beautiful meditation music and a very special video excerpt with Shri Mataji's teachings. The timelines for the highlights of the video are: 00:01 "Intro to the Subtle Energy System and its Protection (Bandhan)"13:38 "A step by step guided meditation"35:26 "Sitar - Instrumental Meditation Music"41:03 "Shri Mataji's talk on October 29, 1981 in London about What is Meditation, Mana and Prana"56:08 "Quick recap and Participants are sharing their feedback"…

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Meditate with Ana Bianca and Nippun’s Artwork

Guided Meditation Video with Lecture about the Spirit and Inspired Painting by Toronto artist Enjoy the video recording of the online meditation session offered by one of our young instructors. Firstly, you will meditate with Ana Bianca who is guiding the class step by step, very easy to follow. So, let us know if you've enjoyed it! Secondly, there is a video excerpt from Shri Mataji's :Lecture about the Spirit. Thirdly, there was a very special guest, a young Toronto artist that loves to meditate with our group. So, Nippun's artwork was represented by one of his…

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(video) The Divine Feminine in Romania – “Ziua Doamnei & Shakti Powers”

The Divine Feminine in Romania Enjoy this article dedicated to the Divine Feminine in Romania. Watch the video capturing the Live Online program in English and Romanian featuring Romanian folk music from various regions interpreted only by women, as well artwork by women artists. In addition, explore the connections to the Yoga system's energy channels and energy centers (chakras) and experience the awakening of the feminine kundalini power with Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation meditation. We offer you a real treasure of various subtle connections offered on March 7, 2021. VIDEO…

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