I am originally for Chile but established in Canada. I have participated in Sahaja Yoga meetings for many years and my experience has been very positive in every single way.
Wendy – Life is a Carnival
Sahaja yoga has taught me and helped me to grow spiritually, to be a more open person, spontaneous and more collective in the group.
I have learnt that is really important to accept things -patiently- as they are. I have learnt how to meditate and to appreciate the silence, along with all the benefits that come with it, like keeping silent the mind, being relaxed and to stay in present moment.
One of the main lessons is to recognize ourselves as a Spirit, therefore we make decisions and express ourselves sincerely from the Heart, rejecting the Ego.
The Sahaja Yogis are a lovely, open and genuine group of people, this allows us to express our feelings, open our hearts and share our ideas with confidence.
Shri Mataji, the founder of Sahaja Yoga, was a well educated and very intelligent woman (she was a physician). All of her talks and speeches she offered all around the world are very interesting and are full of wisdom.
I recommend everyone, no matter the stage of your life you’re in, to attend some of the Sahaja Yoga sessions.
Wendy – from Burlington (Halton Sahaja Yoga Meditation Family)
(video) La Vida Es un Carnaval Celia Cruz and Yogis of Halton
Yogis Dancing Salsa during the “Sahaj Latin-Indian Fiesta in the Plaza” event organized by Halton Sahaja Yoga Meditation team in downtown Oakville in partnership with the Oakville Organic Market Farm (2009)
(click!) Sinuhe – My experience in Mexico with meditation and the transformation it started in my life
(click!) Amanda Philip Carmela – Three Cups filled with Optimism (Video-Testimonials)
Check also the following 5 min video testimonial
We hope you’ve enjoyed Wendy’s “Life is a Carnival” personal story. If you explored the links we’ve shared in this article and the video, pretty sure you’ve made few new yogi friends already! Drop a comment if you feel – they’ll be glad to hear from you :-).