Let’s Celebrate the Primordial Power’s Day and Learn about Shri Adi Shakti (VIDEOS, Testimonial, Poem)
This Article is celebrating the Primordial Power’s Day and it helps us to find out Who is Shri Adi Shakti and What is the Primordial Power through two sahaja yoga video excerpts, a remarkable prayer poem and a yogini’s testimonial. Let’s absorb subtle essences provided by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation. We will test our artistic and vibratory sensibility with Rajinee’s poem and testimonial. Let’s start the Celebration of Shri Adi Shakti’s Day!
Rajinee created “I am a Sahaja Yogi” Poem prayer and shared it with the Halton Sahaja Yogis during the Collective Online meditation bhakti session dedicated to “Shri Adi Shakti Puja” on The Primordial Power’s Day. Enjoy it below. Feel the power!
Rajinee’s Story and Prayer Poem
I was awakened on the morning of Shri Adi Shakti puja, at 4 am, during a severe thunderstorm, with the following words oozing within my Being.
“I had the immense desire to share these words with all the seekers of Truth.
As the heavy rain is cleansing Mother Earth of all the impurities we have created,
let Her Holy waters also cleanse us of all the impurities within and around us.
Cleanse us of all our anger, grudges, and wash away all our guilt, all the impurities that are holding us back from becoming the Pure Spirit.
Shri Adi Shakti, please make us as surrendered as the trees in this heavy wind.
Each leaf, each branch, is going with the direction of the wind, creating a beautiful rhythm, a majestic dance. Please give us, your children the same wisdom of going with the flow of life.
Help us to give up that “Iness”, that creates a resistance against the wind.
Let us know the truth, that we who are surrendered, and blow with the direction of the wind are unbreakable and will stand tall tomorrow in the sunshine.
As a thunderstorm is not just rain, wind, lightning, and thunder, but a combination of all these forces.
Let us as Sahaja yogis know that by Your Grace, we are not just Human Beings.
You Shri Adi Shakti, have made us into Superhumans (*), we may even say Superheroes (*). Please awaken this knowledge (*) within us, so that we can transform our brothers and sisters who are seekers and give them the gift You have given us.
As lightning and thunder fearlessly announce its presence, let us as Sahaja yogis, be fearless in announcing ourselves. Let us all with confidence, pure love, and compassion in our hearts, announce on this auspicious day:
let us have the courage to be One with ourselves,
each other,
and One with the Divine.
With both hands on our heart, we bow to You,
knowing THIS
is the position where we will remain Unbreakable.“
(*) the Superhuman / Superhero reference is in connection to inner power that Sahaja yogis receive: the one to awaken the Kundalini energy in others, that is in fact a very humbling experience as it is not related to one’s “special qualities” but it has to do with their own Kundalini energy being awakened as a “granted benefit” from practicing sahaja yoga meditation; when one uses this knowledge (*) that acts as a power it allows the most innocent joy-giving experience; So there is no place for any ego in it 🙂
Grateful – Letter from a Sahaja Yogini
Dear Ioana,
I just wanted you to know that since I have started meditating with Halton online team I feel such a sense of joy, and purpose in my life. I look forward to meditating with you and all the other beautiful seekers every day, it’s truly the highlight of my day. One day as I was meditating online with your group, the answer to why I love meditating with this group came to me spontaneously. You genuinely, make us feel inclusive and a part of something bigger than ourselves. Although I have never met you or anyone else of the group in person, I feel so connected to you all. The most amazing thing about the way you conduct your sessions is that you don’t allow seekers to stand for a long time at the shore testing the water, you gently assure them that there’s no fear in emerging themselves in the water. With love and compassion, you remind all seekers that they have their life jackets on (Kundalini awakened), and your hands to guide them gently into the waters, allowing them to quickly become aware, that they are part and parcel of the whole. Meditating online with this group has been a great blessing and I hope when things go back to “normal” that we can still do the online sessions.
With tremendous love Rajinee
There are two Video excerpts about Shri Adi Shakti and one Testimonial about “G”; Enjoy!
Let’s find out Who is Adi Shakti and What is the Primordial Power?! How it helps us?!
The first Video excerpt about Shri Adi Shakti:
The second Video excerpt about Shri Adi Shakti: Achieve the Oneness and the Newness!
Explore Rajinee’s Testimonial – My journey from Being Afraid of the “G” Word to Finding God as per Confucius
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As I was listening to Rajinee’s poem that morning, I was very impressed and touched by the creative analogy to nature.
However, the line about having been “made into Superhumans, we may even say Superheroes” somewhat concerned me, because embracing this concept may lead to inflated egos and ego trips.
Let us remind ourselves that humbling down is essential for Kundalini awakening and achieving true Yoga.
Dear Jolanta,
Actually this superhero logic, I say this to my kids too, just to remind them that we have this superpowers after getting realization and we should acknowledge, not with ego, but with innocence 🙂
Dear Rajinee,
I was one of the lucky ones that got to hear, feel and enjoy your beautiful poem/prayer/promise that morning. Thank you for enveloping us in this prayer -it felt like you spoke out our heart in the most beautiful sincere way and it was you who were meant to say it for all for us…as you know that morning we were in Bhakti and some of us, couldn’t say anything. We really desired to hear some form of “bhakti” – was in awe the whole time and bhakti to Shri Mataji carried on in my heart even after we all hung up. When you said to say “I am a Sahaja yogi” I felt rush of cool vibrations. Every time I hear your voice, I feel a familiarity with you. I feel as if you’re part of this beautiful Halton Sahaja family.
Dear Rajinee, I am so glad we have this poem/prayer written down now. When you were saying it on that day, I could feel myself going deeper and deeper and sincerely felt having one on one conversation with all pervading power. Later, when I spoke to my mom, who was also on the going deeper session that morning, she told me the same. First she thought, it was me who was saying all this, and she was wondering if I was reading it from my notes or something :-), in the middle of the prayer, she realized, it was not me, but continued to enjoy the love pouring out from this poem. She wanted to thank you, but her zoom session was cut off right after, she didn’t realize that, and just continued to enjoy the beautiful vibrations from that morning meditation.
These online sessions are really helping our family to settle down in meditation and enjoy each other’s company as a true collective! Thank you.
I had to share this- about the pictures on this article. The one with Palm tree leaves…when I saw it I could feel coolness in sahasara. in fact everytime I scroll up to look at it, I feel clear rising and coolness in sahasrara. And the beautiful oil painting I had to find out more about this so sharing what I discovered- it answered everything I notiecd on the painting and wondered about: it is called The Annunciation by Paolo de Matteis, Italian, 1662–1728
Following description taken from a website…it is amazing how connected this artist was and his art is still alive through vibrations. I so enjoyed this entire article – what treasures we have here on this website. Thank you to the one that put it all together – namaste to you! All my love.
In this scene from the biblical New Testament, the archangel Gabriel arrives bearing news that the Virgin Mary will bear a child, the infant Jesus. The clouds beneath the messenger, his accompaniment of winged cherubs, and a golden glow, make it clear that he is divine. A dove in the golden aura near the top of the canvas symbolizes God sending the child into Mary’s womb. The artist used soft colors and delicate forms to evoke a sense of poetic ideal.
The poem written by Rajinne is full of humble Ness,even the each and every single word of this poem have the power to transform
each of us.What a beautiful way to praise and pray to mother nature who is Primordial motherto enlighten all of us by washing all of our anger,guilt and what is not good for your children.love this poem .Thanks to Ioana for this lovely article.and the grateful letter from Rajinee is an another poetry. Thanks again and again.