Canadians Meditate at SummerFest in Burlington

Let's take a quick glance to the Meditation Workshops offered at the SummerFest in Burlington Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network was a proud contributor to the SummerFest 2024 edition It was wonderful that our team of volunteers from Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network was able to participate along other wonderful teams of volunteers to this outdoors festival offered on Fri, June 28, 2024 in our beloved Brant Hills community.We should disclose the fact that we offered continuously for 18 years, free weekly sahaja yoga meditation classes at the Brant Hills Community Centre. Actually, our classes started the very same…

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The Mayor and 2×100 Seeds of Joy Events Joined June’s 100in1Day Canada

Enjoy the long due Recollection about our two 100 Seeds of Joy events that joined the 100in1Day Canada initiative celebrated in Burlington last year in June. The Mayor of Burlington joined it too! Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network volunteers offered 2 events that day. The Mayor of Burlington also came by and met our SYMN team. Enjoy the Super Active team of Halton Volunteers from Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network group We received the invitation to participate in the 100in1Day Canada initiative that manifested on June 3, 2023 across the Burlington community. Of course our answer was "Thank You,…

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One Year milestone for the Flute Music and Meditation Evenings in Burlington (photos, videos, feedback)

beautiful cloud formation seen after the Live Flute and Meditation evening program offered on June 6, 2024 at the Public Library in Burlington.This cloud formation was truly remarkable, resembling with the head of Shri Hanumana (hero of Ramayana ancient epic) as well with an immense lotus flower. Shivangna (musician) and Ioana from 100 Seeds of Joy team after Shivangna's Live Flute & Meditation program (June 6, 2024) We just celebrated our one year milestone of wonderful partnership in offering almost monthly flute music and meditation programs, always free, at various locations of the Burlington Public Library, always…

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Marathon of Wellness produced a Thank You Letter for Sowing Joy in Two Cities on Children’s Day

Halton's giant peonies Let's review How this year's Children's Day was celebrated by the the volunteers from Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network with a Marathon of Wellness and JOY Sowing in Two Ontario Cities Our Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network of Halton volunteers continue to grow their 100 Seeds of Joy Community initiative!On Sunday of June 1st that was marking the International Children's Day, as we always celebrate this special day by offering Sahaja Yoga Meditation workshops, our team offered a Marathon of Wellness, sowing joy in two Ontario cities. We started in the morning and early afternoon with…

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Casa Romana Sweets offered “Meditation and Intro to Family Chakras”on Today’s Breakfast Menu

Today: Let's become guilt-free and achieve the inner balance with a peaceful mind in meditation Ontario Lakeshore in Burlington, photo from Ioana Ioana's Intro to Meditation * Energy Flow (photos by Sofia) Planting Seeds of Joy at Casa Romana Sweets with "Meditation and Intro to Family Chakras" Today we accepted the invite from WoS (Women of Success) group to offer a "Meditation and Intro to Family Chakras" class in the most welcoming Casa Romana Sweets, a greatly appreciated Bakery in Oakville.We invite you to explore this article until the very end to discover beautiful networks of people,…

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Meditation is the Secret Ingredient in Cooking with Love a Cheesecake!

The popular Cooking with Love sessions you've known from the Halton local media, are back! Poster about "Cooking with Love" for "Cool Kids and Parents" FREE program scheduled for May 18 (this is the first one in 2024). Get ready to enroll in the FREE "Cooking with Love" sessions that will be offered in 2024; you will find out from our 100 Seeds of Joy team and chef Mama Carmela how Meditation is the Secret Ingredient in Cooking with Love.Explore the videos and articles shared in this posting, to get a feeling of what's next, however, keep…

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