Isabelle’s Story about that Beautiful Day with Yoann & Four Halton Sahaja Yogis Enjoying the Canadian Fall
Isabelle: “We have many treasures around us however we are too busy to see them and then don’t realize that they exist. 
I have lived here for many years and not until recently have I visited Webster’ Falls and the Tews Falls. I have always loved the beauty of nature and it is beautiful to contemplate on your own but I would always think I wish so and so can see this, to share This Beauty. It was so nice to share this day with Yoann, Chandra, Ioana and Gladys. Ioana showed me this place a couple of years back and..
I would watch others of their first experience of it and be so happy when they fall in love with it.”
1) The Webster Falls in Fall 2010- VIDEO
2) The Tews Falls 2010 – VIDEO
It doesn’t matter how many times I go I will always be in awe of it and at peace.
Isabelle continues: “I sat on the cliff and meditated looking at the ever-changing trees and watched them how they moved together, it was breathing and I felt an openness within my chest breathing in that same air. There is nothing more beautiful than nature and when you are able to breath it in and feel it,
Then well…. you are blessed.” 
Gladys (another friend that participates to our sahaja yoga meditation classes in Halton region.. she was part of our travel party that day):
“I wanted to go to the Falls for a Long time, and I got my wish!!!!
I’ve felt that Falls within me as Vibrations..
“Thanks to all of you .” says Gladys

Yoann & Omar- visiting Milton’s Nature & People
Yoann’s Amazing Visit with Rainbows @ Niagara Falls
Yoann’s Visit @ Crawford Lake – Native Indian Land with Hearts on Earth
we have loved receiving all the videos, photos, stories, of Yoann’s time in Canada!! We await his arrival in the US with joyful anticipation. Really love the new phrase used to convey the essence of Yoann’s tour across Canada, “Enlightened Gospels” and would like to use that on the media materials here too!
Great job to all who have helped share all the collectivity and experiences of Yoann’s Canadian Tour. We feel connected to you and as if we are also there with you.
Feeling the joy and peace too! Thank you very much for sharing these moments!
Beautifully said Isabella…
Thank you, I´m in different place and diferent time, but I´m filling like beeng there. Thank you : Mary
Beautiful falls. Beautifully pictured and described. Feel instant connect with them and sincerely hope to visit them some day with Sahajayogis.
We will be with you all very soon.