Faces in Niagara Falls?! The Journey behind the Falls – A Collective Meditation on Thunder Goddess – Shri Vishnumaya in Photos

Discover the Faces in Niagara Falls and Learn about the Thunder Goddess Above is the amazing photo of Niagara Falls taken during a collective meditation on Sunday, September 18, 2011 by Rahul, a dear friend that practices sahaja yoga meditation in USA.  Below we've gathered some feedback as well few photos captured during our Collective Journey behind the Falls, with sahaja yogis from both Canada and USA (about 50 of us) that decided to have an early meditation in this sacred place. In Sahaja Yoga Meditation one can gain a new level or perception, the vibratory sense,…

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A Fabulous Day@ Webster Falls with Yoann in Photos, VIDEOS & Stories

Isabelle's Story about that Beautiful  Day with Yoann & Four Halton Sahaja Yogis Enjoying the Canadian Fall Isabelle: "We have many treasures around us however we are too busy to see them and then don’t realize that they exist. I have lived here for many years and not until recently have I visited Webster’ Falls and the Tews Falls.  I have always loved the beauty of nature and it is beautiful to contemplate on your own but I would always think I wish so and so can see this, to share This Beauty.  It was so nice…

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