Discover the Faces in Niagara Falls and Learn about the Thunder Goddess
Above is the amazing photo of Niagara Falls taken during a collective meditation on Sunday, September 18, 2011 by Rahul, a dear friend that practices sahaja yoga meditation in USA. Below we’ve gathered some feedback as well few photos captured during our Collective Journey behind the Falls, with sahaja yogis from both Canada and USA (about 50 of us) that decided to have an early meditation in this sacred place. In Sahaja Yoga Meditation one can gain a new level or perception, the vibratory sense, that allows us to feel/realize/enjoy the spiritual dimension of any thing/place/person. Niagara Falls is known to emit the powerful energy of Shri Vishnumaya, the Deity that governs the Left aspect of the Throat Subtle Energy centre (Vishuddhi Chakra). Enjoy the feedback and the photos from that magic collective experience.
Alan Wherry (publisher/composer/poet and sahaja yogi from New York)
Sunday morning saw another early start, to Niagara Falls, where we meditated behind the falls. The Canadian side of the falls is horseshoe shaped, like a bandhan, and the Native Americans called it the Thunder Goddess (Shri Vishnumaya). Much love, Alan” **the Bandhan is a protective exercise we learn in sahaja yoga meditation that creates rainbow like shields of subtle energy around the body
From Rahul Kumar (Indiana, USA): It was indeed an adventure of lifetime . I do believe that Shri Vishnumaya is in the Niagara Falls :), while browsing at some pictures I took on Sunday I kept stopping at this one, only to my amazement did I realize later when I looked deeper that there is a face hidden and it felt just profound… ”
From Joann (USA): “Our time in Canada was amazing, wondrous, divine! Looking at the picture (with Niagara falls above), I see the wonder continues – see the two faces formed by Niagara Falls – one large, more feminine face closer to the foreground, and a smaller, more masculine one further away….or is my imagination in overdrive ?! “
Back to our journey behind the falls was indeed very powerful when we stood up, facing Niagara Falls from so close, we did recite Mantras outloud, together, yogis from both sides of the border invoking in Sanskrit the qualities of the subtle powers gathered in this wondrous force of nature. Then, there was only the thunderous voice of Niagara Falls leading our meditation; we were imbibed with the purifying Powers that were pouring out over us from everywhere.
Jonathan from Halton sahaja yoga classes is sharing his experience below:
This trip to Niagara Falls was the most powerful clearing experience I have ever had. I will never forget the strong vibrations I experienced stepping out of the elevator when we went down inside of the tunnels behind the falls. My hands were buzzing like crazy! (see the third picture). I have never felt so clear on a subtle level, and it has lasted so long!
It was amazing to experience all of this with our Sahaj family from South and North. Truly, our borders do not separate us.
After the program at the community center, many of us felt strongly to return to the falls. There, we shared many more stories in the dusk. A wonderful collective experience! Cheers, Jonathan -Halton classes.
Back to the reason of organizing such a Weekend of Togethernerss with yogis from Canada and USA: We wanted to Realize and Share the Powers of this North-American symbol -Niagara Falls-.. and hopefully trigger a flow of vibrations and blessings over North America .. from the Thunder Goddess, Shri Vishnumaya, known as the protector of Chastity, the daughter of Shri Mahakali (the Power of the Ida Nadi-Left Energy Channel), the one that destroys the negativity in and out, the one that had announced great Incarnations in the past, the one that destroys Guilt and any hidden Ego, the one that Protects and Creates and Empowers the pure relationship among (spiritual) siblings, the one that is as well Shri Saraswati (that governs the swadhistana chakra of pure learning and knowledge) and Shri Fatima (the archetype that is governing the aspect of womanhood, generosity, the goddess that is blessing our homes and our left aspect of Nabhi chakras).. Here there is a quote-teaching from Shri Mataji:
“Vishnumaya is Gauri, the pure virgin, chastity is the power of Vishnumaya.. the power of Vishnumaya is the most powerful thing that a human being can have, is the most auspicious thing ..The essence of religious life, of Sahaja Yoga life is chastity. Without a sense of chastity you cannot have dharma ( dharma represents the innate righteousness or religion) (Shri Vishnumaya Puja UK, 1985).
Thanks go to Rahul (USA), Eva (Belgium) and Nari and Abi (Canada) for the photos above, all taken same day.
Link to VIDEO (Niagara Falls with Rainbow, Boat and Horseshoe’s powerful mouth) here.
(click!) A Belgium Student’s Marathon Experience with Sahaja Yoga in Canada
(click!) More Niagara Falls Photos and Impressions as well Knowledge about Shri Vishnumaya
Please, submit your comments, if you felt these photos’ energy or you were able to see faces in Rahul’s photo with Niagara Falls .
“Imagination is our creative aspect… or simply the observer within… showing us that there is so much more when we are awake.
Yes… I see the female in the pure white foam in the centre, her left cheek bone is clearly outlined, her mouth and nose… as well her left eyebrow.
And in another splash of light slightly above and to her left is the male… in the background so to speak. Yet ever present, and beside her. A duality, yet One.
I see more… to the left of the faces, in shadow form is the head of perhaps a cougar… very much a part of Native American folklore… elusive.
And there is more… “if you can see the invisible… you will be able to do the impossible”… let yourself go.
Thankyou for the wonderful photo.
merci de partager les belles vibrations qui se dégagent de la photo.
Our Canada Trip, It was a Joy Ride 🙂
The whole weekend was filled with such vibrations that I was floating in the soothing bliss.
Niagara Falls :)is just Majestic the Canadian side is really beautiful.It was really great to receive that love from our brothers and sisters in Canada and we are grateful to them for making the weekend a memorable event of our life.
It was a blessing to capture the spiritual elements in pictures, it was my hidden desire to see the subtle in that thoughtless state of pure witness and surrender 🙂 and it was fulfilled.
It was like holding infinity in the palms of your hands and eternity in an hour…
Once again Kudos to Canadian collective for bringing this wonderful seminar together. We love you!
It is so natural to see the Divine in nature.
In many many photos made by sahaj people there are Shri Mataji everiwhere, even in human hair design! People share a lot of that kind of photos in Russia. Sometimes it is veri vivid and evident! It may be good idea to publish such photos in one book.
The faces in the Niagara falls are visible cleary. The subtle is present everywhere and only sahajis can recognise the magnaminity of it.
Great pics all in all. By only seeing one gets so much vibrations, I can very well imagine what would have been experienced by all those who meditated in that beautiful location.
Kudos Rahul.. Keep it up
So good to feel this Collective Joy spreading…
I will never forget the Bliss of Niagara Falls…
The Face of the Devi in the falls it is AMAZING ! No doubt to have!! hihi!
Thank you so much Ioana for this photo of Vishnumaya; I had been looking for her since long
It was a beautiful day. To begin with, the weather was so warm. I like to call it Sahaj weather :). For so many mornings, we awoke in coldness, but not this morning – warmer than usual for our day at Niagara Falls. It was a blessing to have our American SY’s with us, bringing with them so much love, with open hearts. It was truly amazing to spend the weekend with them. We learned a lot and shared a lot. Hope to have many, many more weekend get togethers like this!
Amazing! the clear image of a goddess in the Niagara falls, awe inspiring, reassuring and comforting! these Great Beings sublty manifesting in the Nature looking after us…Thank you for sharing these moments.
These miracle only take place when we SURRENDER and forgot all our AHAMKAR EGO & SUPER EGO,into the DIVINE ..
truly amazing photos
clearly visible deities
How blessed you are my dear brothers and sisters
and thank you for sharing such a treasure
This trip to Niagara Falls was the most powerful clearing experience I have ever had. I will never forget the strong vibrations I experienced stepping out of the elevator when we went down inside of the tunnels behind the falls. My hands were buzzing like crazy! (see the third picture). I have never felt so clear on a subtle level, and it has lasted so long!
It was amazing to experience all of this with our Sahaj family from South and North. Truly, our borders do not separate us.
After the program at the community center, many of us felt strongly to return to the falls. There, we shared many more stories in the dusk. A wonderful collective experience!
Yes, the faces are clearly visible…:)and the vibrations from the picture of the waterfall and the blue sky are tremendous and fresh!!
Thanks a ton for sharing!
Requesting Shri Mataji to give me a chance to enjoy the Canadian collectivity ,especially The Vishnumaya.
The vibratons are great in these snaps , I am a new SYS in dubai, I hope with mothers blessings i can visit this place of vishnumaya in canada.
In one of her speeches, Shri Mataji has said that the rainbow is the sign of Shri Vishnumaya indicating the end of a storm. In the Old Testament also it is mentioned that the rainbow is the sign of God’s covenant to never flood the whole earth again (one of Vishnumaya’s powers is to use any of the five elements for creating natural disasters when people go into adharma/immoral behaviour)